Ever find yourself rooting for the Killer to kill a teammate?

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

Am I the only one who does this? I feel kinda guilty, but when a teammate is playing so selfishly and toxic, I sometimes stick around and spectate to cheer on the Killer if they’re the last Survivor alive.



  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I don’t feel as bad anymore, glad I’m not the only one who does.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I do it sometimes.

    A few matches ago I had a Meg I was hoping the Killer would Kill because they kept unhooking the (other) Kate while the Killer was near and then not even taking a protection hit, just letting the Kate be chased until she was removed from the game.

    On top of that she did one Gen. With me. The rest of the time she was crouching in corners.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    lol yes, whenever I see a tbagging clicky clicky survivor

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    Oh absolutely. I’ve had one toxic survivor to both the killer and teammates that constantly kept clicky clicky, teabagging the killer and us and sandbagging. The two of us still alive motioned the killer to follow and we brought him to the Claudette urbaning in the bushes at dagwood

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Yep. Had a David sitting in the basement all game, going in and out of lockers and doing absolutely nothing for the team. I usually spectate anyway just to see what happens but I was kinda hoping he would die. Turns out he found a key and killer carried him to the hatch instead lol

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Indeed, there are just some teammates that will do nothing but screw their other 3 teammates in the hopes theyll be the last one standing, so when they're next on the chopping block, i cant help but watch.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Yes, rarely though. Just depends if the survivor tilted me enough.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I don't just root for it, I relish it. Solo queue is hard enough as it is and when I get a teammate who farms their team or refuses to do gens and hide near the killer to constantly try flashlight saves, failing every time, I pray that they get caught.

    I love it when a toxic teammate is t-bagging at the exit gate a little too far from the finish line and gets downed with NOED. It makes my night and gives me good dreams.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Yuuuup. I don't really dwell on things like that, but it always seems to happen in matches where we would've had a decent chance with just one more person working on gens

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    I like keeping them for the end and let them die from bleeding out. If they are console player, oh well to bad I can't see them rage. If they are PC I go grab some popcorn and tell them when you act like a dick you get treated like one.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Whenever I'm with a Steve.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You gotta love the farmers. Taking a hit is the LEAST thing she could’ve did. This literally happened to me a few days ago and I wish the Killer would’ve punished her.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Anytime a survivor is just hiding the whole match with a key or waiting for hatch I’m hoping they die first.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    When it's a teammate that has been useless or screwing over the team I 100% hope the killer to kills them.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Survivors that hide in the basement all match, or stand on hatch while the last player is on hook. I'm not advocating players die for altruism, but if you're hiding all match at the expense of your team, my blood pressure will rise. Repeat offenders of Self-care usage after every scratch will also enrage me, since I can see them with Kindred 😒

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You have NO IDEAAAAAA how many times this has happened to the Survivor on my team who did jack #########. It grinds my gears so bad.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited April 2021

    I will always root for the killer to take out a useless teammate who did nothing all game, especially if they are the last one. In my mind, the useless survivors really don't deserve to escape after doing nothing all game. I've had times where I would find such a player hiding in a locker, so I'll just try to open it and then point at it for the killer like "hey they're in here, get them." Ain't nobody got time for all that nonsense.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    As soon as they farm me or beckon me to follow them and lead me to the killer, I start hoping they get killed. Sometimes killers figure out when your own teammate is griefing you and kill them first -- it's a wonderful thing when it happens.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    If the teammates does nothing yes I do

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259

    Sometimes I do if they really ticked me off. The most recent example I can think of was a Feng Min against Pig.

    I was on my first hook, Jake was injured and had an active bear trap on his head, and the third survivor was doing a gen somewhere. So what does Min do? She tries healing Jake. The guy with an ACTIVE BEAR TRAP on his head. She doesn't do gens, nor does she go for the person on the hook while the Pig was on the other side of the map. She decided to prevent the person who was trying to survive from surviving by healing him. Oh, and I died on first hook because of this.

    This one Min killed half the team. And she ALMOST got hatch. It was so satisfying seeing her get hooked. If I remember correctly, I think she was green rank as well. I've seen brown ranks play better.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited April 2021

    I do. Sometimes I feel silly to do so since it can turn into a super long game. Then there's times where I regret it. Some Feng or Meg that was frustrating and sabotaging the team with her failures (miss skill checks on healing) was given the hatch by the Killer when she brought both a key and a Haddonfield offering. LIKE REALLY, YOU SPARE HER?!?

