Random killer/survivor

By that I mean 5 people could join serv than after let say 10 second game pick random 1 person who is killer and other 4 are survivor. In my opinion it would be fun becouse 1 guy may be pro killer but than boom he is surv and he will see surv perspective. Other guy may be pro surv but sux at killer. Its my sugestion which could make game more fun becouse you dont know which role you will take

Best would be to create 3rd pick next to Play as Survivor / Play as Killer / Play as Random something like this


  • JOBreazy
    JOBreazy Member Posts: 128


  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Not sure I like the idea of that game play, but I do like the idea of getting people to switch roles some. But I honestly think most people play both sides. I would like to see statistics on how many people do play both roles though because as of now the only thing I can go on is people I know and people I watch.

    It seems like what people label as "killer mains" usually play both sides. In my experience rank 1 killers are usually rank 1 survivors as well. I do however see and play with many people that strictly play survivor. Or mostly play survivor but will play their rank 16 killer when they get a daily for them from time to time.

  • CorpusUpir
    CorpusUpir Member Posts: 3

    I am new to dbd and to be honest not having this feature almost made me refund the game. I came from Friday the 13th and having a random am I the killer or am I a survivor made me play multiple rounds in a row and to me made it more fun. So far DBD has been a bit of a bummer , but I hope they will address this in the future

  • CorpusUpir
    CorpusUpir Member Posts: 3

    Also it would speed up match making.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Despite how others feel, I always enjoyed this feature in Friday too. I’d hit the random button check box if we had one. ✅