Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Well Rounded Solo Survivor Builds?

When I play Solo, I usually run Prove Thyself, Left Behind, Self Care, and either Kindred or Dark Sense as this seems to do me well for being able to contribute to the team effort and keep myself covered if things go south. Just curious as to some other builds to experiment with that cover all/most bases.


  • dirtsmell
    dirtsmell Member Posts: 46

    Empathy or Bond or Aftercare, even Blood Pact in a pinch, are nice too. Too help in knowing where your teammates are when you/they aren't on a hook.

    I personally really like We'll Make It for that fast heal after unhooking, and then since it lasts so long you can milk that healing speed for a while as a bonus.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I guess u're new to the game, since there is no exhaustion perk (or may be because u're great at chasing)

    My build is Windows of Op + Lithe to help me in chase.

    Kindred is always needed. Because of this, I usually willing to take a hook for others (especially when they already have 2 hooks)

    Small game to prevent Ruin, Noed.

    As long as I have Lithe ready, I can sit Gen injured.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Well, if u want gens, heals and and everything else, then maybe try:

    • BT / Iron Will
    • We'll make It
    • Prove Thyself
    • Dead Hard


    • Kindred
    • BT / Iron will / We'll make it
    • Dead Hard
    • Prove Thyself
  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I do spine chill: Too good against stealth killers, good on indoor maps, lets you know when to run or when to sit on a generator when inside a terror radius

    Iron will: Good anti tunneling perk, good chase perk, good stealth perk, just good overall and helps you survive when healing isn’t an option

    Dead Hard: Need I say more?

    Left Behind: Because I’m a filthy key addict and solo Q is actual hell sometimes

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Spine Chill, Kindred, Bond and an exhaustion perk.

    Perks like Borrowed Time and We'll Make It are almost always incredibly helpful, too.

    Detective's Hunch for hexes, in particular NOED.

    Medkit with 2-3 heals instead of Self Care, which wastes time and you typically don't get more than 2 heals out of it anyway.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    I also like to bring a key with the wedding ring add on because it forces an obsession, for the occasional match when nobody is running DS

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Iron Will for the mind games,

    WGLF for extra BP,

    Kindred or Spine Chill if you hate stealth killers,

    Your favorite exhaustion perk.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    Been playing about a year. I'd say I'm *decent* at chasing, but it's still my weakest point so I rely more on stealth.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Dark sense and Alert for killer location

    Iron will for stealth

    Plunderers for self preservation

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    4 Perks that Solo Survivors use often.

    Kindred: There's always that awkward moment where no one is going to rescue you because they think someone else will.

    Iron Will: Sometimes the best course of action is to make sure you are not found.

    We'll Make It: That healing Speed is just ridiculous.

    Dead Hard/Sprint Burst: A little advantage in chases, you gotta look out for yourself too.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Assuming you have access to every perk in the game:

    Kindred: lets you know when to get off the gen and go unhook. Also tells you if the killer saw you on bbq and is beelining to you

    Spinechill: still yet to play a match without it, its just so versatile. Just don't be that guy who hides in a bush if it lights up once

    Sprint Burst/Dead Hard: its a matter of preference really, but an exhaustion perk is just too useful to not run

    Decisive Strike: cuz if you're going solo, you can't always trust your teammates aint gonna farm you

    (Since DS is getting nerfed, replacement for it)

    WGLF/Iron will: both perks fit that 4th perk slot nicely, and i aint a fan of borrowed time so they're the next best things

    So those perks, then just grab a medkit or a map. Medkits are just stupid useful, and maps are a nice bonus. Keys are also good, but kind of slap a target on your back. Flashlights are just bait

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I have access to most since I'm putting them on P3 Dwight, any that I don't I'll just put points into whichever survivors they belong to. I know the danger of a key, but I suck at using Flashlights and play enough as the killer to know damn well to ignore any survivors carrying them.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    That's a good start, but lacking in meta perks.

    For a chase perk, windows of opportunity does wonders, regardless of your skill level. Identifying strong loops and weaving them together is invaluable.

    As for exhaustion perks, Balanced Landing is my favorite. It can turn dead zones into getaways.

    As for healing, self-care isn't really the best. It can be useful in some situations, but most times it's worth waiting for a teammate to come help you while you do gens. I usually run inner strength instead of self care, since it's much quicker. Even Iron Will can be better, if you're comfortable playing injured.

    Borrowed Time is a necessity. Even if the killer isn't face camping, it can still give you use.

    Decisive Strike is always useful too. Unfortunately, the recent nerfs are beginning to make it worse, but it's nevertheless great to have around. If they keep trying to mold it into an anti-tunnel perk, however, I would probably drop it.

    Bond is probably the best perk you have on you right now, especially in Solo que. I'd probably run either balanced or windows, bond, borrowed time, and DS, iron will, or inner strength.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have 2 solo builds

    Spine chill, Bond, Dead Hard, and Wake up


    Iron Will, Prove Thyself, Better Together, Spine chill or premonition.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I've actually recently been running one of Monto's old builds he did for a video

    No mither


    This Is Not Happening

    Stake Out

    & a good toolbox

    I might swap out TINH for PT if the team looks good in lobby but otherwise it's good for conserving tokens of stake out for emergencies.

    This ends up either going two ways. I get tunneled because No Mither and give my team a free escape (if they aren't 100% braindead), or I absolutely destroy gens and help my team escape fast.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I only recently started playing David after a daily ritual for him came up and I have already found resilience meshes well with his perks. I just don't know how I feel spending the whole match injured

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    No Mither is a strong perk if you're ok being injured but that comes with experience. I think I've come to grips with it faster than other people do.

