Why Bother? Devs Don't Listen


We have only look to their track record of PTB and release to know this.

BHVR is in dire need of new management.


  • [Deleted User]

    Lots of the changes made to the game come from general community outrage UI, DS even the Old Ruin you get the point. Generally the things that get changed first are the things people complain about rather than things that are OP it's why the "Meta" perks never change unless it's something the community has in their sights.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    This may be possible but I am very angry rn with a mild headache

    I would delete my old statement but I dont have a reason to so unless someone asked it shall stay

    And I'm not to sure considering that it was just a copy and paste of code and number tweaks

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    yeah! they dont listen! waste of time on PTB and here in the forums.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If they can't make major changes between the PTB and live due to not enough, then why have a PTB at all...and if they're working on adjustments, why aren't we being told? It means that whenever a PTB drops we're just testing out the stability of the game and our feedback means nothing if we're constantly several weeks behind. If it's never enough data, why have a PTB feedback section when the data and the feedback they gather from it isn't helpful to them at all because of the low sample size?

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Blight should of been fixed either mid chapter or on live that was 6 months ago it took 6 months to adjust a client sided camers issue that is literally just sliding the camera up and tweaking the break and vault animations

    They did a good job with ghost face that was 1 year before blight came to live.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Their track record is consistently making minor balance changes based on the PTB and continuing to make changes to their killers in coming patches. There is no reason to expect it will be any different this time.

    I don't think they should make big changes just based on PTB feedback. Otherwise you have the potential to overbuff every perk or killer with a high skill ceiling and solving the problem with another problem. I much prefer to see how the killer does in actual matches before doing anything too drastic. I do expect he's underperforming, though, and if so I'm sure there will be changes coming down the line.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    What the ######### is the point of PTB?

    BHVR needs new management.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Its easier to nerf op things tho like ph and having no cooldown with his power because it's often just number tweaks or removal of something

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703
    edited March 2021

    1) Get a few weeks of a head start to work on bug fixes, balance tweaks, etc. Some will be released by launch, others won't.

    2) Catch serious issues before they hit live servers.

    3) Allow fog whisperers, gaming blogs, etc. a good opportunity to build hype around the new killer ahead of the DLC launch.

    4) Give curious players the option to try out the new content.


    Edit: If they tell the community every time they're working on a change people will 1) treat it as a promise, 2) complain that the version that went live isn't as good as the originally-proposed change, 3) complain that it hasn't been released yet. They're better off underpromising and overdelivering.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Every patch, every chapter, killer is harder and harder to play. What balances are you talking about?

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 872

    I mean I once mentioned an idea to be able to move hexes around and then undying came out lol. Obviously it wasn’t my idea and just like-minded people going forward with something extremely similar. The devs listen but it’s not reasonable to expect them to hear everything and go with it. You can try and tell an architect to build something with an open concept though in the end they may comprise by knocking a few walls down but their design requires a couple load bearing walls in order to maintain their vision and the structures overall integrity.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    I mean they listen but they never give the community the changes the community want.

    The community ussually dat this or that killer is weak of strong and tell what needs to be changed.

    The devs only listen to the weak of strong part but they ussualy choose their own direction with the changes.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    The devs listen, but the issue is how long they take to fix something. Weeks to months. Even a year or two.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561

    Just look at Blight. He still gets adjustments.

    and they are listening to feedback from PTB, just not everything makes it to the initial release. Most major releases are followed by 2 patches, and they are already working on those - partly based on PTB feedback.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    That's not true. Look at the last few killers. Twins and Blight were both worse at launch then on 4.6.0. Charlotte can recall Victor in 30 seconds now, for example. It was 45 seconds on launch and he couldn't be recalled at all on the PTB. Blight's bounces were much less consistent, and his higher camera, which has been in the works for months, is great now for seeing over tiles. He was buffed and improved a bit based on the PTB too - more reliable bounces, increased turning rate, increased initial dash attack speed, removed a double cooldown he previously had, etc.

