Accused of camping gens.

Ok most people on here knows I am a survivor main doing a trapper challenge today.
Trap three survivors what ever easy enough but I am on the swamp. And I patrol the three gens buy killer shack. Easy enough just a long match.
But at the end after I got max everything slug one hook the last survivor let the other bleed to death cause he crawled some were I hope he has adreline cause I close hatch . But like a dim wit he crawls some were and dies.No big deal double pip 4k yada yada, after that he says stop camping I said how he said gens honesty to God.
But what shocked me the most was he was a rank 9 so I believe camping gens is impossible am I right or was I camping?
Ask the Survivors why THEY were camping gens all match.
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That's awesome.
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Why didn't you stand in the corner staring at the wall the whole match? Baby killer camping the whole map smh
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It is the survivors responsibility to avoid a 3 gen. Can't hate on the killer for taking advantage of an opportunity during a 3 gen.
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Thanks I wasn't sure I felt bad. And three gen is my normal stragey.
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Not a baby killer, just don't enjoy it.
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I been told that before especially I don't understand why. It like a when don't camp or tunnel a survivor they blame you for camping something. I was accused of being toxic as a Trapper for traping vaults and pallets
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Wow, talk about entitlement.
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Sounds like some survivors made a silly mistake and got themselves into a three gen situation. They have no one to blame but themselves. I’m a survivor main.
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It's fine I was called a camper as wraith on midwich with purple speed I was doing laps around the top floor
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Good team survivor let's go
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Lol that's funny
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Games where the killer 3 gens from the start are boring af depending on the spawn.
I had a 40 minute game against a trapper that had the gens so close together that literally every entrance to them had a trap blocking it. They refused to give chase after hitting the survivor and just constantly patrolled the 3 gens they picked from the start.
Waste of time and we all just gave up and pointed at the hook because he was holding the game hostage like that doctor did once.
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That is not holding the game hostage. You can still attempt to do gens.Holding the game hostage is bubba putting, You n a corner and body blocking you without letting you move.
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Nope. they banned a doc player that would not give chase and held 3 gens for over an hour.
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As a survivor main who also does frequent playing Killer, this isn't gen camping it's simply patrolling the gens, which I see no issue with.
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Really? When?
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I upload videos to YouTube, not cuz I'm trying to be a YouTuber, but to show entitled survivors how the game played out on my screen.
I had survivors admit their wrong once they saw the match from my end.
Other survivors doesn't respond after watching my video cuz they don't want to admit they are wrong.
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How dare you.