Replacing a killer

If you could replace any original killer, who would it be and what would you have rather seen?
That works
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Either would be great additions, my heart is set on the second.
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But who would you replace
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"Who you callin' Pinhead?"
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Spirit! ######### needs to go
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I'd gladly sacrifice any killer in the game if it meant I could play as this lad.
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Billy. just because leather face is redundant.
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YES! Oh hell to the YES. I now strangely want to make a killer concept for this character
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I already made a fan made chapter for Jack awhile back, though, I'll admit it was kind of bad. Maybe some time I'll go back and redo it.
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I'll look it over
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Replace twins with a female with pyrokinetic powers.
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You know, I wonder why we haven't gotten that yet, but we got K Pop before a Pirate killer
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Do you know where that is I can't find it lol
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I would not so much replace legion as much as rework them in a way the reflects them being a team. Like they are hiding in locations in the map and you can swap to them at will with the power button or something.
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Oh so like you actually are playing the four characters
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Legion. I’d have gone with a power that relates to the 4 characters rather than vaulting pallets and deep wounds
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That probably would've been very neat beforehand
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Oddily enough before legion came out wrote up a Killer called "the brothers" Who where 3 brothers who played differently and their effect was "Soul bound" which you swap to one of them at random but the others do not move.
Like with the twins they proved they can do something similar with legion. Having you able to swap between legions at will. And have items to make It seem the player is controlling a legion when they are not.
So,yeah have 4 killers who can be swaped at on command.
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Base Movement Speed: 115%
Terror Radius: 32 Meters
Height: Tall
The Patriarch’s power is called Family of a Thousand sins.
Passives: The Patriarch will always break pallets, walls, and generators 15% faster.
Special Attack: Welcome to the Family
The Patriarch will reach out and hit the survivor, not with his weapon, but instead with his fist. This will damage the survivors a single health state and apply “hunted” status affect. The next time a survivor starts an objective that you do not approve of (generators, totems, healing, unhooking), the survivor will be revealed by Killer Instinct and they will be exposed for 45 seconds. Only one survivor may be hunted at a time.
Special ability: Diabolical Device
After four generators become powered or you close the hatch, Jack’s Doomsaw will spawn close nearby and it’s aura will be revealed in white. Once activated The Patriarch will lose "Welcome to the Family" and will gain access to the Doomsaw. With the Doomsaw, The Patriarch can rush forwards at high speeds, if The Patriarch hits a survivor with this ability they are instantly put into the dying state. Basic attacks with the Doomsaw will instantly put survivors into the dying state. The Patriarch’s base speed is decreased to 110% while holding the Doomsaw.
“My little girl has given us a gift, and this gift is with me always. As you can see, the family is only a part of her gift. Which-in a word means, you’re #########!” - Jack Baker
The Patriarch comes with three teachable perks:
Hex: False Hope: You give your prey hope, then you go in for the kill. While this hex remains uncleansed, any survivor that completes a generator will be unable to unhook or heal other survivors for the next 30/45/60 seconds. All survivors suffer from the mangled and hemorrhaged status effects.
“Let’s finish this - you and I.” - Jack Baker
You Can’t Run: Your prey should really learn by now that running isn't an option. For each stack of bloodlust you gain, the survivor you are currently chasing will run and vault 5% slower. Additionally you gain bloodlust 5/10/15% faster.
“Where you runnin’ to boy!? - Jack Baker
Time’s Running Out: You know your prey can’t keep playing the hero game forever. When a survivor unhooks or takes a protection hit their repair speed is decreased by 10/15/20% for 45 seconds.
“You can’t keep doin’ this forever.” - Jack Baker
This was one of the first fan made chapters I made. I think the killer in terms of strength is fine, but the power seems kinda boring. I'll eventually go back and redo this, and give Jack a power I feel he's worthy of.
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Oh yeah, probably should have said I never actually posted it on here. My bad.
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This is actually pretty decent. ALthough for perks I would've probably try to incorporate the three family members, Lucas, Marguerite and Jack.
The Hex perk seems to fit Lucas decently, but instead I'd make it to where for every 1 gen completed it blocks all the gens for a decent amount of time, even when repairing you will be blocked and will remain so.
You can't run isn't the best, relying on only bloodlust it pretty bad, I'd change it to where every time you save someone from the hook the rescuers aura is revealed and they suffer from the oblivious status effect, that would incorporate Marguerite. Times running out can't run I'd rename it corpse house, after hooking a survivor the other survivors aura reading abilities are hindered, and they do not see the aura of the hooked survivor ( Basically a counter to kindred). But yours is just as good, so I'd be okay with either one.
For power Welcome to family seems good in concept but the fact you made it to where they are exposed only does seem a bit meh, since they can counter it by staying injured. I like that you call Jacks chainsaw the doomsaw, although having it available when only one gen left seems pretty weak and 110%. How about make it available at 2 gens then I'd call it fair. As for Welcome to family I'd rather see Jack charge at the survivor and impale them on his weapon like in the game but survivors get a chance to fight back or else their put into the dying state, if they succeed they'll get the broken status effect. But that's just me
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remove twins, add springtrap
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Honestly that would've been better for Trickster
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You need to get a grip. You made this thread because you wanted people to come in and bash Trickster but since that failed, you’ve brought him up twice in replies just to throw digs around. Why are you so obsessed with him? Nobody is forcing you to play as him you know? Right now the only thing that needs replacing is you on this forum as you’re an absolute broken record. 😴
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Those are some really good suggestions, thanks!
I was also considering going all out and making Lucas and Marguerite killers as well, but in the end got lazy and decided to keep it just Jack and Ethan.
