Solo survivor has been a horrible experience since the DS nerf.

NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I'll start off by saying this is a rant and I just needed to blow off some steam here rather than annoying the person I usually rant to as usual.

Since the DS nerf, solo survivor has been the least fun I've had in the game since I started. I know people will say "Play SWF" or some #########, but unfortunately for me (and fortunate for them) no one wants to swf with me. Not every killer tunnels, but majority of them do. Before the nerf, which was a needed one, I never really needed to run DS. Actual tunneling was a rare occurrence that didn't justify me using the perk and I knew the ######### feeling of getting hit by it when that survivor progressed the game. Now however, even when I use DS, I'm getting people that tunnel the ######### out of all survivors majority of the games. If I DS the killer it doesn't stop them from coming right ######### back at me regardless if the game is at 5 gens or the exit gates are open, regardless if someone is trying to tank a hit or if I'm the only person nearby. I understand it sometimes, but most of the time theres no ######### need to tunnel at all. And even when they do, half of them act like toxic pricks thinking they're amazing for tunneling someone who's now had to include DS in their meme chest build. I really ######### hope they come up with a solution to this #########, because now DS just isn't feared, even when it does come into play. Maybe I'm just getting really ######### unlucky, but I genuinely can't find any enjoyment out of surv anymore.

Rant over, thanks for listening and I'll probably realize I was a stupid ######### for letting this of all things get me pissed later on.

Edit: Decided to take a break from this game, my mental health can't take the toxicity that both sides bring, especially the spike of toxicity from killers. A change that seemed would be healthy at first has gone complete 180 and now the toxicity that I experience is common amongst both sides. Goodluck to everyone I guess, maybe I'll be back, depends on how long I go on for.

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