Starstruck could be meta
It’s a so good perk, it could be meta. Survs deserve some day another good perk
Ah, yes, a perk that only activates when you're carrying someone, doesn't tell you if anyone's affected by it, only lasts for 30 seconds, only works on basic attacks and has a big cool-down regardless of whether it activates, that's useless on injured survivors. Truly a meta perk.
If you're looking for another good survivor perk, look at Smash Hit. You get 4 seconds of sprint burst while the killer is stunned in place and then has to break the pallet. The chase is basically won then, against a killer without a mobility power.
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I played against many killer that demolished us with this perk. It’s so so good
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I don't know about meta but its definitely a wonderful perk with multiple uses.
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I think it's only worth using on Doctor since he has a large terror radius with his calm add-ons and can locate survivors that's are hiding. Other than him, I don't see any other killer using.
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Then stop bodyblocking when you're exposed. Not that difficult, really.
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outside body blocking too. In my last game I saw survs dying everywhere. In small maps it’s so so good
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It's nasty with a camping basement build. That perk caused a 4k because of that. I think we're going to see it nerfed because of it turning all killers in to Basement Bubbas.
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it's so nasty i love it. Wraith can snowball so hard.
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It is useful in a Mad Grit build, but on it's own it really doesn't do you much over other perks
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It's not good vs good players. I just immediately hold W any time I get exposed by it. A killer has yet to even initiate a chase with me by the time the timer runs out.
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Starstruck IS good. "Backpack" builds are gonna have actual utility with it. I wouldn't go so far to say it will become meta, but I think it will fall into the same type of niche that perks like Lightborn and Franklin's Demise are in- brought to combat a very specific game mechanic, or perhaps fit in with a specific build type.
And besides any other reason you could want to equip it, this perk absolutely kills body blocking by way of taking hits unless the survivors are willing to trade 1 for 1. Idk if you've ever paid much attention to it, but there are LOTS of killer players who think body blocking is the Ultimate Toxicity. I view this perk as something added to placate those who heavily dislike body blocking as a mechanic.
30s is about as long as you're going to get with it because you have to consider situations where someone is picked up right next to a hook- I'm sure devs aren't trying to make it THAT difficult for a healthy survivor to go for an unhook. Also, you can trigger the perk an unlimited number of times throughout the trial outside of the cooldown, so 30s is actually somewhat generous considering that factor.
Smash Hit is good when it works... but... it's without a doubt the most situational exhaustion perk and probably the worst one overall just due to that. I am also grateful that most noob players won't have it, because I'm not a fan of the idea of all the pallets on the map getting wasted in their attempts to use it LOL
Like, it's an exhaustion perk, so therefore it's not really BAD, I guess. But I would really hesitate to call it a good one when it is completely controlled by map resources and killer behavior (some killers are incredibly good at never getting pallet stunned even with bait attempts, you know?) I probably will never equip it over another exhaustion perk like Sprint Burst or even Lithe, and the majority of survivor mains I know feel the same way. It's just another exhaustion perk, except this time you have to find a pallet AND you have to successfully stun the killer. I wouldn't say both requirements are that difficult, but there are a finite number of pallets on the map AND a killer can simply choose not to get stunned.
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It’s a mini myc also if you see an unhook less than 30secs after a hook
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It's strong, but nowhere near meta. Other exposed perks are still better and more consistent. Here's how you counter this perk completely.
If you get exposed by Starstruck, hold W away from them.
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That is the only thing I like about this chapter.Is Star struck it is fun
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Don't know about meta but it's really good.
Even if you don't get a single down with it. Forcing survivors to hide or run away from you can be a huge time waster
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Smash hit is #########, at best you will get 2 uses of it if you are going against a bad killer, 1 if the killer uses his brain and avoids getting stunned again. It gets outclassed by basically every other exhaustion perk except maybe balanced landing.
Starstruck not only completely counters hook bodyblocking, it also gives you extra snowball potential, especially paired with infectious fright
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I'll use Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, and Starstruck with somebody I'm sure. I may not be successful, but I'll have a lot of fun.
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That could work with other killer but I'm more worried about this perk being way to strong on nurse. Holding w doesn't work against her
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I watched my teammates get off gens everytime it activated which was quite often. So it worked like a slowdown, the 30 seconds does not start until you HOOK and persists for 30 secs if they leave your radius, it lasts longer than you would think. It's got a few uses from a survivors perspective slowdown, no bodyblocking/sabo, and instadowns potential. It's a pretty crazy perk tried it myself in my last game and seal the game with it.
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Hey wiki description of this perk looks different to me than the one in game. Is anyone in their game now and confirm the exact reading of the perk. I swear I read the word HOOK on the perk last night but nothing in the wiki. Was I sleepwalking?
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For sure. On strong loops I will swing to for the stun to end the loop quickly but if I see this perk you will never get another use out of it. I agree.
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Not completely sure how it works. But I wonder if it would work if a killer picks up a survivor and immediately drops them?
If so it could be a niche slugging perk for high mobility killers like nurse. Combined with infectious fright and you'll have a good idea where survivors around you are (if any) and would help judge whether they are in range to be exposed.
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It will demolish a survivor team, if they have 0 braincells.
Don't stick around if exposed, or hide.
This and the cooldown kill it tbh.
