Is Pallet Looping Really That Bad?

Clauds Member Posts: 53
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
Okay, so I see that a lot of people are saying how Pallet Looping is annoying. Of course it’s annoying. But getting looped the whole game is really the only thing that bugs me. What am I suppose to do? Run in a straight line where I am most certainly going to get caught and hooked? In my opinion Pallet Looping isn’t all the bad. As long as you don’t do it the whole game. And are strategic. 
Post edited by Clauds on

Best Answers


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Clauds said:
    Okay, so I see that a lot of people are saying how Palet Looping is annoying. Of course it’s annoying. But getting looped the whole game is really the only thing that bugs me. What am I suppose to do? Run in a straight line where I am most certainly going to get caught and hooked. In my opinion Pallet Looping isn’t all the bad. As long as you don’t do it the whole game. And are strategic. What’s ya’lls opinions?
    It just depends really, sometimes you can't really hide. Some survivors are good at mind games and decide to use DS to make them even more difficult to hook. I'm more if a stealth survivor since I'm terrible at chases but I did run killers on 5 generators before.
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    This post is spoken like a true survivor main. I have said it before and I will say it again survivor mains have no idea what trouble killer mains go through. 
    Of course, I know the trouble of how annoying it is for the killers. I find it annoying but I respect it. Everyone has different reactions when we encounter Pallet Looping but annoyance is pretty common, I suppose. (And yes, I am pretty much a survivor main.)
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    Boss said:

    @Clauds said:
    What am I suppose to do? Run in a straight line where I am most certainly going to get caught and hooked.

    Why do a regular amount of people always resort to this comment?
    No, i don't want Survivors only going in straight lines, i'd never play Survivor again.

    Pallet looping isn't even THAT big of an issue to me.
    It's just SO boring!

    Very true! I just thought i’d bring it up because people where resorting to calling it ‘toxic’. And it’s part of the game. But people seem to think the opposite. 
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    Michiko said:
    Playing Huntress/Nurse defeats the purpose of pallets, at least when I play with them. Killer mains who complain about this should try it sometime.
    Yes. Huntress really helps me when I play Killer. But I suck at throwing hatchets. (Something I need to practice on) That’s mostly why they complain I think.
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Its because instead I throwing it they wait until your fast enough to get them then throw it then repeatedly jump on it so you have to break it only to be hit with a flashlight and tea bagging every time they loop
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    @redsopine1 said:
    and tea bagging every time they loop

    And it hurts your feelings so much that you must must include it with the looping and flashlight?
    Damn...I feel bad for you , you must have endured a lot.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Try 75% of my games having people just follow for a flashlight or repeted teabagging because I run out of hatchets and the worse is people say killers dont respect pallets what about survivors that don't need a pallet to loop a bloodlust 3 killer who wastes one just to get rid of it when they could have used it
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Clauds no, you're right: pallet looping is not "toxic" or whatever. There are ways to counter it, and more importantly, survivors do need some tools to escape or at least drag on a chase, since very often there are no options to lose sight and hide again. I'm quite killer biased, but the complaints about pallet looping are unfounded. The only valid argument about it that it is boring, but killers can change their gamestyle to sex it up. I personally have no problem with it in general.

  • Austinmd02
    Austinmd02 Member Posts: 66

    I say whatever you can do to survive do it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Austinmd02 said:
    I say whatever you can do to survive do it.

    Including exploits?

  • Austinmd02
    Austinmd02 Member Posts: 66

    @Orion said:

    @Austinmd02 said:
    I say whatever you can do to survive do it.

    Including exploits?

    Obviously not

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    well when you consider that games are literally 3-4 mins ATM then yes pallet looping really IS that bad. you can easily loop a killer for those 3-4 mins under the current map structures(if you have at least half a brain cell..looping isn't hard or skillful, this is a fallacy) meaning the game is over by the time 1 survivor is downed.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Austinmd02 said:

    @Orion said:

    @Austinmd02 said:
    I say whatever you can do to survive do it.

