No SWF You Aren’t That Good
Love how high ranking SWF act like they are so amazing. Tbagging, flashlight clicking etc. Most aren’t good at the game and if you weren’t constantly on comms feeding your team info, which btw is going outside the game to gain an advantage, more than likely your whole team would be dead before you even 3 gen. So sick of SWF. Every SWF I encounter acts so high and mighty like they are godS of the game.
Stop play and take fresh air man. Dont get mad about you cant change. We all facing problems like this but you can play better matches, remember that. Or just give little break.
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It's because they know they have the upper hand. If they just split up on gens and you aren't a top tier spirit or nurse player you lose, unless they make a really stupid play and you can snowball from it.
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Don't worry dude, you will one day be good at killer and 75% of your games you will 4k don't worry about it.
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Babes, no.
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The best part is when they lie and say they are not SWF :D
We seriously need an aftergame swf indicator to tone down peoples ego.
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This would just upset killers more seeing how often they get stomped by a two man with two randoms lmao.
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I remember a killer mad af about a SWF which turned out we were genuinely 4 solos, all had public steam profiles, none of us friends with any of the others. Killer refused to believe this and even when prompted to check for themselves, didn't bother and just doubled down we were a 4 man SWF. As like any killer I have seen complain about SWF in post game chat, the killer was dogshit yet only opted to blame the game and could not accept this.
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And pigs will fly and the devs will fix all the bugs
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Most of the SWF tell me to my face they are SWF and lord it over me.
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I never have a good experience with SWF. And what’s worse is they say crap like “you were so bad we didn’t even need to be SWF.” Etc etc
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Also I got “called out” for using NOED by the 4 man SWF on comms. Saying that was scummy of me to use. Like really? And being on comms isn’t scummy?
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It will happen. The problem is that the other 25% will beat you and show you that you can only win bc most of the time survivor are bad.
But it can depend on when you play. Some get easier survivor in the evening, some in the morning.
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yeah but win they finally buff solo q, and it’s definitely coming, then my win rate will be even worse. Killers will have even a harder time
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Serious question, did you ever open a Thread where you were not complaining? I read this all the time. And you never, ever ask for advice or anything, you just want to complain.
Like, you struggle with the game. This is quite obvious when you have to complain that much. Why not provide gameplay footage so that people can actually HELP? Or do you really just want to hear the hivemind and echo chamber aka the Forum Killers?
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Oh I have threads where I’m not complaining. Those get no responses. People only want to discuss the negative thus that’s what is commented on. What is there to ask advice for? Advice on my last match where it was a 4 man SWF all red ranks and one was a rank 1 streamer? Advice on how if I don’t down a survivor in less than a couple of seconds of the chase I need to give up cause the other three are all working on separate gens? What possible advice besides maybe perk suggestions, could you offer against a team of SWF with thousands of hours into the game? I talked to them after the match. They were obviously very good friends and worked insanely well on comms.
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Some people get their fun making others miserable. This game is full of that. Don't let them ruin it for you tho, be better than them.
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I would love to be better than them. In game. Lol
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I admit I may spend too much time on chases but it’s a legit waste of time to injure someone, then just leave and try to find someone else, then they immediately get healed. So my time was doubly wasted.
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Curious, what killer do you play?
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The only one I’m decent at is Wraith. I’ve tried Deathslinger and Demo and while I like them they aren’t very viable for me in high ranks. Sometimes Plague too.
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Honestly, you'd be surprised how many times a killer has accused me for being SWF when I literally always play solo.
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They didnt buff solo for 5 years. So why do you think it will come soon? I think we get more killer buffs before a potential solo buff.
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Because buffing solo q has been making the rounds now more than ever. Youtubers are even talking about it again and most posts are about buffing solo q. I’m just betting it will happen soon.
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I hope that it happens, but im not optimistic.
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That is absolutely not the only redeemable factor about Demo's shred. His zoning is some of the best out of any killer, he's not hindered when feathering his shred he can do it whenever he wants with no cooldown. T-L's, shack and long walls are a death sentence. You can abuse the car collision to get completely unexpected free hits. Eating pallets is just one good thing about his shred. And keep in mind he's 115% and has a map-wide teleport ability on a 14 second cooldown on top of ambiguous TR music that is hard to listen for with monitor.
The fact that people think this killer is weak, even going as far to say he's the weakest, blows my mind.
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Most SWF teams aren't a death squad and they're overly altruistic, I literally 3-4k most of my games but Im also a slugger when I play killer, the problem is people take what happens in game personal and the reality is they aren't caring that you're a person they're just trying to get some laughs in whether they escape or die on hook, the ones that get me are the ones that wanna talk alot on the endgame after a hatch escape like they were a good survivor for finding the hatch or bringing a key, the keys don't bother me but if you bring one and have to use it with half your team dead and barely anything done you've lost any credibility to smack talk
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I'm here to talk about small pp energy xD
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Good for you
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It's a psy-op. Basically, they are just trying to tilt you so you don't think clearly and make mistakes as a result.
Designated chasers/runner/loopers/huge-nerds do the same thing. Get your attention, mess with your feelers, and try to force you into drawn-out engagements to burn the timer.
In that regard, it's just another mind-game, but it's intended to coax out mistakes rather than bad guesses. Personally, I try to laugh it off and play as normal. Doesn't ALWAYS work, but works most of the time. If the SWF is THAT GOOD, I'll lose. Oh well.
