Any word on bugged pallet stuns?

Yugyr Member Posts: 17

Sorry if this has already been posted about but has anyone noticed how awful pallet stuns have been specifically this patch? Me and my friends have had way too many killers just ignore the pallet and m1 us through it or even just not get stunned despite being right under it. Just curious if its been addressed or anything.


  • Yugyr
    Yugyr Member Posts: 17 I made this to show what I'm talking about. Theres always been laggy interactions with pallets like this but with this patch they seem like the new norm.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Mayne people complained.

    Personally I haven't experienced it yet. I was playing killer & didn't seem to get hit I shouldn't get.

    I'm playing survivor now and for the 2 games I've played today I didn't have this issue.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I was playing earlier with a friend and he went for a pallet drop as the killer picked me up and the killer swung as soon as he picked me up and resisted the pallet stun which is just gross sigh

    Really hoping they emergency patch this by next week or something. It's an absolute joy utilizing it as killer but it's actually broken being able to swing into pallets without fear of being stunned or like I said above, swinging immediately to nullify a pallet dropped on you while carrying a survivor

  • Yugyr
    Yugyr Member Posts: 17

    I'm a killer main too and I'm all for killer supremacy... but not like this lmao

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    To be fair I think what is happening is those are situations in which the killer is hitting you, and would be getting stunned in turn (a lot of the time, sometimes a killer would get stunned and not get hit but it's netcode more than anything really); but the stuns themselves are bugged.

    So it isn't some huge game breaking "omg survivor is now impossible" like some folks are saying, but it is a big issue that needs to be fixed.

    It looks far worse I think than it actually is under the hood, because the result is that it looks like they are just hitting you through/over the pallet. The fact it happens on both screens too means it probably isn't a netcode issue, it's literally just the stun itself is bugged.

  • Yugyr
    Yugyr Member Posts: 17

    Survivor isn't impossible with this bug but it is a huge detractor from the fun knowing that you might play correctly and still be punished. Plus I've been stuck on the stun challenge for a good minute now lol.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I have experienced this all night. I’ll drop a pallet, they will not get stunned, and still manage to hit me through the pallet. It honestly makes all pallets unsafe and survivor almost unplayable

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Sorta, I think when you get hit you would have gotten hit even without the bug however, the only difference is you don't get a killer stun out of it but that's really not a huge deal.

    Could say dedicated servers suck or whatever else but that has all been an issue for a long time now; but the pallet bug is more of a "Stun bug" it's the fact stuns are bugged.

    So what happens is in instances where you would get stunned and hit them, you instead just hit them and the pallet goes down and does not stun you so it looks like you just hit them over the pallet.

    Or, you just hit the pallet, instead of getting stunned, and only have weapon cooldown to deal with.

    Is it unfair? Sure. But it's not as bad as people are making it out to be....except I guess if you have a challenge, yeah that would suck haha. It does need to be fixed asap, but people implying things like "we only lost because of the bug" is just dumb.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I think the bug comes from the fact that when you drop a pallet the game checks if you have smash hit, and most of the time this bugs the stun.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    I really enjoy this bug! No need for enduring! Finally enduring is a base kit for all killers!

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    This is being looked into by the team and they're aware of the pallet situation. For the future, please report bugs here: For this one, no need, it's already known.

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