Which killer and survivor would you be friends with And why?

ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

I want to be friends with Feng and Ace because they're both my mains lol And the other reason is that i connect with feng's backstory more than any character in DBD


  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 411

    I will love to understand Wraith and Nurse, knowing them better and be able to help them. Also Plague, because I want to cure her sickness. And I personally like biology, I will be very excited to study the Demogorgon.

    I will be very friendly with Claudette, Yui, Adam and Kate. :)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    For survivors I’d be friends with

    1. Jeff and I share a lot of interests so I would definitely get along with him
    2. Jane would be a nice friend to have and seems very empathetic and could help you through any problems you’re having
    3. Quentin seems like a cool dude to chill with
    4. Claudette seems like she’d be a good friend when you get to know her
    5. Zarina would be a great friend to have

    For killers maybe slinger?

  • zack12sora
    zack12sora Member Posts: 40

    Killers none lol, survivors I'd hangout with David or ace they seem chill. Kate I'd be chill to if the entity gave us a guitar at the campfire after the trials

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158


    I can see myself spending so much time with him hanging out listening to music having a beer.


    I'm talking about dead by daylights Bubba not movie Bubba they are very different to me. I think dbd Bubba is so adorable like seeing him brightens my day in the fog. Just love to protect him and make sure he's doing ok possible hug would be so awesome!


  • A_Creative_Name
    A_Creative_Name Member Posts: 23

    Jake, his lore matches me very well.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Freddy and Claudette. They are my babies <3 I love them.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Isn't freddy a pedo? Why would you be friends with a pedo lmao

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    In the original script for the Remake, Freddy was actually innocent and was framed for such terrible crimes. I consider it my own headcanon for him because it makes his story much better.

    And besides, Freddy and Claudette are my mains.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    You main the most hated characters in the game lmao after nea & spirit ofc

    But yeah i wish freddy was framed and NOT being a pedo

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    survivor: quentin- in the movie he seems like a really good friend. his goblin face is also adorable

    killer: wraith- ive read his backstory and he doesnt even seem evil. id invite him to play some dbd

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    "You main the most hated characters in the game lmao after nea & spirit ofc"

    Well, I try my best to change their reputation and be the nicest Freddy main / Claudette main DBD has ever known.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    It honestly depends on the player NOT the character they're playing as tbh Im tired of people calling us survivor mains toxic Like yeah there are toxic ones but There are nice ones :( Thats why i started playing killer more

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    Survivor: Ace. He just seems like a great dude to be around, always got that dumb smile on his face.

    Killer: Deathslinger. I wanna hear his crazy ass cowboy bounty hunting stories.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited April 2021

    Survivor: Feng, because she's a hardcore gamer. Like duh.

    Killer: Trickster, because I could totally see us jamming out to 24hr Cinderella together.

    Post edited by DetailedDetriment on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Survivor: Adam. He and I share similar childhood experiences at school and both wish to further learning, as well as value other lives above our own.

    Killer: Caleb Quinn. We both like to tinker and understand how things work, or modify to utilise. Granted, his skills vastly exceed my own but a shared interest would mean I'd probably bond more with him.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815


    Survivors would be constantly shining flashlights in my eyes and trying to hit me with household items and killers would kill me.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985


    -Michael: Although I love to play with him and he is my main, I would not approach him out of fear and disturbing.

    -Ghostface: It would be your best friend, since I see it similar to Scream. What is your favorite movie?


    -Quentin: If if I had good friends, I would choose Quentin, he is my main survivor and since he is the typical swimming teenager, we have a lot in common.

    -Steve: Another good friend would be Steve, although sometimes it is fun, if he is brave, with him he would have good adventures as in Hawkins.

  • ijustregist
    ijustregist Member Posts: 31

    I'm with Bill Overbeck and Ash Williams.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531


    Ash - He's a badass dude, and I want to hear all his cool stories.

    Quentin - He's pretty chill and nice guy, I'd get along good with him. Plus maybe I could get him to take a nap.


    The Legion - They're around my age, and it'd be fun to hang out and talk to them.

    Freddy - Freddy would be sick to hang out with. We'd just crack one-liners and have fun doing random ######### in the dream world.

  • Cilles
    Cilles Member Posts: 4

    Killers None. They are there to kill and no matter what i say that sadly wont change.

    Survivor. Yui or Quinten

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    Adam ofc

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    As GeneralV said, I have my own headcannon for Freddy, so I don't consider him a pedo.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Actually in the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies he is not a pedophile. That was added only in the 2010 remake to make it edgier and him more villainous.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I think that Kate would be someone I would genuinely be friends with. Her backstory and added lore about her depression and her issues as an artist are something that most creative types can relate to. But she's also a celebrity so who knows how easy it would be to actually befriend her.

    Feng's backstory of gamer and party girl is interesting and is similar enough to my own that we'd probably have enough in common that we could become friends around the campfire.

    Wraith is kind of the only killer who wasn't evil. If his mind is intact (I know the Entity can twist the minds of the Killers quite a bit once they are in his realm) then he's just a normal guy in a very sad situation. I feel like he's a sympathetic character.

