How am I supposed to adept trickster?
Today started at rank eight Killer 5to6hours later rank 16 his perks are garbage.It takes to many knives to knock down anyone and buy the time you knife someone to death to gens have popped.I am not this bad.Fix him immediately.
same way you adept pig...with much difficulty
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Bad survivors
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Pig was ez at least I had survillance. My favorite killer perk.
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I don't think you can right now. His knives don't count for Chaser emblem.
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M1 killer a lot or grind lv3 of his perks and abuse op addons tunnle the beep outta survivors and 3 gen them
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That's insane
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He is to slow to be a real threat.
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Hence lv up and abuse op addons 1 hit the knife down
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Which add ons?
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More knives rest no clue not bought him yet
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You don’t.
“Adept Trickster” will fade into folklore as myth and legend.
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Yeah no, dude wait for that one.
Do the adept after he gets buffed, which will happen eventually. Actually, no. Don't, wait until the buff after THAT ONE because there is no way BHVR actually gets it right the first time.
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I hope not I adepted the new survivor without a problem but I agree with you I think this impossible.
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I'm never that lucky.
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This was my realization. After finally get some sense of his ability, I 4k’d two games in a row with bronze and silver chaser (the rest iridescent). Got to not use the ability to count towards chaser.
Literally played as a 110 man with machete and got it. Survivors were pretty decent as well.
Also fun note: causing a health state of damage awards zero brutality. They’ve had this issue on PTBs before (Executioner) but first time it made it’s way to live.
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Thanks I appreciate the advice.
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You're honestly better off waiting until a week passes to Adept him. The higher tier players usually come back when new DLC is around, and right now is no exception to this.
I was lucky enough to get it myself with literally a blue moon of circumstances needing to unfold to do so, but realistically it was not worth the time.
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I got Trickster Adept tonight. It's definitely possible. The Survivors that match weren't even terrible. There were a few games with terrible Survivors, but not that one. :D
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Derank enough with him
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Just watched your stream dude. Your opponent was terrible because they keep diving into basement save while u r not even 16 m away from basement. Feels like they don't really want to escape but farm
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I just got it by playing m1 only at rank 2. Took three games and the last one required a lot of slugging and survivors chosing to try to bully with flashlights and head on instead of finishing the last gen. I did get it faster than Blight and Plague though.
Now the hard part is getting his grindy power achievement using his weak ass power.
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Pray that you derank enough or get garbage Survivors.
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Oh anyone playing Trickster will be deranking. I've dropped 3 ranks already. Black chaser emblem everytime.
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Not to mention they only did like three generators over the course of about a 13 minute match when he's running no gen defence. Yeah, they're pretty terrible if you ask me. For the first like 5-6 minutes of the match too it seemed he was proxying hooks a LOT which would've given the survivors plenty of free time to do gens too
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new killer powers never contribute to that emblem I guess...
and yeah, you do it right. just continue depipping until you get W gamers
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I am giving up on him intill they buff him.
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You currently have to M1 only (because Showstopper is bugged in giving Chase points) and hope the survivors are bad.
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Just got it today, was seriously hard work.
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Good job how many ranks did you lose
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Play him as m1 killer. Get pwyf/nemesis if you can
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In order to pip with him I had to only use M1, which sucked. The game also took 23 minutes because I had to keep defending the gens. Honestly I think they might have gotten bored and just tried to end the game even if they died.
I was actually disappointed when I pipped because it wasn’t enough for the Adept but too much for a depip or safety.
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I think i did this at 2 or 3 try
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Nice I'm not that good with him yet.
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I did it on my fourth game by literally being a 110% m1 killer, never used any knives. It seems like his emblems are bugged right now so even if you manage to get a 4k with decent gens left you still won't be able to get 4 iridescent emblems with his knifes.
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you do understand what you need to do to get adept trophies right?
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If you got adept with trickster, the survivors clearly made mistakes, even if you didnt see it.
Or you used his stronger addons *shrug
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Using his three perks I can't this is the most frustrating thing ever.
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This is the second killer in a row that came out with a bug where you couldn't use your power if you wanted to get adept. At this point I'm just waiting for the chaser emblem to be fixed before I even play this killer. Barring bugs, the answer to any killer adept is to derank enough that you get potato survivors (plus the lack of a need for quad iri emblems).
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pretty much
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I got a bug right now every time I black pip I depip.
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Same way as I got plague just never use your power. At least plague was a 115 with good perks but like genuinely just do not use his power and the adept is much easier.
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yes did all adept achievements with hillbilly lf and the 4.4 killers playing with just m1 works well try to lobby dodge till you see default survivor outfits, there is a high change these are people who just started the game youll get merciless eventually, it just depends on survivors and only m1ing.
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I got it yesterday in rank 4 after playing all day. I was playing full tryhard the whole day and i can tell that its imposible to do it againts a decent team so lets not even talk about SWF. So you need to get lucky to obtain it in the end.
I think i was rank 2 before playing this killer, so at least the new killer its good at something.. doing -1 🤣
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If you think that's bad, try adept David.
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I pulled off the achievement last night. As everyone else says, don't use the knives. So no need for Add-Ons. I didn't use any special offerings other than the Hollow Cocoon or whatever it was. Two of the Survivors were really good. So, it's kinda based on luck. If you have very good Survivors you need to be the best, so you'll probably not get it.
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I got Adept Trickster 2 or 3 day ago wasn't easy don't use his power much just m1 them.
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Davids Adept is 10000000% times easier than Tricksters honestly
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You basically have to play him as an M1 killer. I think his emblems are bugged, so right now he's getting even worse emblem points by using his power than he's supposed to. I got his adept against a group of potatoes, never throwing a single knife.
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I can understand how frustrating it is and even if it doesn't really help. You will need to use his M1 more than the knifes since it seems that using your knifes doesn't count as winning a chase... I think if you down them with the knifes then it counts.