Why hold the game back for moonwalks?

Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

Every time the devs change something with survivor movement we get a flood of crying that they can't moonwalk or 360 any more.

Clearly if your survivors have enough time to entertain themselves moonwalking then doesn't that point to an issue with balance? If you are so unbelievably bored that you need to practice walking backwards all game, i would say we need a huge killer buff or map nerf.

Survivors claim 360's are pointless, but why do they rage and cry and fit all over the forums and social media every time it is toned down? It is clearly gaining them some kind of advantage if this is the case.

Make the game better and stop going back to 2016.



  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    We don't need a huge killer buff or map nerf (for most killers and maps anyways). Also when people were complaining about movement being changed, it wasn't because of 360s or moon walking but that movement felt extremely clunky especially when rounding corners, although some people did like messing around with 360s and moon walking.

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85

    To be honest, at almost 3000 hours into this game, it is clear to me that the vast majority of people who moonwalk are absolutely horrendous at the game, rather than the other way around. Most players who prefer showing off rather than playing properly just face the axe sooner. ^^

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    360s are a thing that both survivors and killers can improve on. The animations change made it very hard to dodge slinger and huntress aswell

    Moonwalking is a fun thing you can learn to do that really has little impact. They might as well keep it though since survivor movement was already perfect

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    .... or we could give survivors more map interaction?

    Its either be chased or do gen. and the killer can only chase 1 survivor at the time so the rest most entertain themself with m1 simulator

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    You Clearly wants Survivors Run in straight line 360's is the only one thing that require skills to do it that can save sometimes , but as killer you should know how to counter it ;) , Moonwalk is an other thing , it's the only thing fun to do when killer is not on me XD but it is completly useless to make the game forward

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    That wasn't the main problem, the main problem was that the new movement made survivors feel awful and clunky to control, and it made weaving left and right to dodge a deathslinger or huntress way harder.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,346

    When the devs clearly state that their visual animation update isn't intended to change how movement works and feels mechanically, then it turns out it did exactly that, it makes sense that they'll make additional changes to "fix" that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Can't update the visuals to resemble human movement without removing the janky movement from the year 2000.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    360s and Moonwalks are the TRUE survivor second objective.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    360s rarely work against a good killer.

    I have never even encountered moonwalking in-game on either side, even seeing other survivors derping around at the exit gate. It's extremely difficult to do with any consistency. From my experience trying to practice it, 360s could be learned in a matter of minutes (though practicing for consistency at all angles will take much more time), and there's a couple different ways to execute it. However, there's only one way to moonwalk, and it's not a pick up and play sort of thing.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    I think you are intentionally being obtuse. I play 50/50 killer/survivor, and the movement was awful. "un telegraphed movement" does not make for easy games, it makes for counterplay. During that patch, if a huntress threw a fully charged hatchet, you pretty much couldn't dodge it. no matter what. Having the ability to dodge makes it a mindgame, where both the killer and the survivor can skillfully outplay each other. Think about how people often complain about Deathslinger, literally for this exact reason. Very little counterplay doesn't necessarily make a killer OP, but it makes them boring and un-fun to go against. Along with that, turning around while in chase felt terrible, you actually lost distance by doing so, even if you reacted well. Therefore, killers double backing at even safe pallets could gain them distance on account of survivors not being able to react in time due to the movement at the time.

    As for moonwalking, people do it for fun, obviously it is more practical to be on a gen. I don't see why, assuming you play killer, you would be unhappy with people spending time not on gens. It's similar to flashlights. People waiting around a chase for beamer saves aren't on gens, so unless you land the save (which is very counterable), you have wasted possibly up to 60 seconds, which is 3/4 of a gen.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Moonwalking doesn't always waste time unless you are trying to show off your 'sick mlg moonwalks'

    Also it can be quite nice against a good Nurse (not a god nurse) as the turn can make them think your gonna double back and for a moment it looks like you are running towards them which can mess up their blink massively and allow you to gain a large amount of distance

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    The fact that the company put out a survey asking if 360s and moonwalking were important to gameplay made me lose all hope in the developers.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    “Skillfully outplay”

    oh please as survivor you just do a little flick and it avoids any kind of ranged shor. Hatchets, harpoons, of POTD attacks. An entire attack dodged because of a little flick.

