Why do we need dc penalties

Lol I haven’t DC’d on purpose in 3 days so my connection drops once and I’m slapped with a 6 hour ban? I stopped DCing once I got a 30 minute penalty so why do I have a 6 hour ban when I haven’t DC’d in 3 Damn days? This wasn’t even an on purpose DC yet I can’t play? In the middle of moving states and all I do on my free time is play this damn game I cant even get through the rift since I’m on tier 38 and I only have 11 days now.
Normally I don’t complain on DC penalties but come on this is just ridiculous
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Shouldn't be DCing in the first place
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See if you never DC'd on purpose those times you would have had a shorter DC penalty. No one's fault but your own.
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DC penalties are there for a reason, and if you're upset over the 6 hour ban then with no disrespect all I can say is deal with it. They cant keep the grace period of the dc penalty system light because people will try to figure out how the bans stack up. All I can say is you wouldn't be in this situation if you never dc'd
Also sorry I almost forgot to answer the actual question lol. DC penalties are there to penalize any and all forms of DC's. If someone's internet died or something mid game they wont notice anything because by the time they load the game up the 5 min timer will be done or almost done. It starts off real light but gets really heavy and punishing the more you dc.
If someone has trash wifi and constantly gets dc'd out they are ruining the game for others so it makes sense there too to give harsher punishment.
While your situation is pretty unlucky you wouldn't be with a 6 hour ban if you didnt dc multiple times. Now you know for the future though
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we don't it stops nothing
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I mean yeah but it’s been three Damn days. Plus it’s not like it’s ever stopped anyone I get people who DC almost every other game esp if I’m playing killer. I rarely ever do it anymore and I’d get it if it was people who DC constantly get stricter penalties but i don’t see how having everyone on an even field actually PREVENTS DCs
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I know people like the DC penalties but truth be told DC penalties is pointless when you can easily ######### on hook at anytime.
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Oh also forgot to mention! It says “no internet connection.” But when I check my internet connection everything says it’s fine.
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Yeah but 6 hours over 3 DCs in a one week span? I’d get it if it was 1-2 hours maybe even 3 but 6? Over an accidental disconnect on a match we were winning on? And it’s not like my connection is trash cause whenever I check it everything is perfectly fine and it never does this on any other game.
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for rage quiters, you know how it is. i am winning and they disconnect because they can't lose right
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Are you on ps4, I've had that pop up a bit already and is annoying lol.
And you may not have noticed a lack of DC's but that doesnt mean its not doing anything. And it's not there to make dc's magically disappear, it's there to discourage dc's. Im positive that dc's went down a huge amount since its been in the game.
Oh dont get me wrong, I completely understand your annoyance with this. Being banned for 6 hours is pretty stupid when you haven't dc'd in days lol.
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“I stopped DCing once I got the 30 min penalty” implies you were ragequitting a ton and then got more DC penalties from your “accidental” disconnects after.
DC penalty is for rage quitters, I hated when it was off as both killer and survivor. Survivor it was auto lose when your team DCs cause they just can’t play against spirit or something. Killer it was waste addons to have 3-4 man SWFs DC at 5 gens if they didn’t like the killer you were playing. Leave it on for sure
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My point still stands, it sucks it didn't depreciate after nearly a week, but you would've had a much shorter wait if you hadn't choosen to DC. My games have disconnected but I still only get 5 min bans since I've never purposefully DC'd
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Actually a 30 minute is only three times and I didn’t rage quit lol the first was just cause I was being slugged with my friend and I wanted to give her a chance at hatch. Other two times were Freddy with thana. Once it hit 30 I was like “Alright I’ll suck it up.” Keep in mind those are the first times I’ve DC’d in MONTHS. 6 hours is an extremely long time for 4 DC’s esp if one is accidental.
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No I get that but 6 hours for what most likely was a server disconnect?
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No I’m on Xbox actually but I’m west coast US if that helps anything. Every other game is a-okay and I don’t get disconnected or even internet spikes only DBD will boot me out at random
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I've had this happen to me today. Just a 5 minute ban, since I hadn't dc'd. But it was clearly a server issue because my internet was fine. in fact it reconnected me to DBD immediately. (Also, I was almost at the exit gate when it dc'd me for no good reason.) I've been having a bit of DBD issues, including some SERIOUS lag. (My ping is never more than 50!) I think there's something up with the servers.
Also I believe this should've only been a one hour ban. Did you reset during those 6 hours to see if the time changed? My cousin had to DC in a game because the killer held the game hostage. (Wouldn't let her open the exit gate, wouldn't let her go to the hatch. Just picked her up, then downed her again when she wiggled free) She got a one hour ban, but upon resetting her game the ban was gone.
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disconnecting one time doesn't incur a 6 hour penalty, and the penalties are counted on a month to month basis that go up over time from each time you do it.
What am I getting at? This wasn't your only DC this month - therefore you are not deserving of sympathy
Get rekt you ragequitting coward.
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You have to play a total of 12 hours in a matches without disconnecting for it to reset ban timer to zero.
As for getting 6 hours if you have been rage quitting you deserve the longer ban. Rage quitting negatively affects the match both the killer and the other survivors.
