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How to get back at toxic players and cheaters

Yords Member Posts: 5,781

Do nothing, and move on. The reason that Bubba is face camping you and the reason that cheater is cheating is because they want to upset you to get a reaction out of you.

People keep falling for their bait. Every time I see someone cheating, all the other players who aren't start hurling insults at them, but they don't realize that is what they want. It is okay to talk back to them, but don't just straight up yell through your keyboard.

Instead of saying something like "stoopid person I hope you stub your toe" say something like "bet you can't win without the cheats, would love to see your gameplay without them" and then just leave.

I had a special kind of cheater the other week. He was targeting me somehow (4 games in a row I had with him once). He would lock me in a mori animation and freeze the game. He targeted me because I sat in the lobby warning everyone who joined that he was a cheater to leave. I did that for about 6 minutes before he left.

So he then came into my lobbies and immediately went after me when I was playing survivor and instantly mori me and then freeze the game so he could force the DC penalty. However, doing this would force him to stay in that game? How do I know? Because every time I DC'd before, he would be waiting to trash talk me and say things like "EzZZZZZ" or "that's what you get for telling people about me dumb (n word)".

So what I did was I joined a game (knowing he would probably join) and when I saw him I did nothing and just sat in that game for almost an hour. I loaded up some team fortress 2 in the background on my second monitor and waited, knowing that I was wasting his time so he could not do this to other people. I then proceeded to tell him how much fun I just had playing TF2 and that he should download it. He then said "K eep Y ourself S afe" and I never ran into him again. Huh, it's like he couldn't get a reaction out of me and stormed off, thus allowing me to play the game normally again.

So tl;dr, just do nothing and move on. People like this are just trying to get into your head and get their high off of you being upset. Hold back no matter how hard it can be.


  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    That guy must have had some daddy issues growing up

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I just type "gg wp :)" then sit back and smile while I watch the salt roll out of them because they haven't got what they wanted.

    I've come up with numerous counters over the years like if they say I'm a baby killer I just put yeah you're right I suck at this game, you played really well though :). It's honestly funny watching their plan backfire while they just end up getting more annoyed than they wanted you to be in the first place lol.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Kill them with kindness or just don't say anything at all. It's the internet after all. They probably can't beat you in a fight in real life so just keep it cute and move on :).

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited April 2021

    If you face a cheater, you don't do nothing, you record. You also make an ingame report and create a Support ticket with your recording. I have done this multiple times and got at least a few people banned. If you don't have a separate recording software and you are on Windows 10 just press Win + G and use that.

  • VispeR
    VispeR Member Posts: 39

    i don't think is like a problem, cheaters are not so many in this game then other projects. Thank god bhvr got something good at this game. Problems is a many bugs and some salty players who making this game less playable and more unenjoyable for others.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    You are SO right,,,dont let anyone live rent-free inside of your head. I learned the hard way because most of the sh*tty cheaters and campers/tunnelers want you pissed and LOVE to see the comments after the game,,,they live for it! So, as hard as it is to do, leave the game and move on the next one. I have learned with this game they cant all be bad even if it seems like you are getting a string of bad games with crappy players,,,it gets better.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    I've tried using kindness but it rarely works, if someone is toxic they can never change.

    Just ignore all Survivors none of them are worth any moment of your time is my best advice to any Killers out there; I strongly belive all survivor mains are just AI programmed to be the vilest of individuals and I will never change my mind.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    lol yeah, surprisingly even though cheaters come up in this game here and there, BHVR does a pretty good job of keeping them in check.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Wdym bubba is facecamping because he wants you to get upset? What a childish logic.

    Well, maybe some people facecamp for that sake, but definitely not the majority. Usually people facecamp because it bloody works. Survivors get so greedy that they literally put their heads in a trap.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    It was an example of certain toxic players btw, they don't always play leatherface. It's more of just logic in general.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited April 2021

    If someone calls me a baby killer when I play The Twins I just say either "yes." or "Don't call him that" and immediately leave.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Bet Bubba wants some fun time with the survivor. 🙄

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    And I'm talking about that in general.

    People use certain playstyles not because they want you to be mad (at least not as main reasons, since some people just want to troll), but because they think or know these playstyles are more effective in certain situations.

    Bad example of toxic players overall.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 290

    I prefer to remember their nicknames and provide them no assistance if they happen to play a survivor as well and we end up in the same lobby. It's so funny to see them whine afterwards.

  • Psychobeastz
    Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

    Yeah same, I understand that there are people like that out there (unfortunately). So the best thing to do is not beat yourself or give them what they want and move on, very simple and relaxing once you get used to it.