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Keys are ridiculous

lolifasad Member Posts: 68
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

That's all I have to say for this thread.

Losing a game when there's 1 gen left and 4 survivors escape immediately (get teabagged as a bonus, as if they an incredible outplay), ruins the entire game. It's legit no fun. It throws perks that block exit gates and the entire aspect of the end-game down the drain. Keys should only work for the person carrying it, otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever.

"But reeee, surv don't know where the hatch is and it closes in 30 seconds".. Yeah, as if the majority of them are not on coms and as soon as someone finds its wouldn't alert others and tell em where it is. The killer has 1/4 of the chance to find the hatch compared to survivors.

And there's a whole legion of skill-less survivors who play the game ONLY this way, with one always having a key, gen-rushing fast and then escaping through the hatch all together.

"But muuuuh, as a killer you're not supposed to let them do gens, it's your fault they managed to do 4"... oh yeah? As far as I know, not all killers rely on gen control and some actually thrive in the end game the most, which is why we have so many PERKS made SPECIFICALLY for the end-game, because obviously it is also an important aspect of the game. If it's not, why don't just make it that when the last game pops they immediately escape and the game ends? There's a reason why the gates exist. Or at least, it would be, if it weren't for keys.

Nerf them. Nerf them so they work only for one person. The hatch spawning after all gens are done isn't a sufficient nerf, as it also negates the whole aspect of the end game, if 4 can escape at once.


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The hatch only spawns after all gens are done if there's 4 survivors left.

    And if that really happened, and they were teabagging, you had time to close the hatch, since they need turns to escape, they can't get out all at the same time.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Nerfing them to only work for one person would lead to a different problem.

    Let’s say there’s one person dead and 1 gen left. Instead of helping his team he just leaves with hatch for them to die

    That doesn’t sound fun for solo queuers

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    They are being changed.

    What else do you want?

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2021

    Marigoria, in what world does that happen? Are you playing a different game or something? We cannot close the hatch if we don't know where it is :D. And even if you see it, before you get close to them, they're all gone.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    also there needs to be a hatch opening animation that they can't 99 on.

    Too ######### often I am in mid chase with a survivor on a closed hatch and they just open it instantly and I don't do anything

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    Okay, then make them work only if there's 2 survivors left, so 2 can escape at most. But 4? That's ridiculous. Even Otz agrees that keys are BS

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You speak like the devs care about solo players. I wish.

    That key issue is why I already dodge lobbys as surv when I see someone has a key. More often than not people just leave you to die.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    That also. Isn't a KEY implying that you need to UNLOCK something with it? Because right now, you sorta just look at the hatch and it immediately opens.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You literally just said they were teabagging you on hatch, so you knew where it was.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    i wish they cared about solo's and console players


  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    You cannot close the hatch mid animation, and it's almost impossible to do so when 4 people are spam clicking to escape as you are trying to close. Nice try, but what you're suggesting doesn't work and doesn't imply anything reasonable.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    They can also find it in a chest, so even dodging the lobby doesn't work. It's just ridiculous. But even the sole fact that something in the game can make players dodge a lobby and prefer to wait another 10 minutes than play the match, speaks volumes.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah I don’t dodge since that means another 10 minute queue but I never enjoy key lobbies since it involves a lot of immersion

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 382

    Are you playing a different game or something where hatch spawns with all survivors alive and one gen is left? :/

    If not you should be complaining about hackers, not keys.

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    I don't see them ever disallowing at least one key to open for all survivors considering there is a hidden achievement for doing that successfully.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    Whatever, even 3, point still stands. Also hackers are a real thing in this game too, unfortunately. I recently played against a guy who was moving faster than me as a killer the whole game, and then after calling him out, he was like "don't you know what sprint burst is noob". Last time I checked, sprint burst didn't work for 10 minuets straight.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    What is the actual change being considered for Keys?

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    I agree, even if I play survivor most of the time I hate keys, and as killer I don’t want to play anymore. The key should get a strong nerf like mori. For example killer can lock the hatch if he finds it first or they can open the hatch only if the owes of key is in dead hook or smh like this. And I don’t understand why they add hatch offerings. I started to believe that devs are survivor main.

