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SWF players WHERE????almost every game filled with boosted players

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

Eery single time i play my teammate doesnt understand anything about anything. Know you might think that im a bad players blaming everything on my teammates no im not!!!. well anyways they dont know how the killers work im rank 4 right now...

Some stuff my teammates does most of the games: They suicide on hook, DC, hold shift when im picking them up, they dont take hits, they wont block, they refuse to 99 doors, they dont look for Devour or NOED, they arent trying to flashlight save, they are not keeping in mind which perks the killer has. Now the problem with all this is that i cant solo a match my teammates do gens yea but they make bad decisions they loop everything wrong they greed to much etc.

Now i know how to loop almost everything so most of the times i get away with bad teammates but it is so hard it feels like my teammates are waiting for me to get hooked so they can unhook me instead of doing gens... I would consider my self a good survivor i know how all killers abilites work i know most of the addons that i have to worry about i know all status effect, how to loop T and L, killershack and more so what is the secret? when im wathcing dbd on youtube everyone get so good queues good teammates running good perks. My teammates are running self care :P

Dont comment about spelling errors if there are any, idk and i wont read through everything just to fix a missing letter Thank you!


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    As @Zozzy mentioned, you're playing solo, while most swf are 4 man swf.

    If you play killer, although most matches aren't, some matches have an obvious four man swf, and I'd be willing to bet a lot more than I recognise are swf (not all swf are absolute sweat lords).

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    He can still be matched with 2 or 3 SWFs.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    i understand that but any steam groups etc.? where i can find players i had some but i was way to good to play with them :( im rank 2-3 and they are 12-14

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You don't want a 2 man swf anyway. from my experience if one of them dies the other will quit.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Play killer, when I play killer I often get players that know tiles and use meta perks. While it isn't every game sure seems more common than when I play survivor, believe it or not but they also do gens lol. But all seriousness I'm unlikely as killer, swear haddonfield is my most played map as killer, wish itd f off already

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    When they activated the MMR for 24 hours, i suddenly had good teammates most of the time. So maybe we are lucky and the MMR will solve this issue soon.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Its just solo life man. I prefer it though over playing SWF. I'd rather have a difficult solo match that's a challenge then a quick and easy match in a SWF.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    People who can loop longer than 10s & know when to rescue survivors are few and far between.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I get paired with 3man purples alot recently. They're competent for the most part, though the team tactics for bullying the killer usually means I'm left last man standing with 1-2 gens to go. Personally I kind of prefer an all solo team, at least then there is no preference for cooperation and saves.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yea thats the problem i played a game against a bad doctor just spamming i looped him 18 times on a rock and a bench while my teamamtes tried to vault

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    well its not fun when teammates do stuff like holding shift that might cost you the match etc. its not challenging because sometimes the killer is really bad and you just die because a teammat loops with you and stuff like that

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd rather a swf than have a pc Jake who was rank 10 literally not touch a gen for over 10 minutes vs a Trapper. No joke he just hide the whole time with Urban Evasion while me and a mate tried to do the last gen..

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I'd rather that then a 4min match in a SWF where you barely safety pip and get barely any interaction with the killer. Give me a challenge any day and even if I have no chance of winning at least it's more fun for me than playing on easy mode every match.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    ON SWF you can run builds that are actually fun instead of dead hard, iron will, DS, adrenaline, resiliance, spinechill, lithe, OoO and those common ones

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Because you don't need any perks when the games that heavily balanced in your favour.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    And as you can't communicate with them, they A. won't be as effective as a SWF and B. won't be able to tell if they are a SWF or not.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    It's possible to check for SWF in the pre-game chat and as much as they cannot communicate with OP, they can coordinate actions between themselves.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I’m playing mostly solo red rank as well and can relate to some things you stated. Like hook suicides, dc’s, not taking hits, not doing totems, not having any clue about the killer perks.

    Most of the things I see that my random team mates do that I think are obvious to be wrong / selfish: Hiding, selfcaring, wasting/throwing all the palettes, when they were never hooked instead of doing a gen or doing anything useful at all. I have team mates with 0 clue when to distract the killer, when to greed a gen, when to not rush (injured) for the unhook after the other teammate just did the same and now is sluggged (refusing to crawl away) next to the hook. Nearly every game the survivor that got found first is looping in the middle of the map (next to a 3 gen that we should try to break). They throw 3-4 palettes down (next to each other) and still manage to get downed 5 seconds after - at 5 gens. Or they loop the killer right next to the basement throw the shack palette and still go down seconds after and get carried off to the basement. Most survivors seem to have little knowledge about what they should avoid or do in which situation or what palettes to greed and how to use windows at all. If I can I usually write to them and ask them to have a look on how to play on YouTube or I recommend someone that makes good tutorials.

    Gotta be honest I do suicide on first hook frequently. If I got half or more of a gen done before I get chased as the first person and by the time I go down there is no one on a gen I just assume that I got in with 3 yellow ranks (playstyle not actual rank) and I am gone. I mean I had games where I got found with ¼ gen done, ran the killer till they left me cause I didn’t use any palette and I was still the first to finish a gen.

    I don't think that you need a swf to do good. I had pretty good random teams back in 2018/9 almost every match in red ranks. All we need is people knowing the perks, map rng, playstyles and a basic understanding about the game, killer mindset and how to behave as a part of the team. But I guess that is too much to ask for nowadays.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    This is exactly what i meant i do get good teammates but its just that i think getting red ranks should be harder and need some knowledge. I had a game today against a bad doctor (soamming shocks on loops) i looped im like half a minute on 1 filler pallet and there is a teammate behind a box 10 meters away from me expecting me to die and just waiting :D i looped im for probably 1 and a half gens before going down