Post edited by PhantomChimera on4 -
I wonder the same. I love how this game is supposed to be "casual", but instead it has dc penalties like any competitive game would have.
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The playerbase forced the devs into it. Before the DC penalty, ragequits were constant. It was common for the first person downed to disconnect before the killer could hook them. I had people disconnect because their attempt to locker-juke me failed. They disconnected to give friends the hatch. They disconnected before the killer could mori them. They disconnected because they messed up at a pallet.
A common complaint was that disconnects were making the game damn near unplayable. Disconnects were one of the biggest problems plaguing DbD.
If the playerbase had not disconnected to such a huge, huge degree, the devs wouldn't have needed to implement the penalty.
Players right now complain about survivors suiciding on the hook, but that is much less common than disconnecting used to be.
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DC penalties wasn't needed when the game was more fair and balanced. Now it is balanced around competitive survivor gameplay vs. casual killer gameplay along with OP addons and perks.
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Very next game, I had two people just suicide on hook due to their complete and utter stupidity within the first 2 minutes of the game. Literally all I did was catch one guy, hook him in the basement, kick a gen which triggered Trail of Torment, literally right after I kicked the gen I got the notification that the basement hook was rescued... got back still silent to find the idiots still in the basement. Downed them both, hooked them both, walked away to get two free kills as they both suicided.
FFS... if you screw up, don't abandon your other teammates. Even I felt so bad about the last two I let them farm a bit and go... ME, of all people.
THIS IS WHY WE HAVE DC PENALTIES... is because of weak-ass little punks who make a habit of disconnecting and suiciding on a regular basis. I wish you little punks would just quit already and be done with it.
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I get it, but i mean... The people that complained about the dcs, have they ever played a battle royale? Or rankeds in overwatch? Or any multiplayer game? DCing is common, and you just have to move on.
In my personal case, when im killer and someone DCs, i farm with the rest, so everyone can be happy.
Also today i ate a ban because the game kicked me from the match :(
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Sometimes people dc because they're salty or annoyed. Myself included I got frustrated and dc'd earlier today but you just have to take it on the chin and everytime it happens I realise I was silly for doing it in the first place.
If I end up getting kicked from a match because of an error and end up with a longer ban than I just have to blame myself because if I hadn't dc'd before I would just have to wait 5 mins and then be into another match.
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I don’t have bad connection tho that’s what I’ve BEEN saying. I’ve had this happen several times I’ll be booted from the game and have perfectly fine connection. Doesn’t happen on anything else other than DBD
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I don’t rage quit lol and I already said three days prior I did have a 30 minute ban but I haven’t been playing or DCing since then. It only takes 3 DCs to reach 30 mins
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Lol I never quit on a regular basis esp rage quit. Get over yourself
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In a battle royale, if they dc, it just helps your chance of winning. In Overwatch players who dc will be replaced with new ones. Dbd if someone dcs, either the game ends for everyone else, or the Survivor team ends up in an unwinnable situation.
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Lol I don’t rage quit I quit a couple times like 3 days ago from a streak of just freddys and legions got sick of seeing them so I’ll admit my bad but I haven’t DC’d since and I was doing just fine and on a Gen when all of a sudden DBD freezes I assumed it was the killer who DC’d cause I checked my connection and it was fine and then it hits me with “No network connection” but let’s me straight back in the game lol.
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Farming once in a while because there's a disconnect, sure. But this wasn't once in a while. I remember killers complaining because they couldn't play a normal match. More matches than not had an early DC, so then their choices were to farm or slaughter the remaining three. No one wants to constantly farm, it's boring. They queued up to play the game, and they weren't getting to do that. It was endlessly frustrating.
It sucked as survivor, too. One person would disconnect, two more would follow, and I either got to do two gens to open the hatch (these were the old days before the EGC) or the killer would just kill me and move on.
Other multiplayer games I've played, disconnects weren't nearly so common, and a disconnect didn't alter the balance and ruin the entire match so drastically.
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DC's and suicide on hook penalties need to be life changing, like permanent bans! I cant tell you how many games I have had where one or two players DC or suicide on the hook while I am like three feet from them trying to rescue! They see me coming yet do it anyway?? Just makes the game that much harder for everyone else. Maybe I am a little too generous,,,if I were the killer I would back off a little if I saw this. No one says they have to but would be nice if they didnt still camp and tunnel after this. Had two games the other night where the same Wraith hooked then sat right at the hook invisible waiting for survivors to come rescue. Once someone tried the rescue he downed them too,,then the player on the hook suicided and the one on the ground DC. After that point we were easy pickens.
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We need them because when we didn't have them certain Nimrods kept disconnecting like crazy. Now fewer do it, but make up wild excuses about it thinking it will remove their bans; it won't.
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Its not a wild excuse if the devs ever felt so inclined they could very easily check my player records and see lol
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You shouldn't have quit those times several days back when you had the string of bad Freddy types. What do you want me to tell you? That is why your Ban is bigger when something out of your control actually happened. Had you NOT done that, your ban for the interruption would have been five minutes. You should take this as a "teaching moment" so you don't run into this issue again.
