My idea of Trickster buffs

Profezia Member Posts: 673


  • Windup animation takes less priority than throwing a knife (instant ADS, you can throw a knife the moment you press m2).
  • Laceration no longer disappears automatically
  • Laceration disappears after completing a 'mend'-like action which takes 4+1 second for each knife stuck in survivor. Interrupting the action would reset the progress.
  • Each knife stuck in survivor would slightly decrease their repair, healing, cleansing and vaulting speed by 1%
  • Throwing knives no longer has a recoil, only decreased accuracy.

Main event:

  • Requires 24 successful knife hits to be fully charged by default
  • Once fully charged, Trickster can activate it any time he wants by pressing and holding secondary power button.
  • Lasts for 10 seconds by default.
  • During main event Trickster throws knives with both hands, resulting in decreased accuracy and doubled amount of knives per throw.
  • Knives thrown at the same time from different hands are treated as single projectile with one trajectory that deals double damage.
  • When Main Event is activated, a loud sound cue is played for survivors


  • Memento Blades - Decreases the amount of starting time of knife mending by 2 seconds. Gives 100% bonus bloodpoints for Showstopper score events. Bonus bloodpoints are awarded post trial.
  • Tequila Moonrock - Moderately increases accuracy during Main Event.
  • On Target Single - Increases the amount of starting time of knife mending by 2 seconds.
  • Lucky Blade - Very rare rarity (from uncommon). Last remaining knife deals 1 health state of damage to the survivor instead of laceration.
  • Yumi's Murder - Increases the amount of starting time of knife mending by 3 seconds.
  • Waiting For You Watch - Increases the amount of additional time per blade by 0.5 seconds.
  • Ripper Brace - Increases length of Main Event by 5 seconds.
  • Trick Blades - Uncommon (from very rare) Allows blades to ricochet off the environment twice. Hitting survivors with ricocheting blade awards bonus 250 bloodpoints in deviousness category. Bonus bloodpoints are awarded post trial.
  • Iridescent Photocard - Additionally increases movement speed to 115% when any survivor  is one Blade Hit away from the maximum


  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    I feel like his main problem is the movement speed while holding knives or throwing them. You need to hit 8 knives so you will just keep walking while holding m2 if you won't use m1. If his speed while doing those action would be like 4.0 he will be allright. Nowadays we don't need bad killer we need op killer that require skill.

    I agree about Main Event and accuracy, but laceration shouldn't go. I mean nerf Plag and Ghosty then.