If you can suicide on Hook, you should be able to suicide while downed!

I am sick and tired of being taken as a hostage in a match by the Killer just for them to waste my time by not picking me up to hook and not letting me die after the game is already over and the Killer has won. I do not even provoke these Killers by T-bagging or anything, yet they aim their frustration and anger towards me. And as a result, I feel the urge to do the same in my future matches when playing the Killer, letting the cycle of hate repeat itself. This is not healthy.

My simple argument is: If we are allowed to suicide on hook with no penalty whatsoever because the devs allow it, how come suicide when downed is not enabled then? It is literally the same state, the only difference is that you are lying on the ground, waiting for rescue just the same as you would be waiting for the rescue on hook.

I know it has its down sides. Trust me, I hate people who suicide on hook for no good reason just as much as the next guy, but think about those who are forced to suffer being hostage in matches or suffer the penalty of DC. This makes no sense when hook suicide is existing in the game.

Now, I would totally understand this if the hook struggle was the same as pyramid head's cage struggle phase where the player can not hook suicide because there is no option of "letting go". But since there is no such feature in the game, this sounds like the most reasonable way to combat Killers who takes survivors as a hostage in matches.

If your argument is going to be "yeah, but then more people will suicide in games and that's no fun" - Let me counter argue that point. People who want to suicide will suicide anyway once they get hooked.

Please BHVR, let there be suicide option while downed as a survivor.


  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    I was just saying the same thing yesterday. ''take the easy way out''. it happens every game because the killer slugs for hatch.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    It's called holding shift.

    Survivors can't heal you and you'll either bleed out or will get hooked where you can let go of space.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    It would give survivor the same power to deny the killer benefits of hook based perks by dc but without any penalty.

    As the last survivor no problem but first down suicides are still way to common to make it even easier to deny the killer out of spite.

    And to the argument of water time, i as a killer have wait nearly every lobby for the survivor since at least one doesn't ready up and yes o know they COULD change their load out but why doing that now and not during the 10+ wait time. (Any yes maybe they wanted to switch survivor skin in accordance to other solos but it still waste my time as a killer everytime and most survivor don't even do that). Same with egc, why do I have to escort TBagging survivor out of the gate everytime? 1 in 10 games they leave after spamming fast vaults to get my attention and get bored after 1 instead of 2 minutes. My only choices there is either give them their chance for humiliation (unrelated if it gets to me or not, fyi I don't care but won't give the chance) or wait. And survivor that hypothetically want to give a last hit should know to get the hint after 30 seconds with no terror radius and just leave when all are healthy.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    That is exactly my point why we need suicide while downed feature implemented. Your solution is not a real solution. Not everyone wants to go "make a sandwich" or "watch YouTube" - when I am gaming, I want to game, not do something else because someone is abusing the game.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I get your frustration on this, I too hate it when survivors stay at the gate to T-bag and show their "dominance" and "superiority". But that is a little bit different to this conversation, a good topic for another time perhaps. We should focus on the downed feature here.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If its abusing the game then why are there perks based around being slugged?

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Don't like the match? Go AFK and watch Otzdarva.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2021

    I suggested letting survivors hold shift to crawl faster, but bleed out faster in the process. (Tenacity would let you crawl fast without the bleedout penalty, but if you hold shift while not crawling, you can still choose to bleed out faster.)

    Many players responded with "my killer pressure, tho" and "just go AFK for 4 mins."

    I went on a slugging spree after that. Any player who messaged me to complain, I directed them to my post where I had suggested it.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Tried that. Killer picked me up and dropped me until I was no longer slugged and bleeding out.

    "Just do gens then..."

    Tried that. Killer just slugged me.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    That's called dc of go make some coffee or something

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424


    They should remove hook suicide.


  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406
    It's true! You can't play a game where you spend more watching than playing ... luckily new games are coming out

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Yeah no

    Unfortunately theres a group of people called ego survivors

    They have inflated their ego beyond imaginable and whenever they get downed.. Instead of accepting that they ######### up or did what they could they dc and cause everyone problems

    That solo dweet is more likely to die because less protection

    The killer misses his beloved bbq stack and now has wasted his party streamers offering.

    The game takes longer because less ppl to do gens etc.

    The best option behavior could do in genral is actually reduce the bleed out timer.

    Adding a suicide option whenever someone feels like it would make game bad think. Do you want a troll having acces to such a option.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 347

    Given that there are some killers that use slugged survivors as bait, I'd love the option to suicide and prevent others from falling into a trap.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Just play another game. Slugging is a strategy that can take a losing game and make it a winning one. If its too much, play something else.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    This is actually a pretty good solution. Yeah, if there is no chance of giving us suicide while downed feature, then give us a faster bleeding option.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Far too many here have been replying with comments like I am somehow an anti-slug person. To correct you here, no, I see nothing wrong in Killers slugging survivors, not when it is part of their strategy to win the match. But when the Killer has already won the match and there is no game to be played anymore, everyone is downed with no chance of getting up anymore or you are the only one left and downed with no chance of escape anymore, then clearly that is the point where the Killer has won and slugging further servers no other purpose than keeping you hostage in the game. This is what I try to combat here, not the actual slug strategy.

    And yes, I am aware that allowing survivors to suicide while downed would result in many problems like taking away the killer's chance to benefit from BBQ and other perks, or that survivors could just suicide and give the last survivor the hatch. These are really good points you have raised, and I agree, this would suck and not be fair towards the Killer. But just like the Hook suicide is not fair to the survivor team either and pretty much kills the entire game not just for the survivors but for the Killer as well, what else is there to say... This is just another form of that same chance of giving the player an option to get out of an abused game.

    And lastly, for more people out there thinking that simply putting the game in the background in order to watch YouTube or something and being AFK while the Killer keeps you hostage in the game is a viable option that people should be doing instead of tackling the problem itself, is shocking to me. To think that there are people out there who think that by AFKing in a video game is a great solution to a problem where other players abuse their power to keep you in a match. You really do not see any problem with your logic, seriously?

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,225

    What you’re asking is DC without penalty just like earlier days.

    First down? Suicide. Snowball slugging? Suicide. Slug for DS? Suicide.

    Yay, DC penalty now does nothing except punish people leaving for legit reason.