Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killers win too much



  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Interestingly enough I just compiled some data on 25 red ranks games as Wraith. Here is a link to the post I created.

    At rank 1 I do not go against full rank 1, SWF squads with all the best perks in the majority of my games. I'm guessing you do not at rank 13 either. You might say 25 games isn't enough data collected to have a normal distribution and you would most likely be correct. But my experience as a rank 1 killer has been that I win the majority of my games.

    Sure there are some games where the survivors destroy me. "Can't win em all" I say. Lots are survivors are just way better than me. I can accept that. Bone clapper and The Ghost can be good addons, but you have to know how to use Wraith to use those well. All-Seeing is where it's at. You can pair it with a lot of things. And it's a purple only! I also like Swift Hunt and Windstorm.

    I'm not trying to make light of your experiences, but I do think we remember the losses more than we do the wins, especially when we get destroyed because a team greatly out skills us. This tends to lead to some exaggeration of what the average experience is.

  • PeteBloodyOnion
    PeteBloodyOnion Member Posts: 6

    Well, I'll be honest that my story holds very true because it's been like this for the past couple of days (actually since they did the matchmaking beta test on the 18 or 19th of this month).

    And the reason I can make these claims without any doubt is to just check my number of posts on this forum and when I registered.

    Now you will see that this is post #4.

    Now why I'm saying this? because the main reason I came tonight was basically to address that topic or asked if it was natural.

    Tonight I played only 6 games as the killer out of the 6 games I played only 4 because I dodged 2 complete SWF PC lobby so I could see the friend list and saw the 4 ppl on the same teams. the 4 other games (3 with Wraith and 1 with Pyramid) were against rank1 to 6 (2 games with only red ranks).

    Yesterday I played only 2 games late at night and 2 games with ranks 1 to 4

    Now like I said it's different during the day since I do get slightly better matchmaking that will see usually a 2 or 3 SWF (with a least 1 red rank) team with a random green lvl or a complete broken rank 20 surv team (it happened this afternoon) that I will let go.

    Now my complete rant isn't about balance or make killer better but just that I can understand how a rank 1 survivor might feel against a good killer rank1 but to understand that it's even more frustrating when as a killer you are often facing players way out of your league.

    And please don't come saying Git Gud cause I don't aim to be the best in the game nor want to watch perfect killer build on Youtube

    I just want a fair fight against ppl of my skills.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I don't blame you for wanting to feel like you are in a match against people of similar skill that makes the match feel fair and fun. We all do. You did not say in your original post that the undesirable match making just started happening in the last couple weeks, you said you face rank 1 4 swf groups 99% of the time, which I think you just admitted, was an exaggeration. You also asked someone if they listen to any feedback from rank 1 killers and how much trouble you had playing Wraith in one match. I am a rank 1 killer player that just collected data on 25 rank 1 wraith games to give you some feedback.

    I completely get the frustration. I didn't start playing this game right away so when I did start, I went against (and still do) survivors that were just more skilled than me. Improving didn't just happen, I had to work at it. The losses taught me things that work and things that don't work. Sometimes, I would come up with a great strategy that worked against, not so great players, but when I tried them against good players, it didn't so I needed to change.

    I'm sure the reason you are experiencing undesirable match making is because there aren't enough killers playing at the time you were experiencing that, forcing the gap to widen on what they are willing to pair people against so that one side isn't waiting 10+ minutes to find a game. I might ask, to ensure you get matched against similarly ranked players, how long are you willing to wait? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? It seems like you don't have much time to play. If you only got 1 match a night because it was trying to find you the perfect group of survivors to go against, would you continue to play?

    I hope the skill based match making works great and everyone gets enjoyable matches. Personally, I think the same thing will happen as has happened in the past. Lobbies take to long to start, people complain so they widen the skill range you can go against, matches feel unfair, people complain so the lessen the skill range you can go against....repeat....repeat....repeat.

    Also, I'm positive, if you are willing to put in some effort to learn how to counter the things survivors do that give you a hard time, play add ons and perks that work to your strengths, you can eventually beat a lot of these teams.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 290

    honestly it depends how many hours you have put into the game, skill, perks, if you play both survivor and killer. I have been playing with red ranks lately and have not "won" if you call it that. I managed to hook and kill three reds but one got away, the same as all red ranks leaving. they are good at surviving even stronger in a team of friends.

    as for playing against a red rank killer, i have not came across those often.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    To be fair I played 10 games yesterday, no word of a lie I got out 8 of those 10 games. Before the killer managed to hook 1 survivor 3gens popped at the same time.

