Stories of survivors being punished for not leaving the exit gates?

We all know certain survivors want to stay at the gate and BM the killer near the exit. But what are some fun stories of survivors being punished for not leaving the match?

One of mine that comes to mind: I was playing spirit, trying to learn her. I had some rough games, so I was a bit worn out. This match, a few of the survivors were lagging pretty hard (standing still then all of a sudden somewhere else). I frankly didn’t want to deal with that because it was making my FPS slower, so I just kind of wandered Midwich waiting for the gens to finish, and once they did I opened the gate. Well, even though I gave a free escape, they decided to stay and teabag. I wanted the match over, so I phased over to the other gate and there they were. I hit a Claudette, hoping she’d leave, but she just stayed and wanted to blind me. I hit her, but she wasn’t at the border so I picked her up and hooked her. Ace, who was next to her, immediately left. I ended up with a 2k because a Zarina also didn’t want to leave and wanted to save Claudette, which I can’t really blame her for.


  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    I was messing around with an endgame build , Rancor, NOED and Blood Warden plus Pop for the challenge of kicking gens, wasn't there to kill really unless the Obsession got unlucky at endgame. Gens fly as I run around smacking folks but not hooking them, last gen is done and Obsession was next to me so they died, exit gates open so I waltz over to see 2 auras, Nea leaves and Jake starts furiously teabagging, I'm Wraith so I can see him but he can't see me, I keep my distance asking the Entity for a sacrifice, then Cheryl's footsteps come up behind me, I hook her and lo and behold Jake was still there, waiting for me to return, I approach him as he buttdances increase in speed, he runs to the edge but to no avail, panicking as the Entity shuts him in. I down him, his will of iron shattered buy my makeshift scythe as he dc's.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    This is probably the most satisfying ever.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012
    edited April 2021

    Different version but it happened on gates. I was Nurse. I just blinked to one of gates and waited. I had NOED and Insidious. Waited all gens and pray the God for someone open my gate. And then i heard someone opening. And when survivor finished open and tried escape, he faced with me. And he won one hit down and camp xD

    In end game he said " i am not angry because of noed or camp or died. I am angry because you gave me heart attack"

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Had a rough trial as Slinger and some lovely people decided to t-bag me at the exit gates after a classic Haddonfield trial. Except I had just gotten my third stack of Devour Hope (and like my 9th hook) so good old Slinger hard punishes the person on death hook who could have just left instead of staying to BM.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Trying to get the 4 Mori's as Mikey didn't go well. A Nea waited for me to get too close and got knifed.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited April 2021

    Oh, I've got one. My 2k, 1 hook Deathslinger game.

    As you may have guessed, it started off as a really really bad game. I had 1 hook by the time gens were done. However... for some reason the team fully opened one of the doors instead of 99ing them. They then got overly altruistic to get my 2nd down out and did a ton of body blocking for them. I did lose them but because I had a backpack build, they all got injured and 1 got downed (but then picked up again).

    I managed to get between a broken Bill and the open Exit Gate. He finally tried to make a break for it close to EGC's end and I downed him far enough away that he couldn't crawl out in time... then I spun around and shot a Cheryl behind me in the gate who hadn't left yet. I pulled them out of the Gate and EGC ate both of them before they could get out.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    One time I was up against an AFK wraith. Teammates rushed to get out but I had a totem challenge to do. I kept looking for totems and chests after the gates were open and quite literally lost track of how much time I had to work with and died from the timer running out. Pretty sure I got four totems that game and a few chests at least lol

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    It's dumb because it almost certainly cost me games (as I'm effectively playing with three perks) but it's basically why I run Blood Warden

    It's incredibly rare that you get the cocky jerk team AND they make a dumb enough mistake that it costs them at the end but my God when you get four jerks killed at the end because you Blood Warden them in with under a minute left, there might literally be no better feeling in this game...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2021

    I got 3 stories.

    2 involve blood warden. I should have had 0k but they got greedy and I ended up with 3k.

