Perk Idea - Mix Up The Meta?

BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Hey everyone!

Long-time DBD player and forum lurker, first post on the forums. I play roughly 50/50 survivor to killer.

My apologies if this has been brought up or thought of before.

I had an idea the other day about what would everyone’s thoughts be if all the perks for both killer and survivor were assigned a points system?

So instead of it being a ‘pick any 4’ perks system as it is currently, it would move to all the perks having an assigned point value. You would then have to pick points that added up to a maximum point cap. Similar to what you can do on Call of Duty games.

Rough example: Maybe perk points are capped at 10? So if you were playing survivor and choose Self Care (1), Dead Hard (5), Windows of Opportunity (1), Decisive Strike (3) would equal 10 points.

If you were playing killer, you could choose Corrupt Intervention (3), Mad Grit (3), Agitation (1), Enduring (3) that would equal 10 too.

Obviously the perk values wouldn’t necessarily be these exact amounts and would need dev and community feedback to settle on what everyone would think would be fair. There could be a chance that perk values don’t exceed 4 per perk, but I think 5 rating could be used to stop certain perks being used together, or if you did, it would mean entering the trial with only 2 perks instead of 4.

I just think this system could potentially help with a shake-up of perks currently in use. It could potentially stop killers and survivors using the same perks all the time which I’m sure you agree gets tiresome after time.

There’s a chance that people may be willing to experiment with more variety in their builds and be forced to think of different builds and perks that they maybe wouldn’t consider beforehand.

I also think this could pave the way to survivors and killers having some perks made base-kit (so wouldn’t count towards your allotted perk value points) for example, all survivors could get Borrowed Time and Killers could get Ruin?

There’s so many perks in the game that never get used. I quite like the archive challenges that force me to use a perk that I’ve never used before.

Sorry I know this is a long post, wanted to get it all out there. Thanks for reading, please let me know your thoughts or tweaks!

*edited for grammar*


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I suggested this a while ago but ultimately I came to the conclusion that this requires the devs to fully understand what the meta is and why. I feel that would be too much maintenance for them to maintain. To clarify they would need to understand the value of perks and why. But seeing as though stuff like Gearhead gets nerfed out of the PTB I don't trust them fully to do it quickly and reliably.

    Granted the purpose of this would be to bypass 4 perks to have 5 as an example but the thing is I don't realistically see that happening so other than that I see no point personally. I don't see it being a fun mechanic to have this imposed specifically to restrict survivors and killers to less perks if the ones they chose are just naturally strong. That's just my two cents though.

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    Hey Dustin, thanks for your reply :)

    Sorry did think this idea seemed good so someone must have thought of it too! That’s a little disappointing to hear, I think if enough of the community got behind it and settled on something that all parties agreed on it could be a possibility.

    The devs have access to all the stats of the game. They must know what perks are consistently used so could use that to play a part?

    I would only be up for this if there was equal input from survivors, killers and devs to ensure it was fair. They could even put it out as a player feedback survey?

    I do get what you’re saying, the last thing I’d want is to make it too restrictive. More a softer approach if it were possible. It could go hand in hand with a major perk reshuffle as I know they’ve been trying to rework a lot of perks for the sake of balance.

    I just find it boring knowing there’s about a handful of perks I know I have to use, rather than I want to use when I load in either as a survivor or killer. I do sometimes I wish the game was a little more casual so it wasn’t so competitive / stressful for both sides.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I'd love for the meta to be shaken up too and admittedly I still like this idea but I just don't trust BHVR enough to maintain something like that and I'm sure they probably won't shift away from their current system anytime soon if at all. If it works though I'm content with the current system for now.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    This is actually a great idea but it has too many requirements to make it work out. I do agree with the statement that the meta could use some changes. Besides, the devs are running out of good perk ideas.

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    Hey ilovedbd123 - thanks for your reply :)

    If you can make No Mither work for you, you can have 20 perk points haha! :')

    I get what you mean about perk-dependent killers, but surely that's a fundamental problem with the design of those killers themselves? That may make them more likely to consider them for re-works. I do agree with the diversity of killers, especially at higher ranks. Nothing quite like 10 matches against Freddy in a short space of time to make me play a different game.

    There's still the possibility of survivors and killers being able to choose certain perk combinations - it would all be dependent on what the values land on I guess for the perk points. I think even if it this change made people use 2/3 Meta perks and 1/2 non-meta perk that could be enough of a change to mix gameplay up a little?

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    Hey again Dustin :)

    It's strange because it does seem like looking through the forums there are a lot of people asking for changes to perks and builds. I do think it would need to be something that would need to be monitored and adjusted and it may take a lot of initial work to get it going, but I really think something like this could help with the overall health and longevity of the game.

    BHVR asking for community feedback from the DS change made me think that they are slowly becoming a bit more inclined to improve their communication with their players for the betterment of the game.

    I'm hoping once the game little more stable and the 5th anniversary is said and done, it could be something they could add to their road-map.

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    Hey notionely - thanks for your reply :)

    I do think it may have a big outlay to get it balanced and implemented in the first place, but this will surely be off-set once it's up and running.

    It'd be interesting to see if they do eventually stop adding perks to the game. I think I would be gutted if they did, but as you say surely there's only so many more things they can add.