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Excuse me... Did I just hear you correctly? When did I ever, say I ever was obsessed with Trickster, I know I don't have to or want to play him, when have I mentioned him two times. Also what gives you the right to be an ######### towards me for sharing an opinion, and calling me a 'broken record'?
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You could make cosmetics for Jack that contribute to the family
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I don't really think that would work.
Seeing Marguerite haul around Jacks Doomsaw and Lucas running around with a shovel or that paint-roller weapon would look kinda weird.
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No I meant where Jack wears stuff that contributes to Lucas, like the wind up for the clown In Jacks chest, or something along those following lines that make him look like the clown. FOr marguerite I meant Jack being covered in Bugs almost looking similar to his swamp man form, but more human like with clothing and such with a garden tool of some kind.
Edit;Spelling error
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You don’t have to say you’re obsessed for it to be apparently clear. You know why you made this thread, so don’t play dumb. And your replies are literally in this thread so how can you deny mentioning him twice? Somebody mentioned a pirate killer, you bring up KPOP, another person mentions FNAF and you bring up Trickster. I’ve seen you a lot around this forum and you take every chance you can to talk ######### about him and it’s getting boring. Don’t want to be called a broken record? Don’t act like one then. 😇
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Ohhhhh, yeah that makes way more sense.
Yeah I think it'd be cool if Jack had a sort of scavenger outfit with stuff around the house or from different family members. Maybe he could have Marguerite's lantern on his back, Lucas's severed arm or parts of his clown strapped around his waist, maybe the picture with Zoe's scratched out face in his pocket.
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Ok, your beginning to annoy me so let me spell this out for you... as kindly as I'll allow it.
I don't have a problem with Trickster as a whole, his lore is unique and i like it, but what i have a problem is his gameplay design. And I made this thread asking the Community, if they had a chance to replace any killer who would it be. You mention you've seen me around a lot, OK,Don't care, and if you say what I'm saying about gets 'boring' then don't bother yourself to read, its that simple my guy, no need to ######### about what I say PERIOD, plan and simple. Why do you honestly care what I say, is it that personal to you, dude, get a grip! Now please do me a favor and move along!
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That be cool or have the Lantern as a weapon for Jack or both on his back is cool, for a weapon for Lucas, I was thinking an extended Mr saw arm so he can impale you.
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So you say I’m beginning to annoy you and then ask why your opinion bothers me and to get a grip? Make it make sense love. You can have whatever opinion you want, but when you try to bring up Trickster at any chance you can, it comes off as obsessive. Which is why I called you out on it. You’re just trying to be negative for the sake of being negative. If you don’t like something, maybe stop talking about it? Why would you want to keep discussing something you clearly can’t stand. Now consider me ‘moved along’ as that’s all I have left to say to you. 🙃
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Yeah that'd be cool. I guess Jack's getting the Demogorgon outfit treatment.
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If he ever comes in, he better damn well have it, I don't want him to come in as a legendary. He deserves a lot, for being one of the scariest villains in horror video gaming imo
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If Jack gets in the game as a legendary skin, I'm uninstalling it out of rage.
I know it's a very unpopular opinion, but Jack and Resident Evil 7 as whole is the best game in the franchise to fit in dbd. The claustrophobic atmosphere, the more human-like-villains, and a less badass protagonist would just fit dbd more than something like Resident Evil 2 or 3.
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You mean yet to be badass protagonist, I also want Ethan to be in for a large majority of the franchise like Claire and Leon, He is the most human and realistic version of any other RE protagonist so far
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Yeah, he's most certainly gonna have a bigger role in the Resident Evil story line from the looks if it. Ethan is definitely the most realistic protagonist we've seen so far though, which is something I really liked about 7.
People claimed he suffered from a lack of emotion, but what do you want him to do? Run around saying one-liners all the time? Ethan is trying to survive, not look badass. If anything it makes the moments where he does talk more special, especially since you can start to tell how annoyed he's getting with the Bakers.
Not to mention the developers of 7 also made Ethan quiet because they wanted the player to better be able to insert themselves into the game world. That combined with the new first person camera made for a way better role-playing experience.
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I do think he needed a little bit more personality, when he gets his arm sawed off and when he supposedly kills Mia, and in some certain areas. But I think hes good as is, it will be so sad that his last game would be VIllage, he barely had two appearances. GOd we could spend literal hours talking about RE 7 it makes me laugh
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I agree that maybe he coulda shown a little more emotion in those scenes, but for the most part I'd say he was good.
I really hope Ethan doesn't become just another Resident Evil protagonist that appears in like one or two games and then is never seen from again.
Honestly I'm just happy I finally found someone who was willing to talk about the game with me, considering my family hates horror, and my friends aren't nearly invested in Resident Evil as I am. Resident Evil 7 was just such an amazing game, I simply don't understand how some people can hate it.
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Lets talk about this on your page just to make sure the post stays on topic, follows forum rules blah blah
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With a heavy heart, I admit I have to go.
I can't keep my ######### math homework waiting forever.
Thanks for the talk though, it brought a smile to my face!
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We can still continue I messaged you on your board but later is fine
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Yeah I'll probably be back on here later.
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Personally i'd love a dancer killer, maybe a ballerina based on Suspiria or the Black Swan?
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I would replace Deathslinger with a math teacher.
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I'd replace Twins with a Killer from the Void.
To explain, in DbD's lore there's the Void, where Killers and Survivors that have become useless to the Entity are thrown away/characters that try to Escape the Entity's trials (for real) end up (see Blight's lore).
I'd like something from there. A character that would be a conglomerate of both previous Killers and Survivors that converge to try and regain some of their old humanity.
Individually they'd all be emotionless and passionless shadows, and they have only the vaguest memories of their previous existences, but working together they're able to collectively achieve something resembling personhood.