    If anything the survivors have more chance of winning. Unless of course your team is absolute trash, doesn't fix gens and spends most the match looking for a hatch or hiding in lockers.

    However... killers do have a good few wins if he knocks 3 down and hooks all 3 at the same time in the basement. Leaving 1 survivor to decide to risk the save or to fix the last gen and use the EG. After all the killer isn't gonna think twice to rush off to the exit gate just incase one of the chance someone struggles off the hook to save all 3 survivors and chip out the other door. (This has happened in my experience a couple of times) and all 3 of us managed to escape as well.

    I think equally survivors and killers will literally complain about anything and everything with this game 😂 "camping the gens" or " camping the hooks " or the "kindred or bbq needs to be nerfed" "claudette pisses me off for self healing" just play the game and get on with it. You have a choice to quit or play. 🤷‍♀️ as I've said before, if I'm face camped, I literally kill myself and move to another game. Just the same as 4 gens are done and the killer rage quits. Bottom line.... killer has more chance of losing unless they proper slug the 3 of you at the same time.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445

    Although a mod came and commented so sluzzy has succeeded i suppose

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Is this a troll post? I can't tell. You killed 3 survivors in the match but you didn't win?

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    isnt the killers job not to let you escape? i guess those killers are real red ranks and you arent...

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Well Freddy is 75% and Leatherface is 72%, probably because they're some of the easiest killers to play. Leatherface is just good at stomping on noobs, but Freddy certainly needs a nerf.

    The average kill rate for killers though, is around 60%. I would prefer that it be 50%, but 60% isn't bad. It's also worth noting that the spread of data is still pretty concerning. There is an 18% range between the deadliest killer (Freddy at 75%) and the least deadly killer (Nurse at 57%). Although I'd expect to see the lower end of the spectrum fall below 50%, it would be a lot better if all killers had a very similar kill rate.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,918

    Leatherface is not overpowered just because he can 1-shot people. He's arguably* overpowered because he can 1-shot multiple survivors in 1 go, which Hillbilly and the other instadown killers cannot.

    4ks, when they do happen are either from slugging and 1-hooking games or very close games where the survivors got down to 1 gen. Coordinated SWF is needed to beat forever Freddy, Nurse, and Prayer Beads Spirit, and that's pretty much it. Good solos can beat pretty much any other killer.

    Survivors do not need massive buffs. There's still god loops and super spread out gens with broken gen speed. And 2nd, 3rd, 4th chance perks, and hatch, and closing the hatch powering the exit gates. That's the survivors' NOED.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    As soon as I red the first sentence of this post, I said to myself, "This seems like a Sluzzy post." I wasn't disappointed

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    It's getting bad when I can tell this is a sluzzy bait by just the title.

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    your welcome to huh like play killer and win matches.

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    The killers powers and perks directly effects survivors but survivors have no powers at all and no perks that directly effect killers

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    I have and completely destroyed them with an infinite tier Myers and tombstoned all 4 of them and made them all depip. They all sent me hate mail in which I love. I'm like let the hate flow lol. It's really not hard to be killer. I started the day at rank 20 and made it all the way down to rank 2. It really ain't hard to get pips as killer. Plus our perks are op af. I dont even use bbq but I run a really mean build. I dont camp or tunnel and usually get 3 to 4k every match. But I'm one of those that likes to ######### with the survivors lol

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2021

    Not necessarily. I probably die upwards of 75% of most rounds and I’m rank 2/rank 3 lately. The important thing is what you do in the round and you can still easily pip up but still die all of the time. If you escape with low bp is that still a win? If you kill everybody but all of the survivors got more bp than you is THAT a win? It’s all in the eye, isn’t it?

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,898
    edited March 2021

    At this point Sluzzy is the Alex Jones of the DBD Forums, change my mind

    (this is a joke Mods please don't ban me)

  • TrashRaccoon
    TrashRaccoon Member Posts: 6

    Perhaps don't die?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Maybe OP exaggerates a lot but yes you can safety pip and or rank up if you die later in the trial and have contributed enough. The way OP explains in ALL their posts ALL the times would lead on to believe they are completely slaughtered by every killer in the game every trial so no they would not be in red ranks unless they are exaggerating which of course we all know they are. As for your 2nd point I have never killed all four survivors and them ALL have more points than me. To my knowledge only way that could even happen is getting my complete ass kicked all match, every survivor contributing a good amount, then the killer getting a lucky 4 man slug for the win or noed. However the chases, hooks, hits, and sacrifices at end would probably bump you past at least one. just noticed another question in your post "If you escape with low BP is that still a win? I would say yes. From what I have seen there are plenty of survivors more than willing to park on a gen and leave without even knowing who the killer is with 12k or less. if you do nothing but gens and hide all game you don't rank up which is why they try to get you to chase them at the exit gate. Use to see this in my early days feel free to correct me if this has changed.

