Don't you love the community of DBD?

Just played a game as Deathslinger.

I pulled out the stops. I brought the big guns out. I played like the low class Stormtrooper you see in Star Wars and couldn't hit my target. These survivors are Jedi's and they are just dodging and my potato aim didn't help.

To give you the story of what happened. By the time I caught the first person, three gens were completed. The game was not going in my favor. We also were on the wreck haven map. The one called Gas Heaven. I highly dislike this map on killer and survivor. Just the map alone is not a good one in my opinion.

So after getting the first hook, I pretty much gave up but wanted to defend the flash light person because to heck with the flash light. Also she was the easiest the catch out of the four. Everyone came in doing saves and replacing on hooks expect the person the top of the list. He never got hooked. xD almost but didn't. The one with 1 perk found a key and bounced out after I killed flash light girl. Which forced the other two to try and get out by door. I caught the other who was at the bottom of the list. Anyway game ended up with two kills instead of one because people wanted to be the silly and try to save when they kept getting hooked.

The worst part is. I played dirty. I became killer shack guard. Not like I could aim anyway, and then I went right after the flash light with no cares about the others because she was on death hook. Needless to say, I sucked horribly and I can admit that.

But this is how end game looks like. Regardless if I would of done good or bad, something tells me with these toxic survivors (expect the top one he was console). They would have been toxic no matter what. I was being nice. But why does DBD allow people to be like this? Like I honestly wish DBD would just remove peoples abilities to talk after games if they are like this to much.
