What is your most favorite/hated death from a mori?
My favorite mori are Demogoron, Ghost Face, and Legion. Legion and Demogoron looks really brutal, and Ghost Face seems funny since he's making selfies when he kills the survivors.
I really hate the wraith's since all he does is giving them a massage 😄
Favourites would be Ghostface and Oni.
Least favourite probably Pig. Not that I think it is bad per se, just kind of bland and forgettable.
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Everytime I have run Rancor on Leatherface the obsession has always been an obnoxious player
And let me tell you, it feels GOOOOOD to get that revenge lol
Least favorite is Legion, because Legion is L A M E
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GhostFace and Hag are the best, plague's is probably third imo. I really like the ######### slap at the end of her Mori after she fills you with her vomity goodness
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My favourite mori is legion and my least favourite is wraith.
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Trapper and Wraith arguably have the worst. Best would be Huntress, Demoman, Hag.
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Ghostface and Bubba are my favorites, especially Bubba uuuuuurh urrrhh
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I love Michael's mori. Simple, but just right for him, especially the fact that he can turn you around and just kill you. It's so silly yet spooky when the music stops immediately, too.
I'd agree about Wraith. It's between Trapper and Wraith for the worst moris. I wish they had their powers involved with their moris.
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I love Legions mori
The struggle back makes it so brutal
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Favorite: Legion
Least Favorite: Plague (of course)
I know Wraith and Trapper mories are pretty bland compared to the others but simple doesn't always mean bad. I actually like Wraith's mori, though it could use an update for sure. It's quick, frenzied, and merciless.
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Legion and Oni have the best imo, for being brutal in completely different ways.
Least favorite is Wraith’s. It’s a cut and paste from Trapper with a different way to get the survivor in position. It vaguely works for Trapper, Wraith lore wise wouldn’t be that brainlessly brutal.
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I love Michael's. He holds you right in front of him and stares into your eyes while he stabs you. Cold and brutal. Then the final touch of throwing you away like a piece of rubbish.
Worst for me are Trapper and Wraith's. Just boring.
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Gotta agree to this.
I really hope they update the OGs
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Ghostface is the only killer I'll allow to Mori me. The rest I'll do my best to prevent the killer from being able to get a 4 mori game. I'll kill myself on my first hook, if I kobe I would disconnect (only reason I disconnect, along with when a survivor burns a Lery's or a Game map offering, that survivor deserves a 3v1 game).
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It's definitely the Oni for me, it's brutal, there's some crunch, it fits him super well. I think a lot of the ones I like are going to be later ones tbh. Except the huntress, but I gotta soft spot for her so.
I thinks Wraiths is the most bland, but I kinda wish the trapper did something with bear traps in his, it's like his whole thing after all.
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I thought you going to say in game
Mine favorite would be Oni's my lease favorite would be Billy's... don't get me wrong chainsawing a person in half is cool and all but it's on the ground...
Image if the survivor grabbed the hammer so Billy lifted up his hammer and chainsawed the survivor in half
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getting any kill with Bubba feel satisfying.
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Favorites: Clown, Oni, and Hag.
Not only are they decent animations, but they also feature Gore (exposed organs/bones, Dismemberment, decapitations, torn flesh, etc.). This is an M rated game based on the Horror genre, and the fact that almost all other Mori animations don't feature any gore, no matter how brutal they seem, it makes it feel like the survivor is being PG-13'd to death rather than the Hard R rated demise the game Advertises and is rated for. Those 3 killers are the only ones where the M rating is actually deserved (especially Hag), and we really could use more like them in the game. We're not kids, we can take it.
Worst offender (to me anyways) has got to be Leatherface's Mori. It had all the promise of being a fantastic spectacle in true horror fashion: He Smacks em on the head, Revs up his chainsaw, rams it through their midsection, and moves the saw up their body to split them right down the freaking middle! In any other M rated game featuring that kind of violence (mortal kombat comes to mind), especially in the horror genre, this animation would be one of the most gory and shocking death animations in the game and would really amp up the Horror feeling. In this game however... sigh... well, I guess i should just be thankful that they didn't cover it all up with a massive black "Censored" bar, or a Blurry mosaic. That's what ticks me off about it the most, it has a great animation for a really nasty death, but they chickened out on the details, and we are left to just use our imaginations to fill in what should have been there in the first place.