    More broadly, DBD started off incredibly survivor sided and has gotten steadily more balanced since then. It is more balanced now than it has ever been.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634

    There is a difference between "The Devs dont listen" and "The Devs dont react to feedback with immediate changes". They are listening, but that does not mean that they are doing everything the people asked for ASAP.

    Like, the world does not go down when there is one bad Killer released. If you dont like Trickster, dont buy it. There are so many Killers in DBD to play and at some point, they will most likely buff Trickster.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2021

    What you're saying is they're like the reluctant husband getting told to clean the gutters.

    Everyone but that husband knows how silly and dumb that husband is, but it hurts the

    husband's ego too much and refuses to clean gutters out of spite.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385


    Fixing something that is either bugged to the point of being unplayable and buffing something that EVEN ON PAPER was terribad AFTER they got released IS NOT a good poof that they listen.

    Are you serious now?

    What next? The servers are up so that means they listen too?

  • [Deleted User]

    I think the most concerning part is how Trickster (just like meat plant) has had a number of people working on it for months and somehow this is the final product we end up with. Everyone gave helpful feedback too and this is still what we end up with. It's really concerning for the future of the game. I don't know how to say this without sounding like I'm trying to be rude but....there's some real design problems over at Behaviour and I think they need more oversight. From what I've heard one employee say before it sounds like some designers have very little to do with some killers? Perhaps they need more feedback and input from colleagues or something. I don't believe that the entire studio thought these maps and killers were good enough to go live.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Why would it be based on PTB feedback, a version that would be almost months behind the live release, when they already said the PTB feedback isn't substantial to make any worthwhile changes because the size of players is too small? They look at data AFTER the patch comes to live, usually over a month after release according to Almo. So I ask again: why have PTB feedback in the first place?

  • Noxerias
    Noxerias Member Posts: 93

    May I suggest taking Cote's advice from a few years ago and play another game that's worth your time and money. Try "Civ" or another horror game like Soul's at Stake, or Home Sweet Home. The best way to communicate with the Dev's is with taking your time and money elsewhere.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561

    Gamebreaking stuff. Initial feedback (they might still decide on changes from PTB feedback when they also share that opinion about something, or they want to see how the feedback changes down the line - either if no changes were made between PTB and live or with smaller changes)

    i agree PTB seems kinda pointless, especially with a disaster like the Twins chapter and last midchapter with all the bugs.. but that’s something different to just saying they won’t listen at all.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    I'm convinced that the devs live in an alternate universe where everything is backwards and when people say they don't like something it reads the complete opposite to them.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    I agree.

    I'll be that guy and point out that if devs need the advise of random unqualified people on the internet, they may be not good enough at the job to deserve keeping it.

    The UI was a good example or that, how on earth did they managed to produce such a textbook case of "WHAT NOT TO DO" is beyond me.

    Same goes with the killer design, DbD is a rather easy game to design for and it got a LOT of flavor to draw idea from I'm still wondering how we constantly end up with either very poorly thought out killers or once that feel like bikes without sits that you'll have to ride (seriously, STOP using poor control as a way to balance killers, fighting with controls is the EXACT opposite of fun and enjoyable)/

  • johnathonmo11
    johnathonmo11 Member Posts: 22

    They did fix the movement and ui but they still didn't fix it until after it was released and still released the new movement and ui when it was still messed up and no one liked it. Proving that they do not listen. They didn't bother to try to change anything until AFTER it hit live. It's possible I'm wrong but they seem to always let it hit live before they try to fix anything. Even the twins had a ton of bugs from the ptb that hit live. All it seems like is that the ptb is for us to just see some shiny new killer or changes and not to actually TEST which is what it is there for as it is called a Public TEST Build

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    You're talking like it's a one-off when this happens all. The. Time.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Yup, and it's pretty cringy that he tries to pretend otherwise tbh.