    Though I also left a Nea to bleed out once cause she was more harm to the team than good when it came down to just her and me. The killer didn't like this and let me bleed out as well. But was I really obligated to save her horrible performance in what is obviously the 4K slug bait tactic for the sweat lords? Nope.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Way too often. Sometimes I also die trying to make it happen

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    when there is 2 people left and you see them get in a locker with bond near the hatch.... Run the killer to the locker and open it in his face XD

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    A lot of people don’t think of the other survivors as teammates. Just made a post and apparently it’s ok to play selfish cause your not a team. All that matters is you getting out. Screw your other survivor players.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Watching the hatch gremlin die is my gultiy pleasure.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    i won’t lie, sometimes I do take joy in seeing that one immerse teammate who accidentally bumps into the killer while they were chasing someone else 😂

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i love watching that urban evasion self care claudette who did nothing all game besides sit in a corner get penetrated with a meat hook.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Sometimes when someone is being too derpy, tries to sell the others or is trying to being a useless jerk (people with flashlights following a Killer trying for blinds and failing miserably, they dont fix gens and they dont save the downed teammate).

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 539

    I had a Jake who sat at the top of the basement stairs and didn't come down to unhook me despite the killer being nowhere near the motor shop so I ended up dying on first hook. Never wanted a survivor to die that badly before.

    At end game chat he said he didn't know where the stairs were. That would be fine and dandy but the thing is... he was a rank 1 survivor. I've never met a rank 1 survivor who couldn't find a set of stairs.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    edited April 2021

    All the time every game.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    “I didn’t know where the stairs were”

    I just laughed so hard at this, like what is going on.. xD

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 539
  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    once had a blendette on dead dawg do nothing but hide in bushes with a key all match. nurse eventually found her, hooked her, another team mate unhooked her immediately without BT, she went down again and nurse proceeded to mori her whilst the others t bagged her during the animation and then continued to t bag her corpse, whilst the nurse stood there nodding.

    it was a sweet, unifying moment. She then proceeded to finish her slaughter (no more moris though).

  • GrisouOats
    GrisouOats Member Posts: 71

    This guy who was being very stealthy throughout the whole damn game and was never hooked - only good at gens and running off after unhooking someone. He was the last guy alive and ended up getting bashed on the hook by the killer when I spectated. It was the best.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    My friend does that actually. I do that sometimes when I get hatch. Adieu survivor.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Every time I make a post about solo Q I get a few people saying how they don't have to help etc, but as soon as you're the one being facecamped they expect you to stay on hook as long as possible so they can escape.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Always love watching the people who sandbag and grief me on purpose get owned by the killer, and I've made it my priority to target a survivor when playing killer who's being a big bastard to their teammates and I don't care if I lose. Hate those kinds of people who love to ruin other people's fun, but it feels oh so satisfying giving them their well deserved karma.

  • Satori
    Satori Member Posts: 75

    I remember playing with my friend and we get 2 claudettes just doing nothing the whole game, i was pissed but when i die and look it was rank 18 and 19. Moral of the story: dont always blame your teammates, cause they might be literraly new players

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    This was after rank reset one month when I decided to play survivor more. I was a rank 20 because I hadn't played survivor in a very long time.

    Anyway, a Claudette sandbagged me then hid in a locker 10 feet away from the hook when the killer wasn't even nearby, so I died on first hook because one of my teammates was being chased and the other was hiding in a locker.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I think everyone does this, especially when your teammate is a locker hopper or a hatch camper.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    If a survivor leads a killer to me and tries to block my path or force me to take a hit because they are trash I will root for them to get tunneled out of the game 100%

    Now if taking a hit makes sense and they aren't just trying to have the killer aggro me that's solid gameplay.

  • ManOMaker
    ManOMaker Member Posts: 284

    I was playing a surv game with a friend and there was a P3 Steve with Dead Hard, Sprit Burst, Head On and Adrenaline and had a purple flashlight. It ended up being me and steve left against a deathslinger and according to my friend the Steve found hatch but I was doing gens.

    Then this steve had the best idea I’ve ever seen.

    The steve found the killer and brought him all the way across the map to the gen I was working on and pointed at me and flashes at me, mid chase. The deathslinger changes his target from steve to me then I go down and get hooked (for the first time) and what do you know. Steve is back at the hatch tbagging it as hard as he could.

    I wasn’t feeling that petty so I just killed myself and hoped that the killer would find steve before he gets hatch but steve got out in the end.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    All the time, I'm vindictive.