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To be fair, Nurse makes most perks good on other killers far stronger. We can't balance by saying "Oh, but it'd be too good on nurse!" because most things are too good on nurse.
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I think survivors really over value the exposed status. 30 seconds is less than it takes for a killer to reach a survivor with a 5 second headstart.
The funny thing tbh is how bad it is on the Trickster itself, since its based on the terror radius and his is pretty small.
Just like mad grit it's one of thos flashy perk that have a psychological effect rather than a real one : it will stop survivors from swarming you when you carry a survivor. Is it good? In the sens that it will force the survivor to change the way they play, yes.
But once they have adapted, it's basically a dead perk.
Even in the very best case scenario, where you play like a Doc with Distressing and infectious fright, it's going to be tough to capitalize on that very short exposed status, since as previously stated, it's takes more than 30 seconds for a killer to reach a survivor with 5 seconds headstarts.
Basically, it will only work against cocky survivors that think they can unhook right infront of the killer, and thos people are generally bad at the game anyway.
Oh, and let's not forget : It's 100% useless in thos very common case where you have downed a survivor in a corner of the map (often because you got kitted there) far away from other survivors.
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The perk being efficient against bad survivors doesn't make this perk meta.
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Hear me out here :
Starstruck + Iron Grip + Mad Grit + Infectious Fright + Agitation new meta.
With that you'll not only be able to zoom accross the map and one shot everyone while carrying someone, but you'll have have managed to use 5 perks at the same time.
That said, all jokes aside, agitation synergize pretty well wiht Starstruck, especially that Terror Radius while carrying part.
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It's literally a meme build
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What clued you in? The perks or the fact that there was 5 of them to archive a very mediocre result?
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Any killer with a 32m terror radius can get good use out of Star-Struck. People might say that no one will body block you when they see they're exposed but you can can force the exposed status on people very easily. It helps prevent hook diving greatly and can give killers without instant downs a powerful effect pretty often.
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I don't see any of Trickster's perks being meta other than No Way Out being meta for endgame builds and Hex: Crowd Control being meta for Twins and Bubba, but that's about it. Starstruck could work with Blood Warden, maybe.
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But yeah, what exactly do you think the point of starstruck is?
Let me tell you what it is : It's just another of thos perks that could surprise survivors once, and then will jsut force them to play slightly differently than they use to.
Just like Mad Grit or Light Born will surprise the survivors ONCE because they just know what to do to avoid it forever, Starstruck will simply tell the players that they must either GTFO when someone is down, and just start hiding, and that's it.
You aren't REALLY supposed to have enough time to start chasing people that got expose, hell, you dont even KNOW if someone got exposed.
In a way, Agitation is the perfect synergy for it, it will help you tag more people with the exposed statues, which will either force the survivors to either get further or hide, and it will let you reach the hook faster which would let you potentially capitalize a bit more on the cases where you know someone is close to you when you pick up the body to let you chase them faster.
I'm not saying its good, as I said I think the perk is mediocre at best (in the sens that it will just require a small adjustement from the survivors and will stop them from playing badly (ie faceunhooking ), but it doesnt change the fact that Agitation is the best synergy you can give to Starstruck.
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With this perk survs near the killer when he hooks someone won’t unhook. This with b&c will make unhooking so difficult I had seen many games in which the killer snowball to the 4k
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Aight, you had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Nice trolling, props for that.
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From my experience its the exact opposite that happens.
Since the killer KNOWS that most survivor will GTFO from the hook because of his perk, he will tend to just walk away from said hook without even looking back because he doesn't expect anyone to be there anyway.
If you are smart and just HIDE instead of facerushing the hook, you wont have any problem to unhook.
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I use this perk to snowball on nurse. It's incredible on her.
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I think instead of bbq the better perk would be discordance, since after a pick up you can make your way to a gen with 2 survivors on it and have exposed effect on both of them.
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It's a really fun perk but it's not going to be meta. Calm doctor Hawkins tho that's all ok going to say.
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Implying I won't chase them while carrying someone. ;)
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Starstruck, Mad Grit, and Lightborn with maybe Iron Grasp or Agitation is the big brain carrying build.
Is it effective in general? Probably not.
Is it holarious? Hell yeah.
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I’ve been getting insanely good value out of it with Clown because how quick he ends chases. Either I get another quick down on an exposed survivor after hooking someone, or survivors don’t bother healing anymore in which case chases are still insanely quick.
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IMO Lightborn isn't worth it. I'd rather use both Agitation and Iron Grasp and just try to play around flashlights.
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Survivors should scream when they are affected
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It kinda already is with Nurse & Hag. I’ve been getting more insta downs with Starstruck than Make Your Choice with Hag.
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Agitation, Distressing, Mad Grit, Starstruck on Doctor running double Calm addons.
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Blights lethal rush does not make use of the exposed status effect
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I think this is a good perk, too. If you hate body blocking, now you have a weapon you can use against it. If you like meme builds, now you can get more Mad Grit/Agitation lols.
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I haven't gotten to play yet, but this looks like it could be pretty strong on the new Wraith (especially if he is running the 12m perma aura reading add-on) even without supporting it with other perks. Zoom into an area, see a couple auras, down somebody and just take off in the general direction of whomever fled- with zoom zoom and the aura reading add-on you'll probably find them again even if scratch marks are gone.
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And with this the nearest surv from the hook can't unhook