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I don't think time is a factor in the system, I think it's about the amount of games played where you don't dc
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Haven't DC'd. Once again disconnected from the server and slapped with 24 hour ban this time. How am I supposed to play and not DC if I'm forcibly BOOTED from the game? I even have it on recording now lol
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My connection isn't the problem though I have green ping and I never even get the red little clock thingy. I even played with spotify and spotify never stopped and it lets me straight back into the game. I'm literally in the same room as my router.
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This is Karma, Bro!
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We don't need DC penalties. We need tunneller /camper penalties.
The only anti-tunnelling perk, DS, got severely nerfed. The disconnect penalty is ridiculous and it doesn't prevent people from disconnecting. It is a minor nuisance at most.
What effectively prevents people from disconnecting are the Tome missions. Having missions to be done in a short time is a good stimulus to prevent people from disconnecting after achieving a part of a multi-play mission.
Same as the war on drugs: the stick doesn't work.
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Because that is a valid move when facing a ****** player. =] Especially now that they nerfed the only anti-tunneling perk, DS. People only don't disconnect because of the tome missions. The penalty doesn't work.
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Or they should fix the game so it doesn't boot people, how about that? Or - EVEN BETTER - get rid of the lame disconnect penalty. :)
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They unbalanced the game. We pay for the game to have fun. If people are not having fun, they're not going to put up with ****** camper/tunnelers just to indulge them. And now they nerfed the only anti-tunnel perk, DS, I've seen a rise on disconnects after that. And I don't blame them.
When it is not Tome season and I am in a hurry to finish all the missions, I'll admit that I have often disconnected when facing that kind of player. That is evidence that the positive stimulus of the tome is far more effective than the dc penalty.
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The reason for which they are there are not addressing the issue and are not diminishing the dc. There was a short time, right after implementation, when it did go down. Now it's back to normal. People only won't disconnect because of positive reinforcement - like the tome missions that have to be done through several matches.
War drugs already taught us that: the stick doesn't work.
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Awn, are you mad? Well, I'll keep complaining in a forum - which is also a place for that. If you don't like it, you can quit - or "just deal with it" =].
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It's not all about you, people who support dc penalties pay for this game to have fun. It's not fun to have someone DC because the killer found them first, or because it's Ultra Slowdown Freddy. It just wastes their time, just like how DC penalties waste your time for DCing.
The solution is simple, stop dcing and you would only get short penalties when the game does indeed crash, which is much more rare than people who complain about the penalties want to admit. Or you can keep dcing so you can get banned more and more and stop ruining other peoples matches.
If the above isn't enough for you, then Dbd isn't the game for you and you should find something else to waste your time with.
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Actually, the game has existed for a lot longer WITHOUT the disconnect penalty than with it. If you just arrived, perhaps this isn't the game for you. =]
Plus, you're either a teenager or someone who didn't study anything about human psychology to think that punishment changes behavior, son. It doesn't. There is a short period of time right after the application of the punishment when the trend changes. People are back to dc. And I'll remain here, for your pleasure. <3
PS: It is not about the killer's fun, right? So if it sucks for the other four players to play against a camper/tunneler - and it always does - they should be punishing the selfish ass who is ruining it for everybody else. ;)
PPS: If they want people to stop disconnecting, the tome missions are far more effective than the dc penalty.
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I've been here long before the penalty was introduced. The game is still enjoyable for me, even with all the tunneling and camping killers and the DC penalty makes the game even more enjoyable for me!
You're wrong about punishments. Punishments certainly do change peoples behavior. Rather than being rash and repeating the mistake again, people would tend to think twice before they do something that leads to a punishment. As for the DC penalty, if the abusers refuse to change, that's fine too! They can just get longer and longer bans until they can't play anymore, perfect for selfish players who only care about themselves.
It's about everyone's fun, not just yours or the killers. 3 other survivors had to wait anywhere from 5-20 minutes depending on the time of day and location. Believe it or not, there are lots of good survivors that enjoy getting tunneled because they're not terrible at the game and know how to loop for 2 or more gens. Heck, I'm probably one of the worst players in this game, and I even have carpal tunnel that causes my fingers to lock up or get numb, and I was able to loop a Ghost Face for 3 gens and an Oni for 2 gens at the start of the match. The Ghostface camped me, but you know what, I didn't dc like a selfish baby, I held on so my three random teammates can get out.
DC penalties are working well, no need to mess with the tome missions. Soon enough, survivors won't be able to suicide on hook either, which will make the game even more enjoyable! That way, the DC penalties will just keep on increasing so the majority of players won't have to deal with selfish players anymore.
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Get rekt you ragequitting coward
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The DC penalties is there for a very good reason, you rarely see any DC now. Back in the days if you were very lucky, you could play a game without a single DC. I think you are the one that just came here, and have no clue how the game were before the penalties got implementet. The penalties were a high demand from the playerbase.
"you're either a teenager or someone who didn't study anything about human psychology to think that punishment changes behavior, son. It doesn't." -> If they don't change their behavior, they won't be playing at all. Sure, it won't change everyones behavior, but does that are here to play will surely change theirs.