Honestly things seem to be getting better with BHVR, first they fixed the hud, then they added colorblind, then they buffed wraith, then they fixed blight POV, next they are adressing buttonmashing and suicides on hook. I might eat my words soon enough but like BHVR is giving me hope for the game.
Im so glad they are changing this but they said they had plans during silent hill so it did take them a while
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I dont care if it takes a while as long as the game is moving towards a better place even if it is slowly I am happy
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Agreed! I’ve been here since Ghostface and it’s only gotten better
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What are they doing about hook suicides?
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Hooks have basically been changed to be like PH cages. You now need to wait much longer to die even if you try to miss the skillchecks since just missing 1 doesnt kill you it just speeds it up a bit.
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There making it so when your in struggle state you won’t die automatically you have to hit skillchecks. This will prevent a button mashing gameplay and prevent people from accidentally killing themselves
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Hmmm, ok
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During second phase, instead of button mashing to keep you alive you have to do skill checks, and if you fail one you don't automatically die, but the hook timer will decrease a bit
You can still technically suicide on hook by failing all skill checks intentionally, but it will take longer 😉
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I love the positive attitude. I may have been one of the people that criticized BHVR in the past, but that only comes from a place in my heart that cares about DBD’s success and knows it has potential to be better. They have done a lot of good things too.
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Me too even if you look thbrough my post history you will see a lot of malding and before I got banned from the discord there was about 20k msgs of pure malding there. I critise DBD a lot but I saw this tweet with the new skillchecks and was so happy because struggle hurts my wrist so much and colorblind mode helped me a bit with my awful eyesight.
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The changes are definetely great but there are still no words whatsoever on optimization (especially on console).
So BHVR hasn't earned my respect yet.
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Yeah but from wha tIve seen it runs pretty smoothley on next gen and I think accessiblity is way more important than how well the game runs.
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What are they doing regarding suicides on hooks?
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Even if you want to suicide on hook it will take a lot longer with the struggle changes
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With the change to skillchecks, failing a skillcheck only reduces the bar a little bit meaning survivors can't instant die on 2nd state anymore.
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Ahhh I see. Thank you.
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Next gen is 500$ and (at least for PS5) is really hard to get right now thanks to scalpers.
And don't get me wrong.Accessibility is very important but so is the performance of the game.
Constantly having to deal with crap like that is NOT ok:
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Yeah you get used to it, although I wouldn't hold my breath entirely
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first they fixed the hud
You either mean they fixed it from the abomination that was 4.5.0 in 4.5.2, in which case it was because they messed it up so badly to begin with. Or, you mean that the HUD in 4.5.0 was better than 4.9.2 and earlier, and I just have to disagree.
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I really like changes like these but I can't start giving them credit for changing things after they have been complained about for years. The code for this was already in place, why did they take this long to do this I have no idea.
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I agree its important and hope we might get some announcements in either the next QnA or the 5th anniversarie. I think that they are probably trying to focus on next gen as it is the new main platform and going forward it will probably be the min platform for a while.
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Yeah it took a while but I main they still are good changes and they seem to be happening faster. Like colorblind in one patch and the next patch has struggle being fix. I think we should really give BHVR more positive reinforcement as even when they do add some good things in a patch like this one the entire community still is mad at them for Trickster being weak he is still pretty fun its just that he isnt strong he isnt even bugged to all hell like twins people are just mad cause he is weak.
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I'm super happy about this change; I honestly saw a screenshot of the tweet and thought it was fake. I had given up hope about this mechanic but seeing this brought a smile to my face! They have a long way to go, but this is a great start! :)
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I mean the OG hud was still better imo but at least they took the feedback to make it most concise and I do understand the reasoning behind the change.
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Exactly long way to go but a little progress is still some progress.
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Finally. Took them way too long, but at last it finally comes!
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The hook thing is probably best one they could have done no more ######### up your whole team on purpose
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The colorblind change didn't look very legit to me. Many many people started talking about it before they even announced it and a couple of people even showed us colorblind filters they made in less than an hour. That announcement looked more like damage control than an actual thing they have been working on prior to that.
I am all for positive reinforcement but even in the last chapter they messed up so much. Wraith gets a noticeable slowdown after he uncloaks, Blight has even more invisible collisions than he used to, pallets pat killers on the head instead of stunning them, Trickster I don't even need to mention. I can't start giving them credit before they start doing changes like these properly AND on time.
