The best way to describe the different viewpoints between survivor mains and killer mains

ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Both sides do tend to make some pretty dumb arguments, but there are arguments that are fairly justified. Survivor mains are right about killers such as Spirit and Freddy being quite boring to go against, and killer mains have pretty good points as to how unfair gen speed can be at times because it's quite hard to pressure gens if you're going against one of those rare teams who do gens insanely quick, and if they're really good at looping then gg. Both sides hold different viewpoints, but they did agree on with how annoying the Ruin Undying Meta was. Maybe if both sides put their beef aside, maybe we could work as a community to tell BHVR that we want a product that's not half baked and want better. I know it's wishful thinking, but seriously this game can be so much better... It just feels like at times, our voices aren't heard. And with the lack of competition, DBD's gonna remain as stale as it's been.


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,625

    "Freddy being quite boring to go against"

    How dare you call my babe "boring"? I will hunt you in your Dreams for that!

    On a more serious note, I agree with you. But I don't know how to unite killer mains and survivor mains, it sounds like an impossible task.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is.

    There would have to be something incredibly egregious (like Legion 1.0) for people to come together.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It has happened in the past, during times of crisis.

    But you are correct, most of the time, people's ego's will prevent them from uniting.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Turn them into a robots, and put chips in them. And make them obey your orders, hell we should be doing that to BHVR.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Thankfully someone like me plays both sides equally, and can see the bs this game has. When I play survivor I don't stack second chance perks, because it's honestly boring. As for killer I should be allowed to play how I feel, because there's no rulebook telling me how I should play killer. At the end of the day it's a video game, but it's a video game that has so much potential to be better.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Exactly. This game is casual at its heart so that’s how I play it. Autodidact is a staple of my builds and gearhead is my all time favourite killer perks alongside dark devotion

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Eventhoug I'm a survivor main I understand the struggle killers go through by talking with them on this very forum. Talking to the opposite side does wonders.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    As someone who plays both sides, I of course have seen that BS from both roles but at the end of the day this is only a video game. I just wish everyone would try to enjoy it rather than calling out things that need to be reworked all the time. No matter what the devs try to fix, it's still gonna be hard to please the community.

  • alecsharks
    alecsharks Member Posts: 10

    I don't care what ya'll say - Honestly you have to be completely #########*ng delusional to think that survivors aren't at a MASSIVE advantage and that every mechanic in this game isn't based around annoying the living sh*t out of the killer..

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Killer go for the same object (aka survivor) after other object unhook it .

    Survivor: tunneller!

    Survivor go for the same object (aka gen) after killer kicked it.

    Survivor :

    Killer stay near his object wait for his object be done.

    Survivor: camper!

    Survivor stay near his object wait for his object be done.

    Survivor :

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I don't think both sides agreed ruin+undying was boring. In fact many M1 killers loved that combo because it took a lot of pressure off them so they could enjoy the match.

    Both sides did agree Nurse add ons were OP and had to be reworked but look how that turned out. Thank you devs -.-

    Love the FF8 reference. Been a long time since I played that game. I don't even remember that quote.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    I've started playing both sides and I've prestiged my Ash and gotten my cute Kate to 50. I have discovered how much I hate NOED as survivor, so I've started running Small Game to work totems. I still run it as killer, though. Getting tunneled and camped as survivor really blows, so I can honestly say that I've made an effort to not hook the same survivor twice in a row if there's another survivor right there I can go after. (But when your dumb-butt runs right in front of me, I'd be a moron not to take that.)

    If I only stuck to killer I wouldn't have discovered how fun SWF can be.

    Playing survivor is more chill and fun as an experience. Playing killer is more stressful and satisfying to win.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Honestly, if you main a certain role, your veiwpoint is biased and therefore irrelevant. Until you play both sides equally, you don't see the reason(s) why people play the way they do. Some people are only happy when they're complaining's way easier to whine and pout than see the other side of things.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Technically the Killers are already united with the survivors...the SOLO survivors. Killers can still have fun and be more chill with a group of solo survivors. They can still effectively use all perks and not have to use meta perks every god damn game...with SOLO survivors.

    Sadly SWF.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Had this image for about a month, and forgot about it so I had use for it.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I hope one day they make things better for solo queue.. Survivor and Killer lol

    Solo Q survivors have it rough. I'm not asking for huge buffs but a communication wheel would go a long way in helping to bridge the gap.

    And killer needs help because the gen times are actually a problem right now.

    Aside from those things I have hope in BHVR fixing things that are problematic as evidence by DS nerf, Undying nerf and the upcoming OoO rework / nerf. Also Freddy, Iri head, and eventual key rework too. There's a lot in the works it's just a matter of being patient bcuz BHVR likes to take forever with everything lol

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    I used to be a salty (solo) Survivor main. Then I started playing Killer.

    Now I'm salty but in a holistic way! :D

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Why do you feel like BHVR doesn’t listen? It seems like they make lots of changes based on player feedback. For example, DS will be getting yet another change. People complained about the new HUD being to spread out and they fairly quickly made changes. There have been lots of complaint posts about match making and they are trying to develop a skill based match making. When did you start playing? If it was towards the beginning, would you not say it is easier for killer today than it was 4 years ago?

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,508

    Everyone has united before in the past and it actually does have a good effect when it happens for instance the new UI and Colorblind settings. I personally wish their were more 50/50 people like me and a few others i know. Most survivors i meet are pure survivor, killer side i don't really get to ask but sometimes their the same.