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Imagine if The Trapper set a trap and then forced a survivor's head in it.
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Imagine Trapper taking a set bear trap, slamming it into your side, yanking out the meat, resetting it in his hands, and just smashing the reset trap into your face.
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Executioner has the best. It's both scary and hot at the same time.
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IMHO they're all pretty good.
My "meh" list is Trapper and interestingly, Billy.
Wraith's is alright given his lore/backstory. (I feel he's hesitating a little bit.) Also, from the survivor's perspective, the camera angle actually has the survivor's death off-screen which I thought was unique. The leg drag at the start is also pretty intense and it gives the impression Phillip just snapped and suddenly is full of rage for an otherwise very "stoic" killer.
I dislike Trapper's because it's too similar to Wraith's. (Yes I know Trapper came first. I just think Wraith did "hit them a bunch of times" better, and Trapper doesn't even use his power. Neither does Wraith, but Trapper ought to actually use his bear trap for it.)
I dislike Billy's. It might have been "Enhanced" a little bit in a more recent update, (Some of the old moris have gotten slight changes like Demo spitting out blood, Doctor giggling, etc.) but as I remember it, it's just bleh. The survivor doesn't struggle on the ground, and IIRC the saw isn't even animated as it's cutting through the survivor, giving the impression Billy is just jamming the saw while it's off through their body with sheer muscle strength and not actually sawing through them. (Although the leg on the back is cool)
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I don't know how or why was a thread from 2019 revived. But I will share my opinion on the topic regardless.
My favourite mori is Freddy's. I love that reference to the way he killed Jesse in the film. And, my least favourite mori is the Trickster's. I dislike everything about this killer, and his mori is no exception.
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Oni and Trickster are my favorites, they're theatrical and fit into the character's lore.
Least favorites would be Pig and Twins, both are bland and predictable while not having the original excuse that Wraith and Trapper have.
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Legion will always be my favorite. Ghostface and Trickster are tied for second.
I hate Wraith's mori. It's only slightly different than Trapper, but the hits don't seem to connect, making the whole thing feel hollow.
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Oni has my favorite mori, as for my least favorite I can't say I like Pig's all that much. I think it'd be cooler if she had different mori's for if the survivor has an RBT on, like if she cut off the timer making it instantly activate or something like that.
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This LOL idk why but I just lose it when I see Plague moris or use it myself (Plague main here <3).
My favorite moris: Plague, Spirit and Ghostface
Absolute least favorites: Clown, Deathslinger and Oni
They're a bit too brutal for me, especially Clowns is really disgusting to me. Just everything about it. Same with Oni, basically any mori with actual dismembering of any kind really grosses me out bcuz I don't wanna see my favorite survivors get killed like that TuT
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The most disappointing one for me was pyramid head. Like sure, the metal coming up from the ground is cool, but the barbed wire that curls around is just really cheesy, same thing for when he twists the knife in the survivors chest. Since there is no gore, the twist is just dumb imo.
The best one is the Oni's, for obvious reasons.
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I feel this! I actually much prefer Final Judgment to his actual mori because there's something surreal about him just slamming the blade on the survivor on the ground and then leaving their lifeless body behind ;-;
The actual mori is so corny lol
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Yeah, I love the final judgment. It is just so cool and satisfying.
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People still use moris?
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Before Trickster released i would have said Oni is my favourite
then Trickster released, so...that opinion has changed pretty significantly
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ghostface and oni have pretty cool moris, ghostface for the meme value and oni for the gore. my least favorite might be freddy cuz he has such a boring mori, like why the hell does the survivor just sit there not expecting anything
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Most hated: Clown, because I know once the trial is over he's going to bust one out over my severed finger :(
Favourite: Deathslinger but thats probably just because I main him.
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I would probably rate Demo's the highest if the Survivors actually lots their heads.
So i gotta rate Hag the highest: I don't care how terrible the organs may look, at least her Mori actually does additional stuff, while the Chainsaw guys don't make visible cuts, Huntress doesn't split their heads, Doctor doesn't make them look charred, etc.
Plus hers is just brutal.
Least favorite is Trapper, at least Wraith has a leg pull.
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Oml such an old relic of a comment from me :O I love that idea LOL. Just go apeshit with those traps. That's all I ask.