NOED is not Problem

Use Map + Inner Strength

Map will show you totem locations, you will destroy them. That will give you free heal after you get injured. Plus you will get BP for cleansing. And plus if killer has NOED, killer will never use that.

And best point killer will play game only 3 perks. So you will waste one killer's slot. Simple and perfect combo.


  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    So its as simple as "just do bones". Yet when that is said people say that it isn't easy and what not when maps, small game, detectives hunch all exist. Truth is if you can't do well against a killer with only 3 perks until the endgame then the problem isn't noed or the killer.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I get it but i know someone will take this answer serious :d For that i need to answer. You also get heal and blood points. So that perk will worth it.

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    If you can only identify 3 perks, there is a 40% chance 1 is a Hex that hasn't been found or isn't active yet.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The issue isn't there are no counters to what the killer can throw at you. It's that survivors don't feel like doing it.

    "NOED OP!" "Why didn't you cleanse da bones?" "Aint nobody got time for that"

    "BBQ is broken!" "Why didn't you jump in a locker?" "I dont wanna get off my gen" "Well why not run distortion?" "I dont wanna take off my meta perks"

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012
    edited April 2021

    Well actually i am surprised why Inner Strength is not meta. Because it is really good and strong perk.

    Perk is rewarding you because you doing one of the survivor goals. Yes clean totem is one of the survivor goals. So that perk gives you easy heal for that. And plus blood points.

  • pizzacake
    pizzacake Member Posts: 11

    I think NOED becomes an issue when you have all gens done, everyone is alive, then the killer finds one person and face camps with NOED to try to secure one kill, which happens a good bit in lower- and mid-ranked games. In these situations, there's no chance of a rescue, and if the person is on their 2nd hook, you have less than 1 minute to find the totem and make the rescue.

    There should be a 2nd counter to NOED other than "cleanse everything" like a limit to the number of exposed hits or swings by the killer to have more of a meet-in-the-middle solution. Like for every hooked survivor, the killer gains a token up to a max of X, and the killer gets X many exposed m1 swings in the endgame.

    It's still powerful, and it makes it more worth it to go for a hooked survivor while NOED is active.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    IS is one of my favorite perks. Normally I bring a medkit to heal myself so I can run an extra perk. If I don't have a medkit I bring IS.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    Noed isn't a problem imo, its just highly annoying. Realistically, bones will only be done if there is undying, maybe a hex totem already, or somebody is doing a challenge. If i see it I either power through it and help other people, or if it is worthless Ieave. Nothing more than that

  • Just_Alex
    Just_Alex Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2021

    Let's be honest here... NOED is clearly OP and needs a nerf ASAP! Nobody has the time to do bones if you have to do 5 gens and everyone can be hooked 2 times. Detectives Hunch and Small Game are just manifestations in your mind and they don't really exist and Maps are way too rare to use. Also, don't forget that Totems aren't objectives so you don't have to do them and it's always the Killer's fault for bringing NOED in the first place!

    Please don't hit me... Just trying to be funny after a long exhausting day...

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    If the killer face camps with noed the simple solution is to find and cleanse the totem, its not impossible. If you let it get to that point then you need to understand that you must cleanse totems throughout the match or that person will die and you cant save them.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Good killers don't use NOED and good survivors don't give a ######### about NOED.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    Sometimes is actually faster to just selfcare than search a totem. Especially if other people run Inner Strength too. Also, there are not enough maps for every game, so you can't rely on items.

    I have just 2 problems with NOED

    1. Survivors don't have a totem counter. It's easier to cleanse them in soloq if you know how many there are left.
    2. It artificially inflates kill rates. If survivors are killed on their first hooks during EGC, the killer didn't perform well but kill rates suggest otherwise.

    Other than that, I don't mind Noed.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Once again, the argument of "Just Do Bones" falls apart whenever anyone thinks of solo-q for literally half a minute but, okay.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    NOED is not an "OP" perk. It is a perk that you can only use during endgame which means during all the match you reserve one of your perk for endgame which maybe you are not gonna be needed. Yes it is frustrating to lose a game because of NOED but on the other hand the killer did not use one of his power during whole game and because of that reason I can say that NOED is a situational perk and not "OP" perk. Being a good survivor means trying to understand the killer's perks and assume the possibilities. Like killer carry people faster so he uses Agitation, the killer came to us when we working with gens as group that means he has discordance, killer came silently during the end of the gen that means he has Tinkerer, after he hooked somebody he managed to find me so he has BBQ and so forth.... As a survivor you should try to understand his perks and depends of that situation be preapared for suprise perks like Devour or NOED. Whenever I am playing survivor I always cleanse totems due to chance of NOED and plus it gives me points which is fair.