    Running it with Iron Will is a good place to start because it's super stealth (no blood, no noise).

    If you dont have dead hard simply, never, and I mean never, repair unsafe gens.

    If you ever play against Plague with a good team you'll notice a lot of players spend the whole match injured anyway because its safer to make the plague a one hit m1 killer than a two hit flying death vomiter.

    Once you get good at looping No Mither eventually just becomes a helo rather than a hinder. I don't mean by good at looping that you never make mistakes because a No Mither only has one job (to get chased, or do gens as well for a 2nd with the build above) and the killer won't do that if you're uncatchable.

    Honestly I'd say just start running no mither on the regular, it puts you into good habits, and boy do you feel 10x more powerful when you take it off

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I usually run these two on almost all my builds:

    Iron will, good for jukes and safe unhooks.

    Dead hard, because it's the best exhaustion perk on the game.

    For the other 2, any of these are good, typically I run borrowed time and kindred.

    Spine chill, for an early heads up

    Borrowed time, for end game clutch moves typically but to also punish tunneling killers.

    Bond, to help you find team mates for heals/gen location. Also used as a poor man's spine chill of team mate is being chased near you.

    Kindred, to help with saves.

    Unbreakable, usually used for end game escapes or times where you're slugged.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    I enjoy my build of Windows, Lithe, WGLF, and Desperate Measures

  • CoalTrainMain
    CoalTrainMain Member Posts: 1

    When I play solo I usually run 2 builds both using kindred because imo it’s the best solo perk.

    1st build: Borrowed time, Iron Will, Kindred, we’ll make it

    this build will call for an easy pip game even if you aren’t the best at chases.

    2nd build: Kindred, Windows of Opportunity, Open handed, Dead hard

    this build will give you a lot of info where the killer is headed when someone is hooked and windows for loop routing and of course dead hard for close calls

  • AppeaseTheEntity
    AppeaseTheEntity Member Posts: 61

    Borrowed time, Exaustion Perk, Kindered, free slot

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Iron will, spine chill, prove thyself lithe,or dead hard yui's perk to reset pallets is fun but that's for me.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited March 2021

    I run prove thyself, detective hunch, inner strength, dead hard

    Most of the game i lose it's either because of ruin or gen slow down perks

    inner strength combine well with detective hunch.

    Detective hunch make me able to remove the occasional noed/ruin/devour hope

    prove thyself is very good since most of the time people don't take the time to go to another gen. So it always get's a use in a game. It's also more bloodpoint.

    Dead hard could get replaced by another exhaustion perk it's just my preference.

    You could also replace inner strength with iron will or kindred or borrowed time if you have medkit

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    So I'm gonna say ditch selfcare, while I encourage people to use whatever perks as survivors really dont need perks I feel selfcare encourages alot of bad habits such as feeling the need to be healed or wasting alot of time to actually heal. Removing it for a medkit, or inner strength would be fair better for efficiency and bad habits. I'd say a must is kindred, pick the others to help you where you need it. Can pick windows, DH,BT,DS etc. Experiment and have fun

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I'm a killer main who's been playing more Survivor lately (less stress vs. Longer queues). My build is the following:

    Spine Chill: I usually play late at night or afternoon when son is sleeping, so I can't have the volume up too loud on TV. I also hate stealth killers (Myers!). So spine chill is a visual cue that killer is near with no cooldown

    Kindred: must have for soloq. Information to your team is important so Kindred is such a great tool as you can coordinate.

    Inner strength: I like IS since it came out on shrine. Healing time is 8 seconds, which is faster than a med kit or self care (killer perk imo). It also frees up my item so I can run something that hurts killers objective (i.e. toolbox, flashlight, key, map). I usually do tool box lol

    Small game: helps me find totems and traps. Goes great with IS. It also alerts me to traps on ground, which is helpful. Some of trappers traps are so dark I can't see them. So getting the cue is helpful. Considering switching to Detectives Hunch but don't like being reliant on gens popping to get info.

    Other great perks for soloq (especially if new!) are the following:

    Deja Vu: Gens are revealed to you which eliminates searching time.

    Bond: Again information perks for teammates is great for coordination.

    Open Handed: going to be buffed soon. It expands range for perks like Bond, Kindred.

    I don't have any Exhaustion Perks unlocked, but they are useful I hear lol

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I think resilience is better than prove thyself. Heal yourself 99% and gain 9% healing, doing gens, cleansing totems, opening doors, unhooking, ...

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Ofc the epic meta perk combo of:

    Pebble, Deception, Any means necessary, Repressed alliance

    Easiest red rank games of your life.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    I have had really great success running:

    Detectives Hunch

    Iron Will

    Lithe or Balanced

    and the absolute must, Kindred.

    The in-game entertainment of watching the trio team, you got stuck queuing with, run around a hook like a bunch of overcooked McNuggets is priceless.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I like to use

    WGLF, WMI, kindred, and BT

    You could also use bond (for being a little more selfish), sprint burst, BT, unbreakable.

  • ChomboIie
    ChomboIie Member Posts: 11

    Spine chill: best perk ever

    self care: because I suck at chases so I need to heal often

    borrowed time: for campers and tunnellers because they are plentiful these days

    urban evasion: I like to sneak. But not sneak around the edge of the map refusing to contribute to the game, those people suck.