Killer perks turned into survivor perks and vice versa

This might a pretty long post. Oh boy. Thanks to @Soulslayer618 for the idea, got it from his post about killers turned survivors and of course, vice versa.


You're terrified of death, so you'll avoid it at any cost

  • Your breathing noises become 50/75/100% quieter when in the killer's terror radius
  • Your repairing, healing, and cleansing speeds become 4/4.5/5% faster for each survivor that is healthy.
  • It increases up to a maximum of 16/18/20%

Mad Grit

You'll do what it takes to escape any grasp

  • Your wiggling speed is increased by 3/4/5% speed
  • The killer's speed while carrying you is decreased by 2/3/4%

I'm all ears

You're always listening.

  • You hear killer's terror radius as if it was were 5/10/15 meters bigger than normal
  • Killer perks like unnerving presence do not work with this perk

Hex: Object Of Obsession

A hex affecting those unlucky enough to become the obsession

  • You become obsessed with on survivor
  • After the obsession has been injured, you see the auras of all survivors for 5/10/15 seconds


insert description here idfk

  • After a gen has been finished, you break into 150% of your normal movement speed for 3 seconds
  • Hitting a survivor while the speed boost is active will instantly down them
  • Being stunned while the speed boost is active will stun you for 2 seconds longer.

Urban Evasion

insert another description here idk lol

  • After hooking a survivor in the basement, you gain the undectable staus effect for 30/35/40 seconds
  • Hitting a survivor will immediately remove the status effect

I wanna see some of your guys's perks

