Role Reversed Claudette (the full package)

So, like, inspired originally by @Soulslayer618's post:
Then @GoobyNugget's post (and @kermit_snacc_choke's comments):
I decided to just, make some lore for some of the characters (yes, I'll be using the ones I've already made), as well as their swapped perks. This one is for Claudette Morel, hereby known as "The Botanist."
As a warning, it is long.
Claudette Morel (The Botanist)
From the age of seven, Claudette had always felt alone. Yes, her parents loved her, and yes, they wanted the world for her, but the world doesn't want her. That's what she believed, what she now knows. The only child to two parents who didn't seem to understand her, Claudette would spend her days on the playground, not socialising with friends, but entranced by the plants around the fence, those that the gardener hadn't removed.
One plant in particular caught her eye- a low-hanging tree, leaves currently mesmerising shades of reds and yellows, of oranges and browns, adorned with little red berries. One day after school, when she'd asked her father what they were, he'd slapped her hand away harshly. "Don't touch those!" He'd said, "They're poisonous!"
The forbidden fruit, however, only became more and more tempting as time went on.
She began to... experiment. Collecting those little red berries and crushing them into a paste beneath her shoes, before dipping small twigs into them and brandishing them at insects. In fear, they'd run away, and Claudette would run after them, chasing them down with the twigs. Her teachers watched on in amusement; when her parents would ask them about the state of Claudette, they'd tell her she'd found something to keep her occupied.
Claudette's grades weren't amazing, and every night she would hide under the covers, pretending to be asleep, as her parents would argue. Her mother doesn't want her to collect plants or bugs anymore, and her father says she's perfectly okay the way she is. Nobody knows she's awake, wetting her pillow. After one particularly bad argument, she hears a door slam shut and her mother begginning to sob. Claudette sobs too, though she doesn't know what happens.
Her father isn't home when she wakes up the next day.
Under the watchful eye of her mother, Claudette's grades begin to improve. Her teachers still say her head is in the clouds, but she forces herself to focus, forces herself to learn, even when she knows she can't. Nobody tells Claudette she has a passion, nobody tells her she's doing well. All she hears is she needs to do better, be more like the other children. And Claudette hates it.
When she graduated college with a degree in medical science, she decides to take a break. Just take a year away from the stress. Her mother isn't proud of her, telling her she should've aimed higher, should've gotten perfect grades, but Claudette is just happy she passed. Her father hasn't spoken to her since that day, but Claudette got over it. It was her fault, that's what her mother always said. Always her fault.
Over her year off, Claudette re-discovers her love for botany. In particular, her love for toxic plants, from minor rashes to serious damage, Claudette absorbs the knowledge like a sponge. Deadly nightshade, one of the most toxic plants, and she had a small cluster growing at the house. Her mother disapproved of her "collecting plants", but who was she to decide what made Claudette happy?
With her research into different toxic plants, she also picked up several blowguns, practicing in her back garden whilst her mother was too... preoccupied to notice. She was very good, and only getting better.
The nights are the worst, and only get worse. Her mother drinks, and has done for many years now. She always blames Claudette, always. Since she was seven years old, Claudette was blamed for everything. Any issues with money, or food, it was her fault. That night was no different, except finally, Claudette had had enough.
One dip of poison was all she needed, before the dart was lodged in her mother's neck. She was dead in an hour and Claudette, letting out a small giggle of victory, was finally free.
The police investigation gave nothing substantial to convict her for, and the case was placed on hold, without enough evidence to support an arrest. She had moved her plants, after all, and had no friends to tell she was growing them to begin with.
She moved out, away from the childhood home that crushed so many dreams, away from the city that held so many nightmares. She got a job in a hospital, and for a year treated patients dilligently, despite being subject to much abuse from the staff there. Her boss hates her, but has no reason to fire her, and she hates her boss. Everything always seems to be Claudette's fault, and she apologises profusely.
Except one day, she doesn't.
It's too similar to her mother, and Claudette thinks she's replaying the same events in her head. A dip of poison to slow the body, and a different concoction to speed the heart rate. Mix them both into a hot drink, before delivering it and taking her stance in a different corridoor where she knows nobody will be. One final dose, this one tipped onto a blowdart, and she aims for her mother's neck and fires.
It shouldn't have hit, the distance was too great, the angle too narrow to fit it into the opening in the window, but it did. It hit it's target, and she giggled again.
