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How much do you really want a Resident Evil chapter?

Imagine seeing something like this when you load up DBD. Would you like this? If so, why do you want it? Does RE mean a lot to you as it does for someone like me?
That production value is way too high for DBD haha
I'd love an RE chapter though. Like... even if the killer is Jack Baker and his only power is press M2 to yell "ETTHHAAAAAAAN" - I would still be pretty stoked
Either way, that sounds more exciting than anything else added in the past year for me, tbh
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I have never played or been interested in a resident evil game
But a RE chapter would be cool
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I'm absolutely down for an RE chapter, however if I could pick to have any chapter added, than I'd definitely prefer a Friday the 13th chapter.
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I just want Chris with his boulder punching biceps in the game.
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If I saw that I'd instantly mail Behavior my life savings.
Getting a Resident Evil chapter in general would be cool, but getting specifically Resident Evil 7 would just be ######### amazing.
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If an RE chapter is possible, I just want Leon to be in it. 2 and 4 are usually considered the best in the series, but Leon always gets shafted in favor of Chris and Jill.
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Resident Evil is still one of (if not the) biggest franchises in the survival horror genre. It would certainly be worthy of a spot in DbD.
Honestly, it seems like a really good time for this to happen too. RE8 is only a couple months away and DbD's 5th Anniversary arrives about a month after that. Having a Resident Evil chapter around that time would probably be a win-win for Capcom and BHVR; it's bonus publicity for the new game (which might boost its sales) and the widely recognizable RE name will probably bring a lot of people into (or back to) DbD.
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Never played any of the games but I wouldn't be against it. Seems like a respectable franchise.
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Leon is the most popular. Just not used as much as Chris. But Leon is definitely cared for more by Capcom than Jill. Its obvious when you see how they use both characters.
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I think RE is the most popular horror game franchise ever. I think from everything we know so far, it has a good chance for it to be chapter 20/the anniversary chapter. They did a bunch of collaborations for the 25th RE anniversary, they have a game coming out so more promotion, they habe a movie coming out for more promotion and I feel saying RE is worthy to be in DBD is a bit... Odd. It should be DBD is worthy of having RE. :D
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yeah, this or Carlos. Otherwise, no dice.
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I'd like it because I just think it's a cool franchise. I've played the 2make, 7, parts of 5 with a friend, and I've got 8 pre-ordered. No real attachment, it's just snazzy (and Mr. X is hot no cap)
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Weird choice but ok
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Never played a game of the franchise and just started watching let’s plays on YouTube because of the hints for DbD.
as of now I am not interested in playing the games myself but I am all for a DbD chapter, I think it’s really fitting very well!
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It could spawn a really really cool map, if nothing else
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I'd be all for it! There's a plethora of characters to choose from, but either RE7 or even RE8 (when it comes out) characters may fit the bill better, especially when keeping up with a modern day audience.
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I think the best choice is RE2R. I believe that game made a ton and ya know everyone loves it. And its still modern.
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Never played it and not familiar with it. Gotta be better than Kpop lol but I'm not desperate for RE tbh