How many bunny Legion have you seen ?

Ive seen two or three since the release. I really like this skin and I play with it. But it feels like im the only gamer who use this skin... I would like to face more bunny Legion when I play survivor, I love Silent Hill.
Is it because the skin is taller than the classic Legion outfit ? And people thinks its easier to loop him because you can see his ears above walls ?
In my experience Ive never had a problem to mindgame survivors with this skin.
Used to see it a lot but most legion mains prefer to mix and match the other sets
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None so far.
Their heads are too big I guess.
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0 and no Bunny clowns neither.
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Maybe two since release.
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I play both bunny Legion and elephant Clown ! I love plush killers haha
Like I said, I have no problem to 4K with bunny Legion, I mindgame in loops and Ive found a very strong build for Legion that nobody uses :)
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We can't be friends 😅
Lol, I'm all about the horror and badassness element of the game. Each to there own :)
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Im terrified by plush killers, I think unanimated things like plush and dolls are more scary than a human killer !
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I main Legion. I love the Robbie outfit, but I end up using a lot of their other outfits. Clearly I'll need to show my Silent Hill pride and use my Robbie outfit more!
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Yaassss ! Lets show our pride, the call of the bunny Legions ! 🐰
Which colour do you prefer ? Mine is blue
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Oh pink of course lol! I actually have a Robbie statue. Very solid!
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What ?! A Robbie statue ! Youre definitely more a Silent Hill fan than me !
I chose the blue one because elephant Clown is already pink and I want different colours for my killers. But I see you like the classics :p
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I use bunny legion without the bunny head. Does that count?
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How can you do such a horrible thing to this cute Robbie 😡
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however, ive had a huge increase of hookcamping twins in the past few days.
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Imagine Victor in a bunny suit
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I dont play Legion too often but when I do it is bunny Legion, havent taken it off since release!
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Saaame ! I cant take it off ! Which colour ?
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I've seen one or two. Usually pink, which is Frank if I am not mistaken.
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I like to run the Susie suit, but I've only ever seen a Julie Bunny
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I've seen three but honestly 10 dollars for each set and 40 for all 4 is kind of generally discouraging to buy. If the sets came in a cheaper bundle I'd consider buying them but it's off putting considering they're just hue changes on each varying set using the Legion's animations.
Like let's say they were 15-20 for all 4. I'd consider that more reasonable but 40 dollars? No thanks I'm not going to choose between 4 identical sets just for a color change then decide maybe I wanted that different color later on.
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I've seen a lot of them when PH released, lately only about 1-2.
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I agree, I get mine with rift auric cells.
You so lucky dude :(
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I've probably see around 5-6 bunny outfits in my matches since they were released.
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Bunny Legion and Elephant Clown user reporting for duty!
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I use it sometimes but i like to mix and match. Especially being stuck with the weapon annoys me.
Also it does take away some mindgame potential on certain loops. Legion short size is one of their biggest bonusses they have in the m1 chase alongside that they are silent.
There are just certain loops were standert legion can mindgame and bunny legion can't. Not to mention being a yellow bunny makes you stick out like a sore thumb.
In general why people don't use it much.
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I dont play competitive so Im ok with bunny outfit. I only struggle with 2000+ hours players
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Barely seen any tbh. Most people prefer to mix and match and create their own style though. Plus they cost way more than they're worth so that's got to put a lot of people of just as much.
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I understand, I buy mine with rift auric cells, so I get it free
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Yeah when the first rift came out I put money in for auric cells and use the same ones everytime a new rift comes out, so effectively only cost me £8 for a tonne of new cosmetics which is a good deal.
I only use shards I've saved for other cosmetics. They're just not worth the amount of money they cost tbh.
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The blue one!
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Only three honestly
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I've seen barely any but when I play Legion I usually use it myself. Mad respect to all the bunny Legions out there.
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3 in total
they're kinda of limited compared to everything else legion has available, why spend 10 dollars on a giant rabbit costume when you can spend at most 15 dollars on 3 different cosmetics you actually enjoy the look of
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A handful. I've probably faced on estimate 3-4 Frank, 2-3 Susie, 1 Joey, and 1-2 Julie. Franks are always the best. Susies are always sweaty, immature, and butthurt. Joeys are always awful at the game. And Julie exists. It seems to carry over in rabbit form as well, had a bunny Frank spare me when a Cheryl intentionally body blocked me.
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Me too !
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I seen one! My friend thought she was Clown lmao.
Best I got is me playing Bunny Feng lmao.
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The mindgame is that survivors are supposed to uwu at the cuteness mid chase and give the legion an opportunity to capitalise off of it
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Can you tell me wich Build you use.
My Main Build is: BBQ, Pop, Bamboozle and Enduring.
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Ive been moried as Bunny Feng by a Bunny Legion, but unfortunatly I didnt take a screen of it :(
Imagine a full lobby of bunny fengs against Robbie !!
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BBQ, Pop, Discord, and...... Deathbound ! Its the best perk for Legion for me.
I know when they are on gen, when they are hiding and where they healed.
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When Farmer John did the the unthinkable with the bunny outfits on Legion