    It happened with the UI, with maps reworks with killers, it's getting tiresome that every time a big patch drop, instead of feeling like... yaknow, a big patch, it feels like the game turned into a beta.

  • KittenBee
    KittenBee Member Posts: 35

    You do realize some bugs cannot be found till the game launches right? Because the testers may not have noticed it. There's too much data and coding to dig through on the game. And they do listen, they nerfed DS they buffed some killer perks(can't remember which ones) they decided to release the new chapter when many people were ticked they wanted to delay it. The problem is the community can never agree on what they should focus on 🤷

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Sure, but most can be. Seems worthwhile to catch the ones that aren't hard to trigger as soon as possible.

    I agree they do listen to the community.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634
    edited April 2021

    Aside from Twins and Trickster, every Killer released since Plague was at least decent. They are all solid Killers who got released, with some of them really strong (PH, Deathslinger, Oni, Blight). So if we look at the past 2 years, it is more an exception than the rule that a weak Killer gets released.

    When it comes to listening, I said that not doing something does not mean that they are not listening. But people on this forum are experts in saying that the Devs dont listen if they dont react ASAP.

  • [Deleted User]

    They don't listen. People have complained about the state of killer for 4, going on 5 years. They refused to listen and now survivors queues take forever and everyone is unhappy, who could have imagined?

    Everything they have done shows they have no intention of ever balancing the game. The maps are still #########, the maps have been ######### for 4 years with no fix in sight. Maps like badham and haddonfield. SWF still get to abuse everything in the game and become an unstoppable force. Heck just look at halloween last year, killers get a junk add on thats only for a limited time and survivors get a speed boost they can use in chase and they're still using them today. Shows who the "fun" is designed for. Most things on the survivor side still have no counterplay other than "hope the survivor screws up". Then you get archive challenges encouraging survivors to do things killers dont find fun like saboing hooks, or using keys to escape.

    I disagree massively with your assessment of the killers but iirc you're the guy who said Demogorgan is a strong killer?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,634
    edited April 2021

    They do listen. Killer became easier and easier over the years. It is the easiest it has ever been. If someone now struggles at playing Killer on a regular basis (everyone has bad games, but not consistently), they are bad at the game. Sorry for saying the truth.

    I said Demo is a solid Killer with only the Add Ons needing any rework. There are at least 10 Killers who are stronger than him. But nice try twisting my words.

  • [Deleted User]

    4 survivors and 1 killer needed to start a game. If 1000 people are online, it's a 50/50 which mode they want to play. If 700 people decide they want to play survivor, and 300 decide they want to play killer, killer gets the longer queues because the ratio isn't balanced.

    With this in mind;

    In resident evil resistance Mastermind had the queues, survivor was instant

    In friday the 13th people would quit if they were given counsellor instead of Jason (but nobody quit when they had to play Jason)

    Dead by daylight is the only game that bucks the trend and has many more people wanting to play the survivor role rather than the killer role. Look at all the people that come in these forums complaining about queue times but flatout refusing to play killer. There's something uniquely wrong with killer in DBD.

    So you can say what you want but the evidence suggests otherwise.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561

    What are you talking about?

    there were many many survivor nerds and killer buffs through the years.

    Maps were fixed and even Badham isn’t as bad anymore, also look at Ormond, (actual) infinites are gone, Haddonfield is going to get reworked.

    Keys will get reworked and sabotage is actually one of those survivor nerfs, it’s pretty much neglectable if survivors sabo except when a whole 4 man squad does it. And even then you can just start to slug and get an ez win.

    those event add-ons are also not a good indicator of who the devs like more, it was the first attempt of a universal killer add-on. And you are saying this while Iri-hatchets+Belt is still a thing..

    if you really don’t see ANY improvements in the killer side since the game released then you will never be satisfied and it’s best to move on. The game is not perfectly balanced of course, but that’s pretty much impossible in this Game with these killers and the asymmetrical nature... and with that in mind it’s in a pretty good state