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They took the feedback that it was ######### after they'd shipped it to live, despite everyone telling them when it was first released not to ship it to live because it looked #########.
It's like, they won the game, but by 1 point.
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Cant they still just stand there afk? I mean most people who want out of a match that quick, will not do anything regardless of how long it takes to suicide on hook.
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I wish I had your hope and optimism.
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Yeah the colorblind was a bit of damage control after what almo said but still we got it in the end, McLean confirmed wraiths thing to be a bug, I dont think its possible for blight to ever have good collosion, pallet bug is being worked on and Trickster while being weak is not as buggy as twins so I dont mind, He is still playable and fun to me he is just weak.
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Feels more like the center of this chapter, the new Killer, is the bad thing, but is surrounded by multiple smaller good things.
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Suicides and DC exist because some aspect of the game are trash.
What does BHVR do ?
DC = ban penalty
Suicide = impossible now
Maybe fix the game instead of forcing player to play a broken killer or broken hitboxes ?
"Oh they say bad things about me ? Remove freedom !"
"Oh, they disagree with me ? Kill them"
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I really hope they keep Hook Suicides in the game.
Yes, I know, all Killers want to have this, because no Survivor should get the Hatch. But it does nothing for Survivors that Hook Suicides are prolonged by that. A person who does not want to play the game will not start playing if they get unhooked, if they originally wanted to suicide. If anything, they will be more annoying and sabotaging their team, if they dont go afk (which would be better tbh, lol).
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They still have to wait, and if they are rescued and choose to just let me down them again, I'll intentionally avoid them until either they stop doing nothing, DC, or are the last person. That way, they don't get the convenience of leaving early.
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I am just saying it doesn't fix the issue, just prolongs it, and not really by much.
For me, I don't like the change only because if you are trying to give someone the opportunity to get hatch, it doesn't help them if they have already found hatch and they now have to wait even longer for it to open because the killer is already on their way. So if it came down to the last two people it should have stayed instant as it is now.
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The issue can never truly be fixed. This mitigates the issue.
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What was wrong about assigning the button smash to the mouse wheel? Never had a problem and never felt pressured.
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Controllers don't have mouse wheels.
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The HUD isn't even fixed. All they did was move the portraits and gens to the bottom of the screen and pass it off as a fix so people such as yourself could get off their backs. Items/powers still take up way too much space, the portraits still don't even match the rest of the HUD by being their 3D models (which have a tendency to blend in) into 2D sprites, when they already have 2D sprites of all of the characters' faces. Bonus information and bloodpoint gains are in the top right now for some reason. The HUD in general is just aligned in a way that takes up more space for no reason. This would fail HUD design in a college course...
All the other changes took way longer than it needed to and mainly happened because community outrage.
BHVR is (extremely) slowly fixing their blunders recently, yes, but with Trickster's and The Twins' release being god awful and the other current longstanding issues in the game, I'm still in the "wait and see" mode.
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Controllers are build for button smashing.
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you forgot so many, many more bugs....
-like, yeah, good fix on the blight, too bad the hitboxes for his power are broken and most of the times you just slide instead of bumping into objects....hek, even the hatch is broken for him, the blight can bump into the hatch, and he slides on walls.....
-the hud never needed to be fixed in the first place, it just needed some icon upgrade, the actual hud now is...just bad.
-the pallets now are broken, even more than before..
-i bet that the change on the hooks(buttonmashing), is surely going to be broken, i can already see that mechanic be influenced by the doctor ability...
every patch comes with awful bugs....
so no, good joob my blood points, they "did not a pretty good job so far"
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I can play games that look way better and much more demanding than DbD just fine.
It's only DbD that runs so awful
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No they are not.
i am playing with a controller and appreciate this change very much.
there are also people that play on controller for Accessibility reasons and those people especially had trouble with the button mashing
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Exactly, why do people think someone trying to leave a match will suddenly play normally because you unhooked them again? Just let them leave and move on.
As for me, I'm not looking forward to being forced to wait in a lost cause for my smooth brain David teammate to farm me again for WGLF stacks before I can get into a new match.
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I play on PC, but I think I would have the same issues with a controller.
I have issues with my wrists' and fingers' joints since I'm a child. Smashing a button on a keyboard or a controller is the same for me, designed for it or not. So I do agree, this change is so welcome to my book.
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People on console who don't want to button mash on struggle can't just change it to something else like PC players changing it to mouse scroll.