    You’re given jungle gyms and obstacles around the map to avoid ranged shots. Being caught out in the open is when killers are meant to get hits, but survivors want a chance for safety 100% of the time. They dont want any situation when they’re vulnerable, which contributes greatly to the poor balance of this game and a reason why nobody is playing killer

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    We can see the Killer bias on the forums, which is why the forums are no indication of what should be changed. Even though survivor makes up 4/5s of the player base and Killers only make up 1/5 it appears the Killers make up a lot more of the forum goers.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Or I just made the better point. The fact that you think you have to be a killer main to upvote anything that's in favor of killers (and the same for survivors) says more about you than the forum.

    PS: I'm a survivor main.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    Your bias is showing. Survivor movement has stayed the same for 5 years, and to have it changed so drastically screwed up a lot of survivor players me included. Being able to turn corners sharpely is NEEDED for loops and when you take the ability to do that you make a lot of loops in the game much more weaker. Hell, even the devs said themselves that the animation changes wasn't suppose to change survivor movement, only how it looks.

    How would you feel if the devs made it so that whenever a killer moved side to side or backwards there movement speed would be reduced heavily because of an animation change?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How would you feel if the devs made it so that whenever a killer moved side to side or backwards there movement speed would be reduced heavily because of an animation change?

    That's literally already true. It's part of the reason why looping works the way it does.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,580

    I played around 100 hours on the patch that "changed" survivor movement. The problem with that patch was the desync hits. The movement felt more realistic and looked smoother. I had no problems looping the same as before minus the desync problem. Videos comparing the old/new movement showed there was zero difference in speed from the animation transitions.

    The only thing I had difficulty with movement-wise was spinning after I messed up and should have been hit anyway from being out positioned or mind gamed.

    The argument I always see from other survivor mains is "good killers don't get 360'd". If this is the case, removing it should have no impact on high level gameplay. Not to mention making it easier for new killers to play without getting steamrolled.

    Thanks for reading. I'll be trying to stay awake waiting in survivor queues if anyone needs me 😉

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    That original post about "SURVIVORS GO DODODO BUT KILLERS GO DUHDUDHUDH" was incredibly ridiculous to begin with, but you've actually managed to top it with an even more ludicrous take.

    Most people here play both sides of this game. But even many who don't still want the game to be good and recognize that both halves make the whole. They don't apply that childish "US VS THEM" lens you're perceiving this game through, where you think mere "survivor gud!" is inherently something "survivors" should up vote compared to a post that's not even the inverse--just calling out their ridiculous double standard commentary.

    However, there are indeed "survivor bias!" and "killer bias!" people on this forum still. Just not the majority. They're usually not hard to spot--it's always the ones with a mega persecution complex ranting about "the other side" keeping them down.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    You still can win and also having fun too. and when i said survivor fun is trying to win?

    It has been always like that. Killers has the louder voice because most of contant creators are killer mains. which is kinda fine btw since the devs are listening to both sides.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You still can win and also having fun too. and when i said survivor fun is trying to win?

    You implied it when you put killers going for the 4k in opposition to the survivors wanting to "have fun". So killers trying to win are not "having fun", and survivors losing are also not "having fun". The implication here is obvious.

    It has been always like that. Killers has the louder voice because most of contant creators are killer mains.

    Source? And why do you find it so outlandish that people can agree with something even if it's bad for "their" side?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The movement was the same speed. There are literally side by side comparisons that show it when the ptb was live.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I love this. You mention 360s and everyone defaults to the "360's do nothing" or start teasing for being 360'd even though i don't get 360'd on normal killers.

    The 360 is used to avoid shots from ranged killers and nurse (when they are not fov cheating) as well as pounce killers like demo and victor and to an extent billy and blight. You aim where they are and pop they teleport left or right leaving it to a GUESSING GAME like spirit is for survivors.

    I know rules for thee and not for me is how survivors think but the arguments presented are just like the old infinite days. "just chase someone else"

    It is funny how everyone fights so hard for something that is considered "weak" to the point the developers do a poll for it..

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    360's do nothing but survivors will fight tooth & nail to have them in.

    Kind of like when they say Dead Hard is a worthless perk as it leaves you exhausted on the ground but every survivor at rank 1 uses it.

    It's almost like they're not being truthful 🤨

    The thing I hate about 360's is how dumb they look. Some survivors can pull it off extra hard, and they go from in front of you, to a big whizz behind you at 200mph. I almost took my mouse off my mousepad the other day trying to keep up with that. It's just daft. Survivors complain about blight turning 180 degrees, yet it's ok for survivor models to do it?

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    not all killers see it that way. I play both sides and I try to play for fun as killer but I get taunted and abused for it.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    Going for the 4k as the only goal no matter HOW you do it, It create the boring gameplay.