    Including exploits?

    Obviously not

    Just making sure. Some people here will actively defend exploits for one reason or another.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    I agree with almost every single comment. Everybody had their point and valid ones, I liked ready through each one tbh

    For me, its a fifty fifty. I'd like to see more (not only be careful) unsafe pallets and promote mindgames. I still remember every time I mindgamed a killer instead of loosing and was satisfying af lose him in that way, same as mindgaming as killer but that is almost the only thing you can do in some situations, so happens more often

    I'd like to have pallets where you can barely see the killer, or not at all except for the direction he/she give you with the red stain. So you have to predict a double back, a moonwalk and decide to joke him left, leave etc with less loopibg

    its boring, , isn't really op or toxic but boring. I'd rather lose a guy cuz he literally played me instead of losing time with benny hills loops. I want to have more mind games and more stealth plays with less safe spots (maybe buffing dance with me, lightweight etc. so might push a more stealthy meta)

    its just my opinion but, some nerfs is being caused by the map RNG and the quantity of safe spots which lead to dumb needs for survivor. I mean the heal Nerf was great don't get me wrong but the vault Nerf its just the consequence of a bad map design. I can see why its necessary and I approve it as a temporary fix for now but when the maps are fun for both sides I'd like to see a reverse.

    It doesn't need to feel real but arcade and give some dumb limitation its bad. I don't really like advocate for a side than another but I can see why people might feel picked up. Sorry i know I write a fk lot but it looks like a friendly thread so haaha
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I can't see why you guys keep saying it's "borderline cheating" or "an exploit". It actually fits the game setup: killer is faster but also bigger and more clumsy. But what's more important is gameplay. I understand doing it for ages is boring, I hate doing it as much as the next killer, but question is, if you take it away, what other options do survivors have? Stealth, yea, but you can't stay hidden all the time with generators being visible, plus killer detection perks.
    Before the latest update it was more of a pain, but currently, with the increased healing time, better totem placements and some reduced map sizes, it's getting a little better for killers. Still harder than survivor, but not by a lot, and that's the way it should be.
    And don't forget, you have literally dozens of ways to bypass this mechanic completely or partially. Clown, Spirit, Trapper, Hag, and other killers (even Wraith!) have potential tools in their main power to counter/bypass it. And then there are perks too.
    Really buffles me, because even some players above whose opinion I value say it's an exploit. Can you guys answer me (and @Clauds ), if it's not an option anymore, what other (effective) tools do survivors have at their disposal?

  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53

    I can't see why you guys keep saying it's "borderline cheating" or "an exploit". It actually fits the game setup: killer is faster but also bigger and more clumsy. But what's more important is gameplay. I understand doing it for ages is boring, I hate doing it as much as the next killer, but question is, if you take it away, what other options do survivors have? Stealth, yea, but you can't stay hidden all the time with generators being visible, plus killer detection perks.
    Before the latest update it was more of a pain, but currently, with the increased healing time, better totem placements and some reduced map sizes, it's getting a little better for killers. Still harder than survivor, but not by a lot, and that's the way it should be.
    And don't forget, you have literally dozens of ways to bypass this mechanic completely or partially. Clown, Spirit, Trapper, Hag, and other killers (even Wraith!) have potential tools in their main power to counter/bypass it. And then there are perks too.
    Really buffles me, because even some players above whose opinion I value say it's an exploit. Can you guys answer me (and @Clauds ), if it's not an option anymore, what other (effective) tools do survivors have at their disposal?