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I'm all for this post game, as it would open up a few eyballs and remove all doubt. Pre-game no way those teams would never get a lobby, but after heck yeah!
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That don't have to be a SWF to be ######### they just have to be arrogant. If I'm ever accused of being in a swf I'll admit it but 99% of the time it's just my wife and I and some killers thought we were a 4k. You get to a high enough rank as survivor a majority of the time your teammates (who aren't on comms) know what to do without communication the only slight disadvantage would be not knowing that the killer is camping. Otherwise most good survivors will focus on gens if they're not in contact with the killer. If they see someone going for a hooked survivor they'll turn around and go back to work on a gen.
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Red ranks doesnt mean they are good SWF, most of that groups are just carried people Who can't hold a Chase more than 20-30 secs. Maybe 15-20% of SWF are Death Squads and IMO they play at night, betwen 3 AM to 8 AM London Hour is the hard time to play, when I face most of this Squads full of toxic players (Russians the most) .
Just look for the weak spot, and if they Bring One OOO just ignore him, maybe is a bait but maybe that survivor is a good looper, let him alives watching his mates diying. Tunnel the weak spot and Camp him, they weakness is the altruism so abuse It
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Take a break
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SWF aren't this big ol boogie man everyone likes to claim.
Most SWF get too altruistic or cocky and those two are ALWAYS their downfall and leads to mega salt in the post game chat.
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Funny you say that because killers are EXACTLY the same way. Especially when they work with the survivors in chat as well...Btw that's going outside the game to gain an advantage...🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
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Be happy they are not really good. If everyone would play like Zubatlel, killers would just abandon the game, because every game would be feeling like hell.
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I agree he's not the weakest killer in the game. He has a lot of great qualities. His perks are meh and other than rat liver and tail, his add-ons suck. I think he's underrated and rarely mastered or used by the community though.
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Or reveal just how broken and overused SWF is? I would rather know if I got actually outplayed or if it was just people on comms cheating.
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It is "overused" because most players are survivors and just want to play with their friends? and SWF is not cheating. It is supported by the devs and they even have an official discord where know, play together? SWF can't get nerfed and people shouldn't be punished because they want to play with their friends. Most Squads aren't even that good and most of the time you can't even tell if they're a 4-man or not. I don't think we need the extra information, just play the lobby as every other one. I got scared to face people with other 1500+ hours but as it turns out, they just play like every other survivor most of the time. Just play the game.
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My complaint isn't because people want to play together. In any other game it wouldn't bother me, because those games are designed for teams to share information together. This game is not. And while I don't want people to not play together, I want some recompense for it as the solo player. Even people playing casual will let things slip if they are on comms. Information like if the killer is chasing them, if they are not, and various other little things that add up but aren't purposeful. If the devs would make it so the killer would get something to help mitigate this problem, I would be all for it. But SWF was added in a rush while they where being reveiw bombed, and they've never really taken the time to make Killer players have something to counteract it, even after all of these years.
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Why do peole think a 2 man doesn't cause problems?
That is still two people who what gens need done, what the killer is doing and where traps/ totems are when one is distracted.
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And what exactly do you have in mind when you talk about recompensation? in my opinion everything would lead to be a punishment for SWF's and we can't to that. I understand your frustration but this would be unfair. We can't nerf SWF, we can't buff all killers to be on the level of an SWF because solo survivors would be screwed over. Not every SWF can utilize all of this information and if people are bad at the game in general, they are still bad on comms. I know it's easier to rank up on comms but that doesn't justify punishing people who want toplay with their friends. You said you don't want people to not play together but your "recompensation" would lead to it.
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I agree its a tough thing, and I honestly am not sure what to do about, mostly just the desire to do something about it. And right now SWF is a punishment to killers. And poor solo queue survivors are caught in the middle I agree. At the very least let the killers know who was in SWF after the game so you have a better gauge of how you did vs what might have been because of the abuse of communication outside the game. And maybe some extra shards for playing against SWF groups based upon the size of the group in question.
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I see more killers talking about how "strong" and "OP" all SWF squads are.
Meanwhile, when I play against them, they're so altruistic, that they just get themselves snowballed like there's no tomorrow.
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I mean if you hate SWF so much then just play Infectious Nurse, they won't stand a chance.
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If you think demo is strong, you don’t use him against good survivors. He is one of the worst in the game.
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SWF are the reason why we can't play a weak killer in rank 1. You are forced to play top tier killers and even so its a pain.
It funny then when you come to the forums and read threads about people getting tired of seeing the same killers over and over. Its entirely their fault and devs fault to not balance swf at all.
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Name another killer that has a loop ending power, a teleport on a 14s cooldown and mild stealth that isn't Freddy. There's no way Demo is bad, and I have used him against good survivors and I usually win and do fine. Bronx wins almost every Demo game he plays, there's not much survivors can do when demo has all of his portals set up in good areas, his map pressure is too good for them to keep up. If you're trying to play him and loop like a standard M1 killer you're already using him wrong, same with if your portals are getting constantly cleansed.
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Well, while i agree that swf and solo mode should be seperated, thats something every player has. Right now, 80% + of killers i encounter tunnel like there is no tomorrow, and then they act like they won through playing better, while in reallity, they abused their 1v1 advantage to gain an advantage. That is legit, but surly no sign of skill.
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Most streamers win 99% of matches because survivors are bad at the game. It doesn’t matter who the streamer uses.