Whats the deal with the hate around killers bringing strong builds.

It makes no sense to me since killers need to use strong builds to win. Some of the times its understandable somewhat like when the killer brings Tinkerer-Ruin and denies all generators but keep in mind I said sometimes other times its completely idiotic like ebony moris. They've been nerfed to the point they turned into slightly upgraded PH torment.

An example

-I was playing Spirit for daily rituals, not even bringing a very meta build, Ruin, Tremors, Spirit Fury and Shadow Born. I did my best to avoid "toxic plays" and at the end of the game a survivor said "A rank 4 toxic spirit, you're killing the game find something else to play."

Yet they find it okay to abuse tiles bring keys,brand new parts(not the worse thing but still incredibly annoying) and perks centered around missing the game up for killers(gen rush perks, perks meant to draw out chases, etc.)


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited March 2021

    You fault wasn't anything with your build, but to take some salty players seriously enough to post here. You can play survivor and people will complain about strong perks too. Many people can't accept the fact that they lost a game and like to blame it on anything else they find other than themselves.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    You played Spirit, that's bad enough, nothing to do with your perks.

    I had a Spirit match where the first survivor stupidly got on a gen right in front of me, so I phased up to him and yanked him right off it. Immediately the other three survivors were around me teabagging, begging for me to hook them, and two of them DC'd.

    Next match of course was a sweat fest that I lost badly, so yeah, I'm not seeing how Spirit is so OP frankly.

  • NoodleWithAMustache
    NoodleWithAMustache Member Posts: 25

    Same I feel like without fathers glasses or mother daughter ring with stridor she's weak.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Ya obviously you should play the crapper and stop playing op killers like freddy and spirit. Don't mind me just queueing up with my object swf with 4 toolboxes. GG ez btw. We don't know the level a survivor team is playing at. There no indication that we should bring our best mid tier or weakest. Its frankly dumb to complain about how awful spirit is when in some circumstances she's the only force bar nurse who can compete with the cream of the crop survivors. If your response is play fair killers and eat the L then your acting entitled.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    since killers need to use strong builds to win

    Answering your own question in the OP.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Goes both ways my guy.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It doesn't matter if you bring a strong build or weak build - people who are pissed about losing are going to be salty

    Haters gotta Hate.

    Stop caring and just play your game man.