    Actually, this is a opinion and argument I can really respect. You explain exactly what it’s like and why it isn’t cheating or ‘toxic’(ish). (Also, dodging at the killers weapon and vaults can help. But Pallet Looping is seemingly something people usually do.)
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    Malakir said:
    I agree with almost every single comment. Everybody had their point and valid ones, I liked ready through each one tbh

    For me, its a fifty fifty. I'd like to see more (not only be careful) unsafe pallets and promote mindgames. I still remember every time I mindgamed a killer instead of loosing and was satisfying af lose him in that way, same as mindgaming as killer but that is almost the only thing you can do in some situations, so happens more often

    I'd like to have pallets where you can barely see the killer, or not at all except for the direction he/she give you with the red stain. So you have to predict a double back, a moonwalk and decide to joke him left, leave etc with less loopibg

    its boring, , isn't really op or toxic but boring. I'd rather lose a guy cuz he literally played me instead of losing time with benny hills loops. I want to have more mind games and more stealth plays with less safe spots (maybe buffing dance with me, lightweight etc. so might push a more stealthy meta)

    its just my opinion but, some nerfs is being caused by the map RNG and the quantity of safe spots which lead to dumb needs for survivor. I mean the heal Nerf was great don't get me wrong but the vault Nerf its just the consequence of a bad map design. I can see why its necessary and I approve it as a temporary fix for now but when the maps are fun for both sides I'd like to see a reverse.

    It doesn't need to feel real but arcade and give some dumb limitation its bad. I don't really like advocate for a side than another but I can see why people might feel picked up. Sorry i know I write a fk lot but it looks like a friendly thread so haaha
    You have really good answers and explanations for your reason. Of course it’s boring. I think it’s boring too, (Usually last resort for me.) but either way. Nice argument.
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    Try 75% of my games having people just follow for a flashlight or repeted teabagging because I run out of hatchets and the worse is people say killers dont respect pallets what about survivors that don't need a pallet to loop a bloodlust 3 killer who wastes one just to get rid of it when they could have used it
    I wanna know how you ‘respect’ a Pallet. You are aloud to play how you please! And sorry about that 75% of your games. Wish people where less toxic and more friendly.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited November 2018

    the thing is:
    looping is boring. its easy to learn and has a huuuge impact on the game, turning it by 180 degrees and making the survivors literally untouchable, if done right, which can be veery annoying when playing killer.

    on the other hand, stealth has been nerfed multiple times to the point, where you cant get far with stealth gameplay only and that the tool, once used to break the LoS with the killerr (pallets and windows) now are completely useless in that point, due to some killer buffs to fight looping.
    i dont think its "toxic" or anything, its just the supported meta by the devs. my hopes are, that we will finally go back to the stealth meta, as this is what the game was build around, but as long as looping is a thing, the looping meta will always be a thing.
    my solution: drastically reduce the amount of pallets and windows, increase the amount of tall grass and increase the time it takes the killer to kick / vault stuff. also, make pallets so, that the killer needs to kick them in order to catch the survivor.
    just my thoughts, probaply have some minor balancing problems though...
    (also not my full thoughts on this, just the main points. this will likely never happen, as this would require the devs to completely rework every single map in the game.)

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    Looping is fine. If you learn the loops as a killer it isn’t that bad. 
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    My question is if people are so troubled by pallet loops why not run spirit fury, or brutal strength? Or play doc with fake pallets. Like I get it, some people hate pallets, some hate flashlights, some hate gen rushing, but you've got killers and perks to fit YOUR PLAYSTYLE, including what your have issues with. 

    Tailor your play and build to what causes you problems. 
  • Clauds
    Clauds Member Posts: 53
    My question is if people are so troubled by pallet loops why not run spirit fury, or brutal strength? Or play doc with fake pallets. Like I get it, some people hate pallets, some hate flashlights, some hate gen rushing, but you've got killers and perks to fit YOUR PLAYSTYLE, including what your have issues with. 

    Tailor your play and build to what causes you problems. 
    This is how people should be about Pallet Looping, Flashlights, etc! They should t be grouchy. I mean, they were added to the game.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    As much as I hate being looped into oblivion, I feel like without it, to an extent, the survivor would have no chance once found. 

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    As much as I hate being looped into oblivion, I feel like without it, to an extent, the survivor would have no chance once found. 

    That's why there's also an issue with map design.