Best SoloQ build?

TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

At night I don't usually have anyone to play with, so I am forced to play alone. I've seen that perks like DS, Unbreakable, and Deliverance are a good combo for SoloQ, but they are perks that don't amuse me, I just don't like them.

Are there any perk combo that are fun and, most of all, good for SoloQ?



  • Brisken
    Brisken Member Posts: 9

    I don't know about any good combos but Kindred is VITAL in solo queue. The perk gives so much information for your team mates and helps you die on hook because your team mates had bad info.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited March 2021

    Well everyone has their own personal style or way of playing but I like to run builds that helps me excel in multiple situations.

    Sprint Burst - Can stay on gens relatively safely even if a killer is approaching, still get away and start the 'chase'. Knowing when to save it and not to waste the CD or hold onto the CD for too long is important but you can get used to it real fast.

    Adrenaline - Great end-game perk that will save you a lot in end-game chases or even reset them. Heal state also activates after coming off hook meaning teammates don't have to waste time doing it for you. Just get off the hook and run for the escape.

    Kindred - Lets my teammates know if killer is camping, who is doing gens, who can come save me, etc. A lot of the red ranks run this because knowing who and when to go for a save is really important. It can either snowball the match in favor of the killer or add to the team's efficiency.

    Prove Thy Self - You can pretty much max out gen repairs by just doing 2 gens. Great addition for any team, specifically the beginning and end game gens. During the middle, you'll more often than not be on a gen by yourself but its a great clutch perk for those intense end-game situations where 3 teammates are left, one just gets put on their final hook and you and the remaining teammate crank out a gen incredibly fast to give yourselves a fighting chance on getting out.

    1 perk to help me in chases, 1 for end-game, 2 for team efficiency.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Anything with kindred goes honestly.

    But here is one that I like to use:

    Kindred, WGLF, WMI, and SB or some other perk for yourself.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited March 2021

    I'm gonna assume you play with the intention to escape, which I wouldn't recommend in Solo Queue or you will get disappointed more often than not. For that your best bet is to carry your team and play very safe.

    • Borrowed Time is a necessity in my eyes because of how few people bring Decisive Strike.
    • Decisive Strike is a necessity in my eyes because of how few people bring Borrowed Time.
    • Dead Hard is extremely useful because of how many times people will run away from you like you are the killer instead of healing you. Also it allows you to do insane plays you wouldn't get to do otherwise. Sprint Burst and such are also strong but not even close to the safety Dead Hard gives while on a gen or in a chase.
    • Spine Chill is an extremely underrated perk in Solo Queue, because of the lack of information you have from not having voice comms an information perk is extremely handy and Spine Chill is one of the best in its job. This also allows you to play very safe, being able to run the killer for much longer and eliminates the chances killers can sneak up on you.
    • Detectives Hunch is okay, not a priority but Solo Queue survivors struggle a lot more against Ruin so this can make your job much easier, also free points.
    • Prove Thyself is okay, many Solo Queue survivors don't know what they are doing and tail the first person with a clue they see, so it usually gives you value, also free points.
    • Kindered is good since they are more aware when they are throwing the game and are less likely to do it.
    • Unbreakable is okay, it's not as influential in Solo Queue as SWF in my eyes because very few teams are good enough to come back from a 4 man slug and how rare that actually happens.
    • Deliverance is okay, most killers have no idea what they are doing and chase the first person they see until the end of time so against those you have a 25% chance not being able to use the perk even if you are amazing at looping. Similarly, most killers will also camp and tunnel which reduces the chance you can use this perk even more. But when you get to use it it can turn the tides of a game. Also free points.
    • Iron Will is okay, this perk is a chase/stealth/making plays perk but there are more crucial choices for Solo Queue so I wouldn't recommend it most of the time.

    Personally what I run is; Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, We Are Gonna Live Forever. This is because I play Solo Queue for point farming rather than escaping, your build should meet your goals.

    EDIT: Added a few more.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Personally I like going for more of a rp build but don't worry it's still pretty good:

    Better Together: Kinda like in movies where you whisper to someone "over here" to get them to help you out

    Kindred: It is a god-tier perk for solo queue since it provides so much information

    Windows Of Opportunity: Having that makes me feel like a protagonist in Until Dawn having to hit quick-time events

    As for the fourth perk, it changes a lot but here are some fourth options I like to run:

    Borrowed Time: to save others

    Left Behind: Stay alive, if it's a horror movie where people die, you'll want to be the last one standing

    Dead-Hard: Amazing for loopers and can chain chases together, easily S tier

    decisive strike: In case you get tunneled.

    Desperate Measures: Can come in clutch if everyone is injured

    Diversion &/or deception: Both make me feel like I'm a protagonist in a videogame; especially when they actually work (BF1 as an example)

    Self-Care: You can't always rely on others, so use it if you have an extra med-kit.

    Plunderer's Instinct: I like to go treasure hunting with Ace from time to time.

    Resilience: Gives a small boost in everything, it's one of my favorite perks to be honsst.

    And lastly, Soul Guard: Is always fun to gain an extra health state after healing, and makes me feel pretty cool when I get up from the ground because they have a hex totem, it's like I'm Rambo!

  • rupexo
    rupexo Member Posts: 4

    4th perk changes but I'm always running Kindred/Spine Chill/Iron Will when I play.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Gold survivor standard is BT/DS/DH/Iron will. It’s been the meta build for years and nothing has changed.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Kindred is pretty underrated perk for SoloQ. Its not just a perk for unhooking and countering camping, as most people think: literally half of the game you can see where your teammates are, which generators are being repaired, and where killer is going after the hooking. That's almost all information you need in the game.

    Deja vu is quite good for SoloQ unlike SWF. It doesn't give you something amazing, but if you won't repair important gens probably no one will.

    Inner strength is fine if you are good in remembering totem spawns. Your teammates won't heal you when you need it, so you can take care of yourself with this perk. Just cleanse a totem in the beginning of the match and save heal until you need it.

    Slap some exhaustion perk on top of that.

    That's the build I use for SoloQ now, works pretty much fine.