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Is this game balanced?
I'm actually asking cause I just came back into this game this season and often times it feels pretty unfair also that silent hill map is so bad is there a way to disable it from matchmaking?
At higher ranks vs SWF it isn't balanced and favours survivors more. On every other rank it depends on matchmaking and who you go against.
Oh, and also maps. Maps and the RNG of loops also play a role in balance which is why it's always difficult to tell if the game is balanced or not.
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Not in the slightest
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Very unbalanced at the high end. Unless you're at those high levels though don't worry about it as everything's viable at low ranks.
You can't opt out of certain maps.
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DBD and balance is two things that will never be able to have a healthy relationship with one another
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Remember this is a killer forum, and when you see someone writing 'balance', it means '4k'
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The game is balanced around low rank solo survivor gameplay getting 2 kills and 2 escapes.
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That's literally untrue, but you do you.
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Nope game has ######### balancing
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which means when you scale it up to high rank SWFs its balance or down to super low rank potatos it falls apart
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Relatively speaking, yes, though not necessarily in a good way. For example, looping is relatively fair and tends to be a competition between the killer and survivor. If the survivor holds W and predrops for whatever reason, this becomes much less so and the killer is essentially forced to slug, camp and tunnel in the deadzone. Balanced? Yes. Fair? Not so much, for either party.
Same goes for perks. Killers run slowdown all the time, because otherwise trials tend to last 6 minutes. Survivors tend to run second chances to extend their teammates time on gens. If both parties have their toys, then it's balanced. If one party doesn't, then it quickly becomes unfair.
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Well to be fair, the forum is killer biased from my experience. Most likely because as the game is survivor sided in some cases, more killers come onto the forums to complain about such or just to see others opinions on it.
That's not to say everyone is biased, nor that there aren't survivors who are biased on the forums.
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On the right map yes but only 2-3 maps are actually balanced
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Wasn't referring to the "killer forum" but to the "all killers think 4k = balanced"
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Oh my bad.
Then yes, I agree with you, most killers don't think that.
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Nah, it's my bad, I should've been more specific.
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No, but with few exceptions it's the most balanced it's ever been.
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I think one of the biggest reasons it's hard to balance this game is the differing goals of survivors coupled with the way BHVR has decided to award points and rank to survivors. When it comes to goals survivors tend to fall into 2 categories - 1) playing for rank or 2) playing to escape
In my experience playing for rank often means making escape a secondary objective. It becomes more icing on the cake than the cake itself. While I don't think either way to play is wrong the bottom line is playing for rank often means making choices between an action that gets points you may need in a particular category for that match as opposed to an action that helps the team escape.
In other words I think if the points and rank system for survivors were to be changed to have a much heavier emphasis on escape you would find survivors actually have a whole lot of things going in their favor. As it stands now though, killers get a lot of kills they probably wouldn't get otherwise if the survivor rank system didn't force survivors to frequently make choices that actually work in a killers favor. That makes it look like killers have more power in this game than they actually do. It also means even from just the survivor side the game is unbalanced towards survivors playing for rank. Again, I'm not saying it's wrong to play for rank. I'm just pointing out a survivor playing for rank can be on a team where the other 3 are trying to escape and completely block them from doing so just because they take actions that work against that goal.
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I guess you are a bad killer then xD
Game is balanced towards high rank soloQ/duoQ. If you think it's not the case, you don't know how to play killer properly.
It's easier to spit on balance while in fact the problem comes from your skill level.
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Pretty fair next update some killers need some buffs like trapper clown and trickster others just need quality of life changes
After that it's just bug fixes
Then focusing on the mmr system
And I personally think dbd will be in a decent or good state after that
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I personally think 3k is balanced power role
Post edited by onemind on0 -
That's funny. I'm a red rank solo survivor and most of my matches, the killer loses 3 gens in the first chase.
The game is NOT balanced around that.
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3 gens lost early game is totally normal lol.
The killer wins the trials in the end game thanks to a 3 gens situation.
Whatever guys, on this forum, most of players didn't udnerstand the game core mechanics of the game.
Early game : survivors have the advantage
Mid game : it's balanced
End game : killer has the advantage
Evolve worked exactly the same way, it's the only way you have to balance an asymetric game.
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The killer only wins a 3 gen when there are less than 4 survivors around and the gens are close to each other (aka, when survivors didn´t pay attention).
This doesn´t happen a lot on red ranks.
Usually the killer gets between 3 and 5 hooks by the time the gates are powered.
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No. It's certainly much better than it's ever been, but it's still not there yet.
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You are not a survivor main then cause killers usually gets 3k in red ranks.
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Only because survivors try to get a 4 man escape and get cocky on the last minutes.
Like here, for example:
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It's better than before
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It's balanced around the average players. At lower ranks it's unbalanced in the killers favour and at higher ranks it's unbalanced in the survivors favour.
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No, it's asymmetrical.
It's never going to be balanced, and on top of that, a lot of stuff is up to extreme RNG, so matches can be swung by a couple of freak coincidences.
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I actually dont belive that. I am a solo survivor , but i used to play killer about 30% of the time. With the mori changed, i got back to solo survivor only, and only recently play the odd game as killer.
But in a lot of discussions i "side with the killers" because of my experiences. Because i see the disadvantages killers have and the advantages survivors (especially swf) have.
The problem is that balance can´t be achived as long as you try to balance around solo and swf survivors at the same time. That does not work out, but devs and swf players don´t even like discussions about it.
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Yeah man you get red rank killers with yellow survivors 😂 totally balanced its always great fun. I don't know so much about SWF I prefer to go alone without someone else giving me instructions of where the killer is. I find that to bum the whole tension out. Its good for having a natter with your mates, but when your pals speak fluent dbd it's annoying.
Welcome back to DBD amigo!
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Siding with the killers in most cases is fine, because there are many things to side with them over if you're unbiased.
The problem I have are the people who have the mindset of "Killer good survivor bad" or "Every surv is a Genrusher so Spirirt is balanced". Some survivors do the exact same back, but a lot less. Hence why although I support remaining unbiased and agreeing with the opposite side, I dont support pure bias.
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I almost always play Solo survivor. The more I play the more I feel game is totally unbalanced. The majority of the games are 4k for killer or 3k and 1 hatch (sometimes because they concede that). I think game is UNFAIR and UNBALANCED for SOLO survivors. And that ruins the game experience and ends uf with the fun.
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Green, White, Yellow = Killers can get a 4k with perkless no blink nurse
Red, Purple = SoloQ games are pretty fair but SWFs become more common and bully killers.
Midwich is also an awful map but the only way to get rid of it is bring a map offering to a different map every single game.
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I disagree on what u say about red purple, because thats my rank. Solo Q is almost impossible. 9 out of 10 games result on a 4k ez. A lot of times survivor dont even get to late game. And its not even neccessary for killer to tryhard.