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 382

    Don't exaggerate, it calls your entire argument into question.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2021

    They are a surv main for sure, since they made only 3 killers viable in the entire game, and the other 21 straight up useless in purple and red ranks. And you know why that is? Because the SWF's earn the most money to Behavior, because there's 4 of them playing all the time. If you're a killer main, you're 1 person only. If they make the game killer sided and unfun to play as a survivor, the SWF's may start quitting the game, and they are probably half of the game's population right now. And they play EXCLUSIVELY to bully killers and exploit toxic game mechanics, because that's what is the most fun for them. Taking away that fun from them, and making killers viable and a pain to play against (as it is for killers to play right now), would make lots of them quit. The opposite tho, making it survivor sided, negates the damage by 1/4. The game will ALWAYS be survivor sided for that sole reason.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    It really doesn't, and in some instances that may be even worse. 3 premade survivors, leaving the other one to die, so they can get the hatch. Does that sound healthy to you?

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 382

    Oof, is there? Yeah, achievements are why they haven't changed killer adepts.

    So, the only other option I can think of is adding an animation. Maybe one the length of opening a chest.

    Unlocking hatch during a chase is pretty bs.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    The hatch spawning when you're the only 1 surv left is reasonable, and it shouldn't have to be unlocked, that's fair to me. However, the other thing not so much. First, survivors should never be able to escape without completing all gens. This is just insane. It's like wining a league game without destroying the nexus. It ruins the original aspect of it. Second, as you said, if the hatch is CLOSED (as opposed to open, as if when you're the last one left), then it makes sense having to unlock it.

    Everything in this game takes time, cleansing totems, chests etc. , and those aren't as big as the hatch, yet the one thing that could make you literally win is immediately ready to unlock, makes no sense. And of course, the other thing, having multiple survivors escape without opening the exit gates. As I said, we have to many perks (one recently just came out) about the exit gates specifically, and if there's a key in the match, the fact that the exit gates are not even considered is super BS. Third, whats the logic in the hatch being ready to open again after the killer has already closed it? Because that happened to me multiple times, i've no idea why or how it happens.

    And lastly, if the hatch is to be opened with a key, the killer should have some more ways to figure it out where it is, shouldn't he? I mean as I said, there's 4 survivors and only 1 killer, the chances of survivors finding it first and alerting others is 4 times the chance the killer could find it first. In that case, it only makes sense if the killer has more info on it (unless you're the last survivor ofc, then you both have an equal chance).

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    There are many good killers not just 3. Huntress, Nurse, Pyramid Head, Spirit, Oni, Deathslinger, Freddy. With good meta perks is easy to win, but I don’t find it fun to play like this. I used to play Slinger, Doc, Demo and Trapper cuz they are really fun and I run no gen defense perks because I don’t bother to hold the gens a lot and play a game in like 20mins. A kick to a gen is enough. But with the good killers and good meta perks it’s not that hard to win even against 4man swf, unless they bring key, map offerings, red addons. I play killer addonless and I struggle a lot to win. Anyway when I get bullied I just equip my spriti and wipe everyone or slug everyone with nurse.

    Survivor gameplay is more funny and entertaining and maybe that’s why the game is still survivor sided. Even as survivor main I can say I escaped in games that I shouldn’t because killer played good and I just gen rushed and abused a random mate’s key to escape.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2021

    Huntress and Deathslinger are map dependent, which still points at survivor sided game, because there are no maps that screw up specific survivor characters. I'm not talking about survivor sided or killer sided maps, but characters. If you're a huntress or a billy, you'll struggle in indoor maps. If you're a Nea or a Dwight or whatever, maps don't bother you at all. Which of course, is a part of the game's design, as survivor characters are basically skins with perks, but that shouldn't mean that killers need to be map dependent. And there's a simple fix to that, add more holes in the walls of indoor maps, that ranged killers can use to throw their projectiles. Not big enough to be vaulted or moved past, but just enough so that a hatched could pass. No, it wouldn't be broken, the fact that in some maps projectile killers are turned into M1 killers is broken.

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 382

    It does because I know you're willing to exaggerate (aka lie) to prove a point and it calls everything you've said in this thread into question.

    I've never stated keys were fair, but at that point it would be more unfair to the lone survivor than the killer.

    Tf do you mean by premade survivors.

  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Blood, specifically key blood.

    But jokes aside, we'll probably see less complaints about it after the nerf, at least when it comes to the old complaints. Any others would be people against the change or something idk.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    Do I really need to explain what premade means? Top gamer moment

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    " and 4 survivors escape immediately"


    Literally how. Do you know how long I've been trying to get this Trophy? It's basically impossible.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    Play with friends. Bhvr made this game for survivor friends, they don't give a damn about you and your trophies if you're solo. That's who they are