Who is the most balanced killer in the game?
I think we all know how everyone feels about killers like Nurse, Spirit, and Freddy. These killers are the epitome of unbalanced as Nurse breaks the game, Spirit has no counter and takes like 2 brain cells to master, and Freddy is like Spirit to a lesser extent, except at least he can be looped.
Let’s just sit back and think to ourselves, which killer defines what every other killer should strive to be in terms of balance and game health? When we say balance, we mainly talk about a killer that offers fun and exciting gameplay from both sides where it actually feels like an interactive multiplayer game.
In my opinion, the most perfect killer in terms of game balance is Hillbilly, and I would assume a lot others will agree with me on that. Hillbilly is a very strong killer as he has a one-shot ability, amazing map mobility, and has add ons that can enhance his strengths. Even though he may be a strong killer, he has reasonable counterplay on the survivor side with a very high skill ceiling. There’s a lot that goes into playing as and against Hillbilly that it feels so rewarding to play as him and against him. Hillbilly never deserved the overheat nerf. His insta saw add ons needed the nerf as that was the only thing that kept Hillbilly from being a well-rounded balanced killer, but they’ve been removed so it’s not that big of a deal anymore. Other killers that I believe fall in the same category with Hillbilly of being strong but fair for both sides are Huntress, Blight (without J-flick), Demo, Oni, and even the new Wraith, even though he may not be as strong as others.
I wanted to create this thread because I think the devs need to take time to look at these balanced killers and analyze why they are so fundamentally balanced when they design new killers or rework current killers. I don’t want killers like Spirit nerfed to the ground as I really like the concept of her power of turning invisible and tracking by audio, but she certainly needs a serious rebalance that takes both sides into account.
I think you are probably right. Oni, Freddy, huntress without iri stuff and toolbelt. All balanced imo
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honestly i believe the most balance killer would be either deathslinger, hag, legion, ghost-face or blight I honestly can have games where its both interesting and insanely fun (albeit rare). For absolute balance i would say blight, because you can get kills without absolutely dominating the game
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I agree with that. Oni is a very strong killer but is one of my favorites to play as and against because he rewards skillful play and has counters on the survivor side.
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The ideal killer in my opinion are billy, oni, Deathslinger and blight
Billy is pretty much what you said
Oni has an insanely strong power but has to work hard to get it
Deathslinger might be controversial but he is a specialist. He does well in chase but his map pressure lacks. I think he needs a bit mor counterplay mid chase but otherwise is well made
Blight besides J flicks has great mobility and anti loop but survivors who know where to loop him can do well against him
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Thank you for agreeing Blight is balanced. I see many people complaining about him but the only problem I can agree he has is the J-flick which is being removed.
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I can understand the Deathslinger opinion. He’s not OP and has a high skill ceiling. I just hate how he can instant ADS and there’s not much counterplay for survivors, which is why I don’t think he’s super balanced in terms of game design.
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Well that’s your opinion lmao
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" we mainly talk about a killer that offers fun and exciting gameplay from both sides where it actually feels like an interactive multiplayer game."
Alright, if you had asked this question a long time ago, my answer would have been Billy. Old Billy was, without a shadow of doubt, the most balanced killer in the game. The only OP thing about him was insta-saw, and even that is debatable.
Nowadays, I think I have to go with Oni, because he is basically Billy but with extra steps.
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I think new Billy is still very balanced I just think the nerf was so unnecessary.
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Why Legion and GhostFace?
They are objectively bad to mid Killers.
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He could definitely use some tweaking but he’s pretty much nurse if they were balanced
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I think practice makes every killer or survivor balanced I really don't overthink about tier or unbalanced I justice go and what happens happens I main Pig and Demo those are considered very low tier by community however I 4k most of times with them practice makes it perfect and for those who are new to killer pls choose ur main based on how fun they are to u not how powerful they are
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Demo is a very nice middle-of-the-line killer. Nothing outrageous, not too weak.
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I see what you mean but when we mean balance we mean killers that offer fun and healthy gameplay for both sides. Killers like Spirit don’t have that.
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And Demo is just a good boy.
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I’d say the most balanced killers in the game are Oni, Blight and Huntress. There the definition of how to make a strong killer while being balanced
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That’s very true. I love playing as Oni and Blight a lot as well and the fact they’re fun to go against makes me not hesitant to play them. I would say Huntress too but good lord my Huntress gameplay is atrocious.
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I say huntress because even though I hate versing her she is fun to use to throw hatchets across the map and snipe my only problem with her is the hit boxes
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Agreed. But the nerf did make him a little bit weaker, therefore losing some of his potential. In my opinion, that is what makes Oni more balanced than Billy.
Like I said, it is debatable. I've seen insta-saw Billys getting destroyed by good teams, and I've seen insta-saw Billys win with 5 gens left.
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Hillbilly or Blight
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The hit boxes are annoying but that’s more on the game’s coding rather than the fundamental design of a killer. If it weren’t for the hitboxes and if she didn’t have Iri Head + Infantry Belt, Huntress is a very well-rounded killer. I find myself showing respect to good Huntresses that I go against.
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Not too bad looking either.
*Bites lip*
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That’s a good point. Honestly, they should just remove the overheat and keep his current add ons the same as they are.
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Oni for sure, his power has a decently high skill cap, is very rewarding, and can be countered.