It wouldn't be her fault anymore- except, someone was here. In the corridoor, they saw the blowgun in her mouth and would ask questions if an investigation was started. She panicked, and quickly fired another. This dosage was much higher, the fast-acting poison racing through their veins, and Claudette was still panicking as they writhed on the ground in agony. Still panicking as they looked at her in fear, but through her panick-driven state she couldn't help but giggle. It was her fault, but she wanted it to be this time.
She'd make it all her fault if she had to.
The body was hidden in the corner of the janitor's cabinet of the women's bathrooms. Nobody would know until the cleaning staff were required in this ward, which wouldn't be for another six hours.
Claudette had lost it, and paid a visit to the kitchens. The staff were no match for her aim, and she grabbed hold of a knife. Yes, this was all her fault. Poison was sprinkled into the food, and yes this was all her fault. Other nurse's would feel a stab to their neck, and the next minute drop dead. Her fault. The guards were alerted, but they didn't know it was her. In her scrubs she hid, grabbing a bottle of bleach.
The police were here but she didn't care. Let them realise it was her fault, she thought, gently swapping someone's IV bag for one filled with ammonia. Let them know she was here, she thought, as tears fell from her joyless eyes, joyless despite the laughs that escaped her. Let them know it was all her fault, she was a killer and deserved to be blamed, as the gunshots flew, and a thick fog blew in from outside.
And then, before her, was Claudette's mother, staring at her with fear. A voice in the back of her head, urging her forwards, to kill her fleeing abuser. And she obliged; why wouldn't she?
Claudette Morel was lost to the fog, after killing many patients and staff at the hospital she worked for. Nobody knows what happened to her, after the fog rolled in. She was never seen again.
The Botanist is a hardened warrior, having fought through despair as best she could only to bring others down with her in the end. Using her power, "Revenger's Blowgun", and her three teachable perks, "Empathetic Void", "Toxic Shock", and "Mind Shatter", she's able to easily pick up on a survivor's location, and strike.
The Botanist is a small, 115% character with a 32m terror radius.
The Botanist's power is "Revenger's Blowgun"- a Blowgun fashioned from the Fog and delivered to her waiting hands, she uses its deadly accuracy to hunt down her prey.
Press the Power button to bring up the Blowgun and enter the throwing state. Pressing the Attack button will release a Blowdart to the precice spot where you aimed, with a short cooldown after firing each shot. A survivor hit with a Blowdart will be slowed by 10%, and up to 5 Blowdarts can affect one survivor at any one time. Upon changing health states, all Blowdarts are immidiately removed.
The Botanist has a second form of ammo, which can be switched to using the Active Ability button. This action takes a second to complete. This "Lethal Dart", when it hits a survivor, begins a 20 second countdown, after which the affected survivor is automatically injured. A survivor cannot be put into the Dying State through a Lethal Dart.
The Botanist starts the trial with 30 Blowdarts and 1 Lethal Dart, and can refil both at lockers.
Ultra Rare add-ons
Mother's Necklace- "A gift from Claudette's father to her mother, pawned to pay the rising costs after his departure." After injuring a survivor with a Lethal Dart, begin another 60 second long countdown, after which if they do not change health state, they are placed into the Dying State.
Father's Letter- "A letter, written by Claudette's father and discovered years later when it was too later." Increases Blowdart capacity by 30 and Lethal Dart capacity by 5. Start the trial with 30 more Blowdarts and 5 more Lethal Darts.
"Empathetic Void"
What once was a heart brimming with selflessness is now an empty hole, filled with cruelty.
After injuring a survivor with your Basic Attack, their aura is revealed to you for 6 seconds.
This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
"Toxic Shock"
You know the best plants around to make them hurt.
All survivors injured with your Basic Attack suffer from the Hindered status effect (15%) for 30/35/40 seconds.
This does not stack with other Hindered effects.
"Mind Shatter"
They'll lose their mind just like you lost yours!
After placing a survivor into the Dying State, gain the Undetectable status for 10/12/14 seconds.
"I swear it's- it's like she can teleport! She'll appear from nowhere to hunt us down- one by one!"
Damn this is the entire package, huh?
This is an enitre killer concept, pretty cool
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Minus most of the add-ons and icons, yep this is the entire concept. Because I have nothing better to do other than Easter revision and who would wanna do that?
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true, im makin another concept rn because im bored out of my mind.
Playing DBD against a 4 man swf is not fun.
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You really trying to tempt me into a dbd all-kill role reversal concept chapter aren't You LMFAO
All in all, claudette is a baddie 👯😍, love the role reversal with this one
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Yes I am :)
and thanks ^^
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I absolutely love seein this stuff its amazing and Im so glad there are people here that can make something out of my crazy ideas4
keep my clued in if you make another character swap or anything like that!!