Should NOED Be Changed?

MildMegamind Member Posts: 4
edited March 2021 in Polls

As a long time player of Dead by Daylight, I feel like NOED as a perk is very broken. First of all, survivors only have one perk to counter NOED. Small game. Even with small game, killers have a perk to make cleansing dull totems harder which is Hex: Undying. I think that NOED provides an unfair advantage to the killer and further destroys the ranking system in place. Killers can easily wait until end game and slug all players to get a 4k.

My suggested change:

Each time a generator is completed or a totem is cleansed, No One Escapes Death gains 1 token. (max 10 tokens)

Once the exit gates are powered, on hit consume 1 token to instantly put a healthy survivor in the dying state.

For each token No One Escapes Death has, preform vaulting, breaking and searching [locker] actions 1/2/3% faster (tier 3 noed with 10 tokens, 30% increase to vaulting and breaking pallets.)

Note: I would like feedback on the suggested change because I have never tried balancing a perk before.

Should NOED Be Changed? 76 votes

No. NOED is fine as is.
Rizzobigbrother[Deleted User]MrPenguinSillierHorizon5PulsarGeneralVGeordieKillerfakeWarcrafter4TatariuMaxwellFFirebranddDonkeyRatBigbubbabam270TeabaggingGhostfacePixel_BoomBotTheTom20DesarmeMoundshroud 39 votes
Yes. NOED should be changed.
Seiko300OnryosTapeRentalsBlueberryTapeKnotDr_TrautsshardsAven_FallenJawsIsTheNextKillerLeonardo1itaUistreelSushi_x2099Critical_FishDawnMadCornHubNullclinesMadLordJackVeckmanglitchboiAggressiveFTWBreque 37 votes
Post edited by Rizzo on


  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I have never used it but been a survivor and i see a lot of killers that use it. most of them will wait until the end game, especially if they are losing gens and chasing a good looper.

  • pennythewise
    pennythewise Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2021
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    No noed is fine the way it is

    its only counter is🥁 🥁🥁 cleanse totems! , cleanse totems that not only decrease the chances of noed but it would give you 1000-1500 bps also small game is insanely useful against perks like that's, use it.

    just search for the totem and thats it

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    It isn't a good perk if Survivors know what they are doing.

    If anything it needs a buff to be more healthy.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2021
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    No just give survivors a totem counter.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    the only change i would make to it is giving the survivors the exposed status effect as soon as the last generator gets done. that way theyll know whether they should play a bit more carefully

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    Survivors get punished if they decide to ignore doing totems, don't think it should be changed because people are to lazy to do totems.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Survivors that say it is fine don't play solo.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    NOED is not a big dealer. It is a toxic perk that can change the game but it is only active once all gens are completed. It hurts the gen rushers mostly that only doing gen and forgot the dull totems. As a survivor yes escaping is your main priority and repairing gens is a must however when people use NOED I saw them like "we did all game great and 1 perk ruined us" and etc... Sorry but if you only do gens and not thinking about future it is not the NOED that should be punished it is you sadly.

    I play solo all the time as survivor and I am rank 7-8 surv. I also play killer and it is also same ranks. I am always %100 solo at both teams and whenever I found dull totem I cleanse it for NOED or extra BP. Solo can be playable actually and I think it is the true form of the game. NOED is not OP for solo neither a lame perk for SWF. It is a situational perk and not a great one.

    Overall NOED is fine.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited March 2021
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    It is a ridiculous and unfair perk that exists to get a small handful of unearned kills and punish solo's for not playing in a SWF. Nothing about NOED is okay in its current state, from its rather low power spike to its unearned activation to its lack of real counterplay (doing bones is more valuable for the killer than having NOED and is exponentially more likely to result in a 4k. Especially if they don't have NOED).

    Edit: also, it's free facecamp insurance. Get the most artificial 2k of your life.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Yes, should 100% be changed. It is a Perk which rewards Killers for playing poorly and the only thing that can be done to prevent is, is to cleanse Dull Totem for a Perk the Killer might not even have.

    Get rid of the Totem Status and make NOED a Perk which rewards playing good. Like, a Killer who did well during the game should get a reward and a Killer who did nothing, should not be rewarded.

    Have written it quite often, idea from OhTofu I like:

    Remove the Hex-Part and per Hook 0,5% Movement Speed after all Gens are done, after a certain number of Hooks, also the Instadown. Killer who gots lots of Hooks will have a higher reward. The Killer who just facecamps the first person they find will not get a huge reward at all.