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Ironically the killers most people like to call “unbalanced” are the only killers that stand a fair chance of winning against equally good survivors. Most the killers people have listed here require lots of survivor mistakes to win and will lose against equally good survivors. “Balanced” to me is having a fair chance of winning against equally good survivors. Very few killers meet that criteria. The level and ease of counter play that most people want in a killer to call them fair is simply unviable if the survivor group is good. If you want to specify most balanced against the “average” survivor then that’s a completely different question and answer.
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Overheat mechanic must go, but he might need another add-on pass. Some of them are useless.
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I am so of that opinion as well. I love Oni because of him being fun to play as and against. I can respect really good Oni players. Also, Oni came out on the same DLC as the best survivor so that makes him even better.
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Most balanced:
Freddy without forever build. Not very strong, but has a lot of small tools that give him powerful and consistent kit which has a lot of counterplay.
Oni (any addons). Most balanced power burst kind of killer.
Blight. Most balanced skill limited killer.
Most unbalanced (strong):
Nurse is very good on one hand, but extremely awful to play because of her bugs.
Spirit is just very inconsistent (as every time you miss your phase walk you kinda lose a lot of time and missing it isn't very difficult, especially against survivors of your skill), but horribly effective when she works.
Most unbalanced (weak):
Trickster (pre-buff, maybe even post buff) - can't finish chases fast, lacks any map pressure, is supposed to be power burst killer but isn't because main event is #########.
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Blight and Oni are very strong killers that can beat good teams but they’re also fundamentally balanced.
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Nurse just needs a serious overhaul.
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No they don’t. They both require ample survivor mistakes.
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Like the one that makes him 4.4. Who thought that add on would actually be used?
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Billy, Blight, & Oni are the most balanced imo.
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Oni in the early game does a little, but a good player will get that first hit quickly and once they do, Oni will be able to get his power going and start the snowballing process.
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Agreed. Huntress too.
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She needs either a complete rework (For example - give her an ability to steal a breath from a downed survivor, thus making her blink power stronger and make survivor slowly become "undead" - over span of 300 seconds they lose hearing completely except the ability to hear Nurse's blinks, stop bleeding and stop feeling pain and thus stop making noises of pain, which will result in Nurse being effective STEALTH killer in the late game as well as possessing powerful chasing tool (2 blinks no cd at 4 breaths) which has built in counterplay as she can't hear survivors).
OR she needs her CD nerf reverted and bugs fixed. Nothing would really change, but at least she'll be bearable to play.
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Who knows? Probably someone who never understood Billy in the first place.
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S tier is viable against equally good survivors. Oni and Blight are not S tier. A tier requires at least some survivors mistakes to capitalize on. To beat an efficient team with either of them you will be slugging and that team will have 4 Unbreakables and probably at least 1 WGLF. IE you will be forced to be one hooking each of them one by one. Playing that way is literally unviable when you add up the time for your objective compared to theirs.
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A good Nurse doesn’t really have counterplay. Anything below that though, she does have counterplay. It’s just Nurse takes so much skill and practice to get good with that it doesn’t seem to be that bad, but she breaks the game and ignores all survivors’ defenses.
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Yeah, but those teams that can’t be countered unless you have Nurse or Spirit are so rare that it isn’t that big of a deal.
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The rarity of those teams is completely irrelevant to the question. The question is what killer is the most balanced. You determine balance based on equally good vs good team both utilizing their tools to the best of their capabilities. That is determining what is truly balanced objectively. This is why I said “unless you want to ask the question of balanced vs the average survivor”, as that’s an entirely different question and answer and where the likelihood of running into one of those skilled teams as you mention does in fact matter.
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I see what you mean, but I think it’s not necessarily a counter to Nurse it’s just more on the lines of the Nurse player making a mistake. There are little things the survivor can do to help, but it’s mainly up to the Nurse player and if they are accurate with their blinks, they will always get a hit. I do respect good Nurse players though because unlike Spirit, she does take a ton of time and effort to master.
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Freddy is hardly balanced, he gets free pressure and counters many perks passively, he's one of the most complained about killers for a reason.
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He has one unfair add on, being able to pressure and m1 is fair. He cant insta down without perks, and if you rush gens he loses mobility
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When I mean balance, I mean killers that offer fun gameplay for both sides and offer equal chance to counter each other. Nurse and Spirit don’t do that because once they’re in a 1v1 scenario, the survivor can’t really do anything except for pray the killer messes up. That’s not fun and exciting gameplay. You can say that the majority of the killer roster can’t win against good teams all you want. I understand survivors have unfair things that they can use but it still shouldn’t justify Nurse and Spirit being fair killers either. I play both sides and I understand the frustrations for both sides.
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Yeah, I used to main Spirit and hardly ever used Stridor. I don’t main her anymore because I felt sympathy for the other side and she just isn’t fun anymore.
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I can definitely respect that opinion.
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I disagree with you about Spirits counter play but we don’t have to get into that here as it’s been done ad nauseum on these forums already. You say fun and equal counter play on both sides, but Oni and Blight since those are your examples do not have equal counter play to the survivors actions if it is equally good vs good survivors. You are referencing an “average” match. I already explained the difference between these two questions in my last post. If you want to ask most balanced match in average games then sure I’ll agree with you but they are not balanced objectively.
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I mean, the average player base is the majority. As I said before, the really good survivor teams aren’t that common so balancing around them would be a disaster for the average player base that just wants to play the game and enjoy it. Nurse and Spirit ruin that enjoyment which is what makes them unbalanced.
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