    Not all of course, But the thing is tbagging and flashlight clicking isn't as bad as what the killer can do. Since one you can just ignore it because it dosen't effect your gameplay but the other you can't ignore.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I have this feeling: Currently the survivor hitbox and rotation center is not the middle of survivor body but behind the survivor. That's why it is easy to dodge e.g. huntress, because they often aim for the body, not for the invisible rotation/hitbox behind the survivor. But if you aim for that invisible hitbox behind, you will hit them no matter how much they wiggle. The update just fixed that the rotation center and hitbox is more inside the survivor. So nothing really changed in movement speed, acceleration, hitbox size, etc. The only thing that changed is where the survivor body is painted. It more accurately painted the survivor body around the hitbox and axis of rotation.

    That's why I think the update was good, and should not have been reverted. BHVR could communicate a bit better and explain why it was a good thing, not just instantly revert when survivors start to cry and complain.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Going for the 4k as the only goal no matter HOW you do it, It create the boring gameplay.

    Boring for whom, though? Because, clearly, you're only looking at it from one perspective.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You are 100% correct, as far as I know. The hitboxes are capsules and were not properly aligned with the model.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,844

    I'm sorry if you think the hitbox of that update was inside the survivor and not seven meters behind them please look up any 4.5.0 gameplay and just watch that lovely ✨desync✨ and unironically try and say that again.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I think that was a +- unrelated issue that could have been fixed without reverting the new movement animations.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Would survivour still be just as strong even if they would be completely removed?


    Would there be less things to be good at and less ways to entertain yourself?


    Then whats the point of touching them other than pissing on people who spend thousands of hours on this game.

    Other is a final attempt to not go down and other is just a minigame when walking from gen to another.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    "oh please as survivor you just do a little flick and it avoids any kind of ranged shor. Hatchets, harpoons, of POTD attacks. An entire attack dodged because of a little flick."

    If you anticipate that the survivour will just run in a straight line with these killers you are trash tier with them.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Its also very telling how they’re willing to pull months of animation work out of the game in an instant if survivors complain, but when the lots of people playing killer say autohaven is too dark or meat plant has too many god pallets they flat out refuse to do anything about it

    It’s very obvious where their priorities are.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    They can flick to the left or flick to the right. It’s a 50/50.

    Isnt a 50/50 the reason survivors are crying their eyes out about Spirit every day?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,844

    1) No because spirit isn't a 50/50 and more a 0.2/99.8.

    2) As someone who mains PH you don't use POTD in the open. You either take the risk and prediction at a loop where they're hugging the wall with a single flick direction or you use it to zone. I assume it's a similar principle for the rest of the ranged cast but I can't talk about them cause I don't play them (Plague being the only one I've played a bit of and with her you SprayAndPray™)

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Its funny how those spirit numbers dropped so radically from the 50/50 thats always thrown around. Funny how that works.

    Also yeah I get PH is only good in certain situations. Kind of shows how what the devs said about his nerf....sorry I mean update was a lie

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,844

    I've literally never called it a 50/50, so I'm just using the same argument I've always used. If other people call it a 50/50 good for them, funnily enough we're completely different people.

    Contrary to popular belief, not all survivors nor all killers are a hivemind with identical opinions.

    And no, that update was an absolute buff for people who actually knew how to play him. If you still think of it as a nerf, you're not a good pyramid head player.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Oh you’re one of those guys. “I’m an expert I know best and if you disagree you’re bad”

    Pretty much everyone considers it a nerf. The devs through their own language have admitted it’s a nerf.

    But I guess everyone is wrong and you, the worlds number 1 Pyramid head player are right. Our rank 20 brains just cant comprehend it

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,844

    In fear of derailing this topic here I go.

    "You're one of those people"

    Yes I am, and I have the skills to back it up. I would unironically consider myself an incredibly good PH player, unlike everything else in this game which I'd say I'm pretty awful at.

    It was a buff. To a good pyramid head the change was a buff; very, very few survivors are able to exploit the small window of time given when you cancel your power, and the reduced cooldown on POTD makes both missing less punishing and hitting even more rewarding.

    I stand by my statement that he's one of the strongest killers in this game, and if you think he's only good in "a few situations" then you just need to get better.

    He has one glaring weakness, which is the predrop-and-w-key style of gameplay as that renders him effectively powerless, however the second someone attempts to loop you it's over.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    It isnt a 50/50 if you actually try to predict what the survivour is going to do and can aim. The more they also juke the more they lose distance overall making it in your favor either way.

    If you blindly just take a guess which direction the survivour is going to turn everytime ill repeat it for you.

    You are trash tier with these killers.