    The 3rd story is long ago before the egc. I was pig on lerys. Someone found a fat shame spot that a survivor could fit through but the killer couldn't. I started recording to report this person because they were abusing the spot. The gates were open but this was before there was a timer. 2 people were making noise to get my attention. Well Claudette was just far enough away from the gate that I managed to down her before she got out. I put a rbt on her head and picked her up. The David tried to body block. I managed to down him, drop claudette and trap him before he got out. Claudette crawled out and set off her trap. David got hooked and the fat shamer did not even try to save him because the hatch was literally right next to the fat shame spot.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited April 2021

    I shot a Meg from about 16 meters away running around at the gate waiting for me to come. I had the iri coin. Only one person was not near the exit gate, she should have left lol. Very bold of someone on death hook

    "You have teed your last bag lil' girlie!" - Caleb Quinn, probably

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    Probably the best one was a year or two back (it was when they introduced the EGC) I was pretty new to the game so I got destroyed. All gens were done relatively quick and all game I got maybe 3 hooks max. 3 survivors ran out without teabagging or anything except one, Meg. She teabagged non stop, flashlight clicked and in the end dead harded through the exit but at this time the exit was kinda bugged and wouldn't load you to the end screen, so he was stuck in here with me. He couldn't managed to leave and when the Entity got him, he DC'ed. I only have seen this bug once, I don't know if its still in the game.

  • Satori
    Satori Member Posts: 75

    The only i remember when dwight try to bm me, he used dead hard but didnt know about blood warden🤣

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Told this story in a different thread before, but it's worth repeating.

    I had streamed this match right when I started on Twitch, unfortunately before I learned how to export streams to YT -- I wish I had the recording still.

    Playing as The Shape on a farm map -- I was still relatively new to the game, and on a Friday night, I was facing a full-on red rank 4-person SWF (despite being yellow rank at the time). It took forever to find someone, and I ended up in a fruitless chase with an Ace who was clearly WAY better than me. Now, I'd abandon the chase to go after someone else, but inexperienced me wouldn't give up on the Ace. Gens started popping, the Ace was teabagging and pointing at every pallet he dropped as he led me around the map. I had leveled up almost to Tier 3, but I couldn't do anything right. With one gen left, I had no downs, and I just gave up and parked myself by the exit near the killer shack. Another survivor, one of two Claudettes, joins the Ace in vault/locker spamming near me. Final gen pops, and I open the gate myself and just stand there, a sliver away from finally hitting Tier 3, but just ready for the match to end.

    Even with the gates open, the Claudette and the Ace (who was injured) wouldn't leave, but kept teabagging away while the other Claudette and David were in the vicinity. At this point, I haven't moved for a good bit, other than to open the gate. The Ace walks right up to me and teabags again, assuming (I'm guessing) that I've just gone AFK at this point. Aggravated, I swing and actually down him. My guess now is that he had DS and someone on the team had BT (it's been long enough ago that I can't remember), so they likely assumed a rescue would be no problem, even with one of them headed to a hook, and that they all could BM me in the exit gates once they got Ace off the hook.

    I carry the Ace as far into the map as I can to hook him, and I stay right there. I NEVER camp, but I'm making sure this Ace dies. Then, the Claudette who had been BM'ing with him tries to run in for the save. I pop my Tier 3 and down her on the vault by the Pig tree. I leave her slugged and wait. I see the other Claudette approaching from the side, go after her, and down her as well, now guarding the hooked Ace and the two slugs. I see David trying to run in for the unhook, cut him off, and then chase him down and flatten him just before my Tier 3 runs out. No one had Unbreakable, so I collected the slugs and got the last one hooked for the 4K just before the EGC finished. What should have been me getting stomped into the ground turned into the most satisfying 4K I might ever have, simply because winning easily and leaving wasn't enough for this group -- they had to try to add salt into the wound and be poor sport winners -- it ended up with them all dying, and I couldn't have been happier, lol.

    Never mess around with an insta-down killer, no matter how bad you think they might be. You might find your whole team decimated in the process.