    And it would remove the need to search for Dull Totems, which can be especially painful when playing Solo on some Maps.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    It doesn't need a nerf or a buff, but it needs a change. The most simple way to put this is by an example of a killer that can randomly kill 2 survivors and make the other 2 escape with the press of a button. If you are thinking about balance, this would be the most balanced killer they could possibly add to the game, but that doesn't mean it's a good killer gameplaywise, because it's the worst one in that aspect. Now if we look at NOED, people say "just get out" but even then it basically guarantees a kill or two at the end of the game. Not an unbalanced perk, but definitely a scummy one because of the way it works.

    To people who says "just do bones": Have you ever tried doing bones in Solo Queue in a map like Midwich? Because if you are even suggesting doing all 5 bones by yourself then you have no idea what you are talking about.

    To people who says "its okay because it only activates at the end of the game": So it only activates if the killer hasn't already killed all 4 survivors and needs the perk, how does this makes the perk any less useful?

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Just to you that say do bones

    Saying to everyone do bones in an solo quee is the same as say just pressure gens against an genrhuser swf

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    I see NOED is more of a training/ morale boost perk if anything i normally put it on if im learning a new killer as i know its going to be a few rough matches as i learn about the new killer and not going to be getting alot of hooks so i have it on to get at least one kill as nothing puts me off learning a new killer than having 4 man escapes almost every match as i havent figured out how to use the killer effectivley. Also NOED has a strong counter find the totems or if you come across a non lit totem break it.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    I found a comment under a YouTube video once that described my view about NOED spot on. The only arguments I've seen why NOED is unhealthy were "Against good killers there is no time to do bones" and "I outplayed the killer the whole game and then I get punished because I had a perfect game" but that is not true. People ignore totems way to much in my opinion and most of them don't even see it as a side objective. A "perfect" game in my opinion would be: All totems cleansed, all gens were done, both exist gates are open and all 4 escape. Killers mains always say "Play the game like every survivor has DS+UB", which is true btw and that why survivors should play like every killer runs NOED.

    The comment I found under the YouTube Video was:

    1. If the survivors have the upperhand they can easily spare time to break bones. If they dont, they get punished for rushing and a NOED up their ass. AKA it wouldnt have mattered to have NOED.

    2. If the game is about 50/50, then NOED doesnt really have that big of an impact. Because enough people would either already be dead or injured by the time NOED can activate. Or survivors have Adrenaline, and NOED counters it. Meaning that it would only matter because you were running Adrenaline in the first place. If you didnt run Adrenaline, NOED wouldnt have mattered in terms of instadowns.

    3. If the killer has the upperhand, survivors wont be able to finish gens at all, and in the chance that survivors do finish the gens, they would still be very likely to be injured anyway, meaning the instadown doesnt matter at all, or they have adrenaline, in which case, NOED counters it.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    Do bones

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I just want them to make it so that for every unique survivor hooked (up to 4) you get 4 stacks of noed. If they do that I think it is totally fine.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I feel like NOED should spawn at the start of the game like any other hex, but instead of giving you an instadown, the hex grows in power every time survivors complete a gen, kinda like fire up,

    1st gen: increases the pallet and gen breaking speed by 10%

    2nd gen: increases vault speed by 10%

    3rd gen: increases movement speed by 5%

    4th gen: decreases cooldown after a successful hit by 20%

    5th gen: exposes all survivors

    Each time you gain a token your terror radius increases by 4/6/8 meters

  • ThisIsAName
    ThisIsAName Member Posts: 3
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I think survivors also have Detective's Hunch to find totems, but I feel like the movement speed should be removed, even though the exposed status is annoying, but removing or changing that makes the perk kinda useless.

  • Adidi
    Adidi Member Posts: 44
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    Maps, detective's hunch, small game, inner strength, 1k points for cleansing a dull... It literally prolongs game by 20 seconds if survivors do bones when seeing them... Noed is not even a good perk and was nerfed twice already... Just do bones if you are so scared about killer getting one more hook after last gen popped.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I want it to be changed for the simple reason that people wouldnt complain about it as much, personally I dont even think its that good of a perk, kind of a crutch/second chance perk that doesnt even work till endgame, not my favorite type of perk, I prefer perks that can be used all game not just after all the gens are done.

  • Desarme
    Desarme Member Posts: 39
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    No,lol genrush is most problem

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I do think NOED needs a significant change, and I heavily disagree with it being able to one shot at all, but I think if your concept only gained Tokens based on number of Totems destroyed BUT it was still a Hex Perk, it'd be fine.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    NOED is powerful in the fact that most of the time it offers a free kill to the Killer who likely underperformed that match. Unless you're a heavily coordinated SWF which aren't nearly as common as some may say, you will rarely break all the totems in the map or sometimes even be unable to find the Hex Totem once it spawns.