  • SkootSkoot
    SkootSkoot Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2021

    Doctor OP? Huntress OP???? You're slacking on your bait posts Sluzzy

  • TTV_Adamska0820
    TTV_Adamska0820 Member Posts: 4

    Are these forums only used for complaining now? Never seem to have the problems people complain about on here.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    You going fishing?

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122


    As soon as I touched rank one as killer I got troll SWF over and over again; never did I have a fun one where we all just played non-douchey and normal-esque.

    You may think that EVERY killer is a constant winner but I've very rarely gone try hard in this game after rank one; even while I was still in red ranks I would just start playing for challenges or fun.

    If you looked at how often I lost you'd probably be sick; and I KNOW it's not me either. I just get really sweaty people when I'm not sweating anymore.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2021

    .... Huntress ... overpowered?...

    Bruh. Git gud.

    Also: "Where is the survivor’s NOED?"


  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I'm around your rank as killer and I slaughter survivors. Out of the last 10 games, I've only had 1 that wasn't a 4k, it was a 3k. I feel so bad for the survivors that I'll will carry the last one to the hatch (I do count that as a kill). I don't see how you are getting SWFs all the time when I'm not.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,160

    Doctor and Bubba OP.


    The troll is real.

  • AsrielWithGuns
    AsrielWithGuns Member Posts: 10

    Right as i get bored, Sluzzy posts. This one felt a lot faker tho

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    In red rank, survivors win more. I play both and If the Killer is not spirit or nurse, survivors win more. I think you are not red rank. If you are killed by doctor, you didn't gen and you are not good at looping. Maybe you just loop at same place right?

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    "Killrushers" LOL Try playing killer in a lobby of 4 toolboxes with brand new parts and or coordinated af then we'll talk.

  • PeteBloodyOnion
    PeteBloodyOnion Member Posts: 6

    I don't know? You're playing on console and I'm playing on Steam? Different time zone? I have close to 500 hours on the game so I'm supposed to be a red rank? Time zone?

    Heck I don't know

    What I do know if I play during peak hours Eastern time then I will get 90% of the time an SWF console lobby mostly made of red rank and some ppl I have face 2 and 3 times.

    If I play during the day I will get a more random encounter that usually translates better match (like at least hooking each person once or twice).

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Overpowered Doctor and Bubba.


    I like the way you presented the situation in the title, but let me rephrase that a bit :

    "I lose lose too much."

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @MrGimmsYouTube Ya you were right about this chapter being chapter 18.5, and the sad thing is that at the beginning which the ptb came out for this chapter, I was absolutely astonished by how cool this chapter was, it was WAY cooler then chapter 18. But now it's just really underwhelming that the Devs barely did anything to this guy, and at best they nerfed him which was absolutely not needed, but what he did need were many many buffs. But the Art and Music design team are All-Killing it though.

    Oh and I forgot to say that about 4 weeks ago, remember that one guy on Youtube that commented on your video called Steven Tracy, and he told you these ideas for making this game less stale, and you said he should go post that idea on the forums but he needed permission first?

    Well he finally got an account, or should I say I got the account.

    So anyway here is the link to the full lists of ideas I put down, and it was very fun writing this post too even though a bit of the feed back was mixed. But I've overall been enjoying the forums in general.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    This is the funniest thing I've ever seen in a while.

    Thanks for making my day.

  • Zacharry100
    Zacharry100 Member Posts: 133

    A sluzzy post...GG

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    This just in: red rank Survivor finally learns what the premise of Dead By Daylight is.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    A lot of survivors make bad choices. Killer design grants no guarantees of success, players will best you or the reverse. Example; a bad spirit gets bullied and a good one is called OP

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361
    edited May 2021

    Why did i predict it was sluzzy-

  • VenixFiriurx
    VenixFiriurx Member Posts: 20

    Epic bait post, well done. Hope the devs add noed for survivors, which kills the killer lmao

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Classic Sluzzy!