    Overall if you lose a match because of NOED well you lose it. It's simple as that. You can loop the killer,let him chase you for 5 mins, being great at saves,repairs and etc... but you can lose because of not cleansing totems. When it comes to killer I saw people are commenting like "Killer did mistake so killer loses","He chased me for 4-5 min and that is why he lose","He was not pressuring gens so he lost the match". The Noed is the answer of "You did not cleanse totem and now you lose the match". It is that pure and simple. You did mistake and lose the match by not cleansing totems. Does it harsh? Yes it is harsh but it is a game where element of suprise can affect the whole game.

    Note: I play both sides. I dont rely on NOED and I dont see many killer uses NOED especially at high ranks.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Well same issue lol

    Ofcourse survivors will do gens, if killer lose them that is killer's mistake not survivors. Also DH is good perk and have counter, exhaustion. So it can use only 1 time in chase. So DH is also not problem.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I just can't agree with that, it only takes one person to find either all 5 or just the one when noed is active. With maps showing you where they are, inner strength rewarding you for finding them, archive challenges asking you to do them I cant say that argument falls apart at any point.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850
    edited April 2021

    It takes one person to find all 5 and 3 solo teammates who don't know all 5 are gone, leading to a wild goose chase for 3 people and one person only on gens, which will lose the game, correct. Or there are two people on totems- you don't know where the other has been, where they are, how many they've done.

    Solos shouldn't have to use perks or items for information SWF players get for free and if you think this is good game design you're part of the problem.

    "Just do bones" is so flawed it makes skyscrapers jealous.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    My problem with noed are facecamping killer. I cant search for totems otherwise the gens are too slow.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Anyone should use perks to make up for parts of their gameplay that are lacking because that's the point of perks. SWF isn't the standard and shouldn't be looked at as such, telling people not to run perks that will help them prevent a certain situation is bad thinking. Great to know that im part of the problem tho....

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    SWF should be looked to as the standard, and solos should get the information they get completely for free. There's a reason why this game is so imbalanced between solo survivors and 4man SWF on comms deathsquads. There's a reason this game is so unbalanced in general.

    Solos need to be brought up to SWF level, and then killers buffed to that new standard. There's no way to have a balanced game otherwise. And expecting solos to use a perk or an item for information that SWF get for free helps nobody- it isn't good game design and just perpetuates the fact that solos are, and always will be, the weakest role in the game due to the lack of information.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    Survivors are massively disadvantaged outside of meta-tryhard swiffers, and you want to turn matches into 3v1s where one person is not contributing a lick to gens?

    That's assuming you can actually find all five, since some maps are horrible for totem hunting, and there are some spawns that are very difficult to find, even with Small Game. And that's another issue with NOED: If you cleanse 4 out of 5, you royally screw yourself over, because NOED is going to the one totem you -can't- find. So unless it is absolutely perfectly executed (Good luck coordinating that one, even in a swiffer), it is actually hugely detrimental to 'do bones'. Because if you don't do bones, NOED might pop into a totem you've already spotted.

    Also, it's not 'maps showing you where they are', plural. It's ONLY the rainbow map. The regular map is an even worse version of Visionary, one of the worst perks in the game.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    I'm curious, how many maps do you think a survivors find in their blood web?

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    I don't think the issue is that it's OP; you are correct, it is not. Powerful, but not insane. The problem is, it is unhealthy, bad killers rely on it and never improve because of it. As you say, you rarely see it at higher ranks because most killers there don't need it, but when you come across a Killer at red rank that DOES have it, it becomes quickly clear by their play style that it has carried them there. They don't know how to pressure gens, they under perform in chases and will chase a single survivor indefinitely knowing they don't need to worry because NOED will help them catch up when they inevitably fail to prevent the gens being repaired.

    I have never, ever played against a skilled high rank player who ended up having NOED, outside of meme builds. I do, however, hear the words "S/he isn't very good, they probably have NOED". So I can understand peoples frustration when they have out performed for 90% of the game and then suddenly the killer is getting gifted kills based on a single perk that requires nothing other than a lack of coordination/hastiness on survivor side.

    The counter arguments are pretty flawed too. Maps are pretty rare on the bloodweb, and the green one doesn't even track totems by default. Small game and detectives hunch are decent, but Small game doesn't help you keep track of how many totems have been destroyed, and both are dependent on you not being hooked/chased.