    NOED unfairly punishes solo queue while unfairly rewarding bad play, and that's why it should be changed.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited April 2021
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    I wouldn't mind if it was changed, but I don't think it's broken.

    Most people who cry about NOED are entitled Survivor Mains who are rushing every gen so hard, the gates swing open at the 5 minute mark.

    Seriously... just do bones. It's not hard. Hell, I don't even bother with Hex perks anymore because I'm tired of being 1 minute into every game missing 1-2 perks because BHVR thinks spawning a totem in front of a Survivor's starting point is solid gameplay. So yall can clearly do them when properly motivated... just pretend all the other bones are active hexes and NOED will never bother you again.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Small rant from someone who plays more Killer than Survivor if you wanted to label me because I disagreed.

    One, what do you consider gen rushing? Either A or B can be chosen but not both.

    a) doing generators when the Killer is not applying pressure

    b) letting other Survivors die on first hook to do generators

    Also, like everything else is in DBD sadly, Totem spawns are entirely random. For a solo queue Survivor which are plentiful, just because you lost a match doesn't mean it was a SWF, breaking all of the Totems is an incredibly hard task without a dedicated perk build, because you have to trust your teammates to be good in a chase and to do gens while trusting yourself to be able to find 5 small objects that are usually hidden decently enough.

    Hex perks are either meant to be used for a short time before they're destroyed (Hex: Ruin, Hex: Crowd Control, Hex: Undying), or be protected so they become powerful (Hex: Devour Hope). If you can't utilize the power of the Hexes listed at first, you have room to improve as Killer. And a lot of it. If you can't protect the Hex listed in the second category, don't use it.

    Risk is a part of the design philosophy for Hex perks, complaining about them being risky and random in nature is useless as that's the point. I do disagree with the random spawns of just about everything in this game, but Hexes are made so they can be destroyed, them being destroyed at some point should be expected.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    edited April 2021
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Perks are not a valid argument for balance of the game as a whole. Plus, you have to waste a perk slot to run a perk to counter NOED which the Killer might not run, so the only way in a regular solo queue match you're going to help your team out by only doing totems is the following:

    1. Having the Killer waste time at the start of the match
    2. Have most Survivors, if not all, be good at looping
    3. Having Survivors that do generators (surprisingly rare)
    4. Having Survivors that unhook quickly and when smart (surprisingly rare)
    5. Finding all of the Hex totems (with or without a perk/item for it, it takes time and puts you in danger)
    6. The Killer actually running NOED

    6 steps, 5 of which being entirely random. Sounds fun to prevent the possibility of the Killer getting a free kill for playing poorly.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    As fun as it is to go against, people consider it to be unhealthy for the game and I can honestly agree.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited April 2021
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    BTW: I actually did vote Yes, NOED should be changed. I think it's a lazily designed perk that does a bit too much and asks too little from a killer.

    I never complained about Hex perks being "risky" outside of my statement: "I don't even bother with them anymore".

    IMHO, the risk isn't worth the reward. That's just my opinion - I prefer perks that do less but that I can count on. I think most would actually disagree with me, I just don't want most of my games to come down to luck as the deciding factor.

    And I consider Gen rushing to be "whenever I'm not being chased or going for an unhook, the only thing I care about is Gens."

    Again, not really complaining about it... but I find it a little ironic that most people who complain about Hex Perks are most likely going to be mid to high level survivors who treat the game like an M1 simulator (IE: make no effort to GET RID of the hexes). Yup, against those types of players, Hex Perks will likely do more... again unless BHVR decides to put the totem right next to your favorite gen or starting point (which feels to be just about every other game).

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Im aware of its strengths but I dont consider a single kill a win so using a perk to secure a loss isnt my thing

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    Yes. NOED should be changed.

    Just make it so that everyone knows the perk has activated before someone goes down, it's not fair to go down to something you had absolutely no idea was coming.

    Even rancor and cross-map huntress shots have effects and sounds, but noed does not.

    and before you say "just do bones" i play solo que, i can't find all bones without a map and if my teammates don't do them too we all have to deal with it.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702
    No. NOED is fine as is.

    this is basically the only second chance perk a killer gets, why can't we just leave it alone?? Do I hate dying to NOED?? Yeah it can be a slap in the face but if it ever comes into play. you can do a few things.

    1. just leave ASAP
    2. find NOED and break it.
    3. bring small game
    4. bring detectives hunch
    5. bring a rainbow map

    I love small game and I broke all 5 totems with it once.