    Now if I was a Killer and I was crossing paths with another Killer then Trickster would be an... Interesting friend to have.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Not sure about killer, but Claudette seems like a friendly nerd.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    I would he friends with dwight, since we are almost the same person lol. Id also be friends with sally and evan

  • Freddo
    Freddo Member Posts: 139


    -Quentin. He seems very chill and overall a great dude to hang with.


    -Trickster/Legion/Ghostface. Trickster mainly because of the BOP from the teaser trailer. Legion because they are around my age. Ghostface because he's ghostface.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Claudette and my boy Danny. One i'd protect and one that'd protect me. Plain and simple.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    legion bc i am a fellow edgy teenager

  • littlegirl37
    littlegirl37 Member Posts: 1

    Well I believe I’d be friend of a lot of survivors, most seem like good people and been struggling with some heavy problems.

    The only ones I don’t like are Feng and Yun-Jin, because both the lore shows they’re incredibly selfish people, who only cares about their own safety, and Nea, because she is a criminal who would not have a sense of moral enough developed.

    My favorites are Laurie, because I am very related to her personality, such as fighting evil the hardest possible way, smart decisions and her empathy, and David, because he does all to protect helpless people.

    The same reason why I love Claudette and Cheryl, both of them really cares about other people, as Yui who fight for her friends and even her competitors, also Jeff and David, because they are the opposite of cowards and truly David harms himself to protect you.

    I wouldn’t be friends with any killers, because anyone who think innocent must pay for their own ######### is unfair, cruel, merciless and heartless to me. So they don’t deserve respect or even pity, as they don’t have that for anyone apart from their interests.

    my favorite survivors are Claudette, Laurie and David❤️

  • Pyramid_head_main
    Pyramid_head_main Member Posts: 25

    Pyramid head because of how interesting he is to me, Then tapp because he seems like he would be interesting to have a conversion with.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    Out of the killer's, I would say that The Twins seems like the most reasonable ones to befriend. They are not motivated by some ideal like Plague or Pig, neither by an urge to kill for pleasure like Doctor or Trickster, rather they just do it to survive. I imagine being fairly easy to befriend them if you try a friendly approach like offering them food or supplies and show them that you aren't a threat.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Freddy is taboo, and in the realm of The Entity there all adults, so don't be so judgmental

  • Ashreave
    Ashreave Member Posts: 139

    I wanna be friends with all of them except the Clown, Doctor, Trickster, Yun, Ghostface, Freddie and Myers. Bubba is a dirty basement camper but to be fair he's also kinda traumatised and was raised to not know any better. So if there was a sheet of reinforced chainsaw proof glass between me and him I'd go for it. But Clown is a sociopath, the Doctor has potentially fried his own brain and was not a very nice man before that point, Trickster is a Narcissist, Yun is just kinda an ######### and Freddie and Myers are Freddie and Myers. The armchair therapist in me is highly suspicious of Myers backstory and what's left out of it in regards to his home situation but the horror fan in me knows better than to risk it. Freddie is a child murdering, child diddling given it's the remake version, a-hole who likes to mock his victims. Ghostface is just pure sociopath, no sympathy from me, I'm tempted to try just cause he's supposed to be charismatic but that way lies death. Frank and Julie are probably sociopaths too but the fact they are teens makes me less wary.

    TLDR; All survivors except Yun and any killer who is not just a straight sociopath but actually had a real reason to become what they did. Yun and the other killers can go take a hike.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Nea and Feng, they seem to be close to be age and i see they being really sarcastic.

    Cheryl, she seems really depressed ingame but she was quite sassy in sl3 so I don't know.

    Susie, she looks pretty shy and based on her lore we probably have a lot in commom

  • Literallyweezing
    Literallyweezing Member Posts: 88

    Claudette seems cool, also I kind of feel bad for Deathslinger based on his lore so i'd probably try to get to know him

  • RandomJoJoguy147
    RandomJoJoguy147 Member Posts: 8


    Ash: Because he’s a badass, chill, and funny guy I could easily get along with him and he could tell me interesting stories.

    Steve: I feel like he would be same as a funny and chill guy to be friends with.

    Quentin: Quentin seems like a chill and friendly guy.

    Cherly: Same as Quentin and Steve.


    Sadako: I feel bad for her and if she wasn’t a violent and vengeful onryo then I would consider giving her a hug and comfort her.

    Amanda: If Amanda isn’t out to kill me then I’ll consider talking and comforting her about her trouble past.

    Wraith: Considering on how Wraith tricked to kill people and is being forced to kill the survivors by the entity, I feel like I could befriend him and have nice talk with him.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    I'd never be friends with Meg, she's too sportsy. T.T I think Mikaela would be fun to talk to. Ghostface's tend to be friendly in person, so maybe him. XD

  • Demo_Gaming101
    Demo_Gaming101 Member Posts: 23

    He always was a Pedo, it was implied with the dialogue between Nancy and her mother (he obviously did bad stuff to her before the parents burned him), according to both Wes Craven and Robert Englund he's a pedo, it was later shown outright in Dream warriors in the newspaper, before being added explicitly in the official novelization

    He has always been like that, a stalker who raped,tortured and killed children in life and became a demon after his death

    2010 Freddy is more closer to Craven's original vision than the looney toon of the post part 3 movies