Is it (finally) safe to come back?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105
edited April 2021 in General Discussions


I have not touched the game for almost half a year now (after playing it 4K+ hours) and the last time i asked the same question was a few months ago. (pretty much everybody agree that the game got even worse)

I know its a very general question, so let me tell you my issues i had.

  • The direction of the game. Killer like PH, Deathslinger or Twins. Very lame playstyle, no real defense as survivor other then pray that the killer is missing/playing bad. The game switched those new killers to full chase control for killer rather then ballanced strenght measurement between 2 players.
  • Hit boxes were absolutly terrible
  • Horrible community

So, what do you guys think? Is now the time to give it another shot? Were there any serious improvements recently? Is the new killer (who looks like he is straight out of Overwatch) another annoying POS like Slinger or PH or is he actually fun to play against? Have they fixed the hit detection/hit boxes or is it still "lets get hit 5 meters away"?

PS: I never had a problem playing as killer, i always enjoyed it, but my survivor experience became worse and worse. But eventually i lost interest in playing Killer all the time.

Thanks in advance.


  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Check my posts about the new killer in this forum and you'll get your answers.

  • cacatua00099
    cacatua00099 Member Posts: 197

    Deberías aprender a jugar un poco más. Los supervivientes tienen más ventaja que el asesino. Es casi imposible cazar a un superviviente que sabe como hacer loop.

  • PH got nerfed so he no longer has control of the chase

    Nobody and I mean NOBODY plays Twins so there's no need to worry about them. (Ok maybe you'll see 1 in 1000 games but thats the max)

    The new killer is by far the weakest killer they have ever released in the history of DBD (no hyperbole)

    Hitboxes are still the same

    So I mean it's maybe a little better? but mostly the same.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited April 2021

    No. It's as bad as ever. Really. In fact it's worse.

    Go now, and I'm coming with you.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    If you think Slinger has no counterplay you really might wanna stay away for good

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited April 2021

    First of all no notable change to the community (like what can one expect given the behaviour of many people hidden behind online anonymity).

    Second: new killer is overall seen as hot garbage with 110 movement, a ranged power that needs to hit 8 times for a healthstate, has horrible recoil but can be spammed (60 ammo). His power main event can't be used on command (like oni) but just goes off (like corrupt purge for a plague with all dirtied fountains) and has a windup plus cool down. So don't expect too much from the killer or enjoy an easy time as a decent survivor playing against them IF they don't camp.

    Third: Atlrast I never heard of improved hit boxes but they managed to clear the mess of the twins update.

    Fourth: just in case You don't know, ds was nerfed to deactivate on progressing the game in any way and is now meant as a pure for the time when they survivor is unhooked and should opt for stealth and finding a save spot to get healed by others or thinks they are save to heal themselves.

  • Not as bad as twins extremely underwhelming chapter but they didn't break the game

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I forgot to mention that i am well aware that these killers have "counterplay" but not really in the chase. At least nothing that is any fun for the survivor role. I know how to play Slinger, i know there is nothing they can do in a chase other then drop the pallet right away. So much fun. And "winning" by genrush is not why i played the game in first place, i want exciting gameplay. Slinger/Twins/PH did not proved that by any means.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Euhm balanced around 2 players? You do realize that this is a 1v4 game?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2021

    I never said that. But it should be clear that there is good and that there is bad killer design. Killers like Oni, Blight, Huntress or Hillbilly are strong if played good, but survivors still have a good chance lasting long in chase when they as good or even better then the killer. Not the case with the killers i mentioned in my first post. I know both sides more then enough that i feel competent to judge.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Competent enough, but purely judge a killer on their strength in a loop? Better players can still loop a PH he did receive a nerf, twins can be countered by teamwork and that type of behavior.

    It is funny that the killers you like are those with map mobility for the majority. You are experienced enough. Different types of killers have different benefits.

  • Zylance
    Zylance Member Posts: 64

    Are you asking other people if YOU think its fun to play against the different killers? Do you see what you are doing wrong here?

    Install the game and find out..

    The community is still horrible, if you read endgame chat (but you dont need to..). Survivors are still the powerrole if playing in SWF and not just trolling around. Hitboxes are still weird.

    The newest killer isnt in any form a "horror" killer imo tho, he is indeed straight from overwatch - And incredibly bad. But fun is subjective, i have had great games with - and against him..

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Yeah. but that's a general problem with the game. I'd say the moment they actually do start to make matches dynamic (like what is on the maps, the structure, the point events) then it'd be safe-ish to come back.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    There is nothing balanced about 90% of the loops in this game.

    You just stand at the corner and stare through the many gaps and openings for the killer or the handy dandy glow that also goes through solid walls.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    From the problems you mentioned you had with DBD, no nothing changed in that regard.

    Strong chase killers are still strong, if you were getting bad hits before than you'll probably still get them as nothing that I would know of changed in that regard and community is also still the same.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Hitboxes are a bit better but still not perfect.

    Still a bad community but there is a language filter now. Filters a tad too much but hey it's there.

    Balance wise PH recieved a small nerf that delays him slightly longer when he fakes his power so it's not really a complete lose lose situation.

    Other then that deathslinger will probably never change. He's not really a problem cause he has counterplay. You might not like it and that's totally valid but it is there. While it all boils down to wether slinger misses or not the survivor can make that shot harder by playing in certain ways

    Honestly you really shouldn't be asking this stuff on a forum. 95% of people are here venting about something frustrating that happened while playing. You're not really getting a unbiased answer.

    Best thing i advice is just try it. See if you like it and if you don't just leave it be again

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Well yes i would say that i clearly got the most fun out of this game by getting chased / looping the killer. If a killer does not provide that, i wont enjoy it.

    In the past, we had that with most killers, but the game shifted away to give killer much more control in a chase. Unfortunatly the trend is to give killer more control in a chase rather then map control which is the wrong way to create a good experience for both sides. I dislike that trend and i am basicly here to ask if this trend has stopped and they went back to the original path of the game.

    For people who like stealth, Deathslinger or Twins are clearly fun killers to go against, but i am none of them.

    The reason why i love killer with high mobility (as survivor and as killer) is because they are by far the best and most exciting killer to play and play against.

    A Billy does not have to waste time walking around for ages, he can zoom from gen to gen. On top of that, he can use his ability in the chase. Map awareness and skill with the chainsaw (curving) is crucial to win the game. Same for survivors. You have all the tools against him, but you need to be good enough to use them. A chase is always exciting against a billy because of that, and it is fair. I had countless 5 gen runs against billys and i got destroyed by skilled billys within the first loop, and every outcome was fair and still fun, because i always had the feeling that i or either he deserved it (either he or i did a mistake) The better player wins the chase in almost every situation.

    Thanks for your thoughts tho, i appreciate it.