Who do killers hate?

I was wondering if there were any particular characters that killers just have it out for? Ever since I've been playing as Kate Denson, I've found that I've been incredibly unlucky with camping and tunnelling. I know not all killers are like this, it just seems like in 70% of matches I play now, when there are plenty of options to go for other survivors, I get the rough end of the stick and get tunnelled hard. Is there bias against certain characters that I don't know about? Maybe I'm just unlucky 😅
Steve. Not all Steves are toxic but I swear Steve attracts a bunch of the toxic players.
Same thing with bunny Feng in my experience.
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I personally don't like Steve's, Cheryl's, and Feng's.
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Nea, especially the pink haired ones.
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Neas and Steves are generally the most toxic in my experience. P3 Claudettes can be too if they're not being super immersive.
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Steves and Claudettes.
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Steve and Bunny Feng are the obvious targets, but Nancies also seem to stick out like a sore thumb. I also have a personal loathing of all Aces, especially tinted sunglasses Ace.
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Steves and Fengs are the most toxic survivors. Same goes for Neas, but in post game chat.
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What are P3 Claudettes?
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no one. i just play the game like i would any other match no matter who the survivors are
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I don't hate characters, just playstyles. Although the graffiti Nea skin does trigger me a bit, mostly because I know exactly 1 person who uses it an isn't toxic AF. But, I always keep an open mind.
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Survivors are survivors no matter the character.
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On both sides I have to go with Yui. Not to talk smack about any cool Yui players but a lot of them are very selfish and quite toxic
Also never trust a Yui with a key. They will abandon your team given the chance
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They're Claudette's who have prestiged three times. (Prestiging unlocks a bloody version of the survivors base outfit)
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Ahhh okay, that makes sense! Thanks :)
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On the flip side, I will always spare canon-respecting Steve's
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I hate Claudettes because they play super immersive (making the game boring) and let the other surv die (making me feel bad because survivor induced tunnelling).
But for toxicity, Dwights and Megs are the worst in my experience
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And what does canon-respecting mean? I swear I'm not a total noob, I just don't know the terms very well 😅
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pinky neas and strodes. a strode = ds and probably object
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A Steve who is following his character like in Stranger Things.
Selfless, taking hits, sacrificing themselves to let their teammates get away ect
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I hate Nea, Jane, and Feng mostly. It seems like they are the poster child for toxic and mean spirited survivors. Not all of them are bad but jeez they attract the worst people, same with Dwights. But on the other hand, Cheryl and Quentin's are my favorite and they are usually very nice.
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Thanks for explaining :)
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Trickster. How dare he calls himself a killer?
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None. I think that’s a very strange mindset to have. I’ve seen every survivor played toxic. Including Tapp and Jeff, who you don’t see a lot. I don’t pre-judge a person based on their chosen survivor. But maybe I’m in the minority with that thinking? 🤷🏻♀️
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I find Most kate's to be let's say not so good. I love Kate she is my second favorite survivor behind Nancy so I hope she's not targeted by killers. Me personally Nea is the only character I dislike and won't even use. I won't tunnel her just because however the slightest excuse and I will make sure they don't make it out even if it means a 3 man escape. lots of toxic players use her. A nancy could do the exact same things and it would't bother me. Not saying the nancy wouldn't die just that I wouldn't devote my whole existence in making sure it happened. Same goes for Zarina, Jane, and claudette for seperate reasons.
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For reals. I leveled him up to 40 (dropping to rank 3) and forgot about him ever since. Hope he gets a buff he might be the first killer ever I refuse to use.
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Are you a gunslinger main?
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I only hate Claudettes... BLENDettes to be exact. No one else is THAT invisible. Not even Wraith.
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Fengs, Davids, and Kates are the most toxic from my experience. Especially Fengs.
Also, what's going on with the Steve hate? Most Steves I see are nice.
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Are you a
cAshgrabmain?0 -
I agree as a survivor main there pussys
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P3 claudettes make for a boring game
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Claudettes, specifically the ones who purposely wear dark clothing. Jester or Pizza Dwight and Nea for me. I’m hoping Yun doesn’t get a bad stigma, I’ve decided to main her.
I love her Seol Socialite outfit~
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As long as you don't be be a pussy and help teammates then congrats
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I have him p1 50. Two more to go. And i dont want to waste 2xBP-offerings, so i need to play atleast ten matches with him.
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In my experience, I've found two particularly toxic Survivors.
Bunny Fengs and Toxic Neas, specifically either the pink hair or grafitti artist set.
Ace is cocky AF, but more often than not, Bunny Fengs and Toxic Neas are just awful, whih is why I've made the decisuon to NEVER give people with either of these cosmetics the hatch. Even if they weren't toxic.
It's about sending a message. Nothing personnel.
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Steve and Nea my god especcially that icecream scooper skin for steve and the pink skin for nea with the bowl cut... so toxic always never not toxic ALWAYS TOXIC with those skins
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Cheryl's, Claudette's, and Bunny Feng's. I'm not sure where all the Steve hate is from since I've never encountered it.
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Bunny fengs, no I swear you don't look cute
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Claudettes (you all know why) and Neas, those damn No0b3 wannabes that mald in the endgame chat nonstop (Nothing against No0b3, I like him).
If you main either of these two don't worry, I don't mean all of you guys.
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Nea and Feng. If someone is going to be annoying, it is always them.
Also P3 Claudettes. Not like I hate them, but sometimes I camp and tunnel them just because I don't want to look for them again on dark maps.
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I will have to go with the consensus here of feng and nea. Personally I’ve only seen scoops ahoy Steve’s be particularly annoying. But on the flip side most felix’s, jake’s, and bills are pretty wholesome. As a felix main myself I could be a bit biased but we’re rarely toxic.
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Whichever one is holding the flashlight.
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Immersive and camo'd claudettes. Guaranteed...if you let that stupid girl stay alive....she's going to ruin your plans, every step of the game.
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Ace, Steve, Laurie and Ash.
Ace in sunglasses is that typical toxic OoO user from many russian swf I played against and its in my memory as a survivor who wont get a hatch from me ever
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The dbd adaptation of laurie is the bane of my existence.
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I hate all of them, except Kate. Only Kates deserves survive, others have to die.
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From personal experience, most Steves and Every. Single. Nea i’ve seen has been toxic. Every one of them. You could not even fathom how many toxic end game chats ive had (i main spirit) where every one of them has included a Nea.
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blendettes, I find immersed survivors to be super boring and they're the king of it.