How would we act if we were in DBD in real life? (Survivor prespective).

Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

When I think of certain popular films which detail dire, hopeless, terrifying situations (eg Saw, Hostel etc)...I often consider how I would feel and what I would do in those horrible scenarios.

So from the perspective of a survivor, how do you feel you would react and conduct youself? You and three others are condemed...trapped in a macabre environment...being pursued by a hulking blood-thirsty humanoid.

It's like the old proposition of "What would you do if you woke up and had a burglar in your house?"...sometimes we don't know until we face a situation in reality.

Would you try your best to protect the other survivors? Probably not as we wouldn't have any emotional connection to them.

Would you just hide and try not to cry too loud? Hoping the hideous beast will eventually go elsewhere?

Or maybe, regardless of the in-game limitations, you would band people together in an attempt to kill the killer?

Knowing what you know about yourself...what would you do?


  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited March 2021

    I like your honesty!

    If it was someone like Legion, Trickster etc: maybe go for a group kill or at least incapacitate our pursuer. But if it's one of the monsterous, inhuman looking beasts...I'm going to try and climb that wall 😊

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Run to the exit gate and see that those bars are wide enough for me to slip through. Deuces, suckas!!!!

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Constantly DC so that I wouldn't have to suffer through matches as much.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I would DC

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I would probably try to get all 4 survivoes and try to break de exit gate

    Like look at that it dosent seems like it is resistent, nothing that a hammer could not brake in one minute

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited March 2021

    Definitely try to be sneaky and avoid the killer as much as possible probably also avoid other survivors, since I don’t know if I can trust them. Might depend on their behavior of course, maybe try the following together.

    try to find another way out than gens, because how would I even fix them? Climb walls or find a way to break the wall, maybe even try to dig a hole under the wall.

    Find anything to defend myself, something sharp and/or at least a branch I can use since I am not physically strong enough for fist fights or anything. (just to be clear, I would probably not even be able to fight once I am found, I just need something so my brain thinks I could defend myself)

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I don't think I would care about the situation I was in but care about my action that might got me to the situation

    I would possibly do my best and try to help the other three even if it kills me

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Climb over the wall

  • OopsAllHexes
    OopsAllHexes Member Posts: 624

    Depends on if we have knowledge of DBD or not.

    If we have knowledge, escaping becomes 70% easier and there is a good chance that one can escape consistently. Without prior knowledge... it would be quite hard to say the least.

    As for me... we feel compassion for others when they are hurt or in trouble. It's why people sacrifice themselves or undergo pain for others. One would say "I wouldn't do anything for them", but if someone was hurting in front of you, or sitting on a meat hook, would you REALLY not try and do something?

    My choice is obvious. I don't know if I could do gens unless the gens can be repaired by newbies or can be understood quickly. I'd like to think that I can catch on to things quickly enough to escape...

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    If its piggy legion ghost face or trickster, I would beat the crap out of them with the other survivors and piss on the offering hooks while yelling obscenities at the entity. Then go look for beer

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'd set the record for the fastest Survivor to be drained of hope for the Entity to feed on.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I guess we all would like to avoid that hook because it looks pretty painful. Best thing would probably be to ######### as fast as possible. If there is no way to group up and take the weapon from that killer.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    To all those idiots who are going to gang up on the killer.(It doesn't matter who is it)

    Have a nice time getting ######### wrecked and then put on a meat hook because those things have superhuman strength gifted from the entity.

    I will just keep it cool and try to avoid the killer at all times.I will try to fight if this is my only chance.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    Repair generators and get out.

    Only I wouldn't know how to do repairs like that in real life.

    So I'd probably hide in a locker or a chest (them chests do look a bit too big to hold a single flashlight, it'll be a squeeze but I might get my ass in there).

    In the likely scenario that everyone dies, I'll either be stuck trying to get out of a chest or running in what I would hope to be the direction of the hatch before the killer gets there.

    So in short, yes; I would probably die.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'd kill all of the other survivors, so The Entity makes me a killer instead of a survivor.


    Nah! Just joking, I'm not a psychopath.

    Honestly, since I have no idea how to fix a generator, I'd probably try to act as bait. Or depending on the killer, try and reason with them.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    If it had more freedom than the game allows, everyone would probably be slaughtered into oblivion. You'll be facing creatures of completely nightmarish powers: Ghosts that can cross any barrier at amazing speeds; demons conjured out of vengeance or guilt who are indestructable; heavily armed, super-powered murderers; twisted creatures travelling through their own portals.

    In turn, fixing a generator is more complex and will require parts. A couple of kicks by Evan MacMillan alone would probably bust it beyond repair! Healing would be more than hand-gestures mimicking a children's magic show (a chainsaw hit alone is probably death). And how the smeg do you "cleanse" a totem, bearing in mind nobody knows even what "rules" this world has? And all the while with killers looking to carve you up.

    At most, the vast majority who are tough enough to fight through the neverending fear, pain and despair would have to spend a long time learning how to survive long enough to learn about the surroundings.

    Oh, and the loneliness. You'll possibly never make friends due to the constant flinging around between other survivors. People will start to rely on themselves and not others, because the sheer madness will lead to them not knowing who to trust. No relationships. No love. Not even aquaintances. Just a constant stream of strangers as scared or as mad perhaps you would become.

    Basically, this would be Hell. At least in the game there are mechanics and a certain pattern of things that make escaping a trial possible. Otherwise no amount of therapy would get you over the depression.

  • Novaranium
    Novaranium Member Posts: 2

    Well, since most of us don't know our way around a generator, we'd probably be dead? But since you can't really die, then it'd just be a endless hell of death lol.

  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284

    Probably cower until i get found if I be honest

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I would try to find an object with which i could protect myself. with other survivors i would set a plan on how to attack or sneak etc.

    Do you know the game called "Last Year; The Nightmare"?

    Every student has a role and we can do the same with more cooperation. after all, 4 can definitely kill 1.

    I'm not a strong person, I'm quite dependent on the people I'm with but sometimes i have the courage if there is no choice.

    I will do everything i can to be quiet and determined.

  • superpanda999
    superpanda999 Member Posts: 57

    I would be scared at first, but then after experiencing too many solo queue trials with terrible teammates, I would rage and end up becoming the next Killer.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    I am way too fat and out of shape to escape the killer. I would die brutally.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I protect those I care about or view as vulnerable, and I'd probably apologize to the killer after slamming a pallet because I'm a big baby. I would definitely freak out, but after getting used to it I'd probably work on generators with airpods in while everyone dies lol