    Even with them, you can miss totems if they are at the other side of map etc and you have a team with no comms, it is a nightmare.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I can agree with your idea which is correct in my opinion. However for totem spawns at least from my experience at some maps they have spawn at same places. At most of the maps I can find 2-3 totems without even searching them properly. So if you know the map finding totems are not that problem at some point. I assume people who just play survivors have better knowledge of totem spawns than I have.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Yeah some are blindingly obvious: these are the ones my regular hex perks will nearly always spawn on because RNG hates me.

    With Noed you have to get all of them though, including the ones that are absurd; had one on sanctum of wrath once that was behind a load of reeds in the corner of a low wall. When I say behind them, I mean COMPLETELY covered by them; even with detectives it took me awhile to find (as aura had faded by time I got there).

    You get one totem like that remaining, and its the other side of the map to you when last gen pops with detectives, you're going to think all totems done, and then NOED strikes and nobody is finding it, before somebody is sacrificed.

    Learning every single possible totem spawn on every variation of every map, no doubt some players will have done so. But its a big ask of every single survivor in order to counter a single perk that requires literally nothing on the killers part to activate other than for them to be losing.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    if noed was that easy to counter no one would be running it

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I use detective's hunch & inner strength nearly every game as survivor. NOED only procs if I got tunneled/camped midway through the game or they closed the hatch after a snowball kinda game. You can counter it just fine in solo

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Solos shouldn't have to run perks for information SWF get for free, I don't know how many times I have to repeat that statement in this thread but I hope this is clear enough now.

    You should be able to have perks like Detective's basekit, at minimum a totem counter, because SWF players don't need to use those perks for that information and having one side be so totally disadvantaged because they're not playing with a friend isn't good game design.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Detective's shows totem locations so unless you have a friend who always knows where the totems are it's not something that's a given with swf. Mind you I still run detective's in 4 man swfs because it gives the location.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    "I'm cleansing a totem at shack."

    "Alright, I did one in main building and there was one at cow tree."

    "I did one by this gen."

    "There's one at my gen, I'll get it once it's over."

    No perks needed for this information.

    Solos shouldn't have to sacrifice perk or item slots for things SWF get for free.

    When I play with my friend @TurboTOne I usually leave dull totems for him because he uses Inner Strength, but I let him know where they are. Infinitely more information than if he was solo.

    Solos shouldn't have to sacrifice perk or item slots for things SWF get for free.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Like I said, that swf knew where all the totems were. Most people don't automatically know where the totems are and have to look for them, even in a swf. Detective's cuts all those corners and just tells you exactly where it is, something a good swf can't even do all the time.

    I've had plenty of matches in a 4 man swf & nobody does a single totem because none of us could find a totem. Exact totem location just isn't a given with every swf game.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Maps are totally broken since 2020. Many times it doesn’t show totems

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Correct, and at that point Detective's would be useful there but you're missing my point entirely.

    So allow me to, once again, re-iterate it, this time slightly larger.


    In the scenario you proposed there still would have been missing information because you don't know if someone has, or hasn't, cleansed a single totem. The fact of the matter is that solo survivor desperately needs buffs to bring it in line with SWF, or much closer to it, and then killers and totems can be buffed accordingly. NOED itself isn't unhealthy, but the disparity between information is and NOED best exacerbates this problem. "Just do bones" doesn't work because of this problem.

    Solos need information buffs because right now they're easily the weakest role in DBD.

    And once more, for the people in the back:


  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    LOL!!! If there is one argument in this stupid game that I am dead tired of hearing, it's this 'NOED IS OP!!!' crap. It's the easiest perk in the game to completely negate. Run 'Small Game' if you want it to be really easy. And while the other three are gen rushing, you take a few minutes and scour the map with it. If there are no perks active that are affecting the time it takes to down totems, then one totem takes all of 15 seconds....x5, that is 1 m 15 secs...slightly shorter than the base time to start a gen.

    I played Trapper for the better part of today, and in 2 games I turned a gen rush into a 4x thanks to NOED, and some completely short-sighted and stoopid Survivors. If you're going to do the gen rush and forget about totems, then NOED may be your punishment. And you and your teammates will be the ones to blame.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I think you are missing something here, dude. And that is that the killers who KNOW they are just not good enough will have to rely on NOED doing the dirty work for them. If you are confident in what you can do, if you can plan what you have to do, you don't need NoeD. Ever. So yes, I am afraid that the killer IS the problem because, as always, NoeD rewards failure. Or would you like a perk that makes it so a single survivor has to be hit 5 times, with no instadowns allowed, should he fail to complete a gen?