When Playing Toxic Killer Fails
She got maybe one hook the whole game. Didn't give a GG either.
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She didnt write any toxic message? So there is not problem. And you cant force people to do that. Maybe she had bad game and wanted leave fast. So what?
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That's probably a new killer rather then toxic one based of the build.
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Give you the upvote but yeah she didn't say anything rude. Just the intention with her perks and offering shows toxicity to me. It'd be like me coming in to harass her with a flashlight in a SWF and failing.
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How, exactly, was she toxic? Showing off her perks and gasp An ivory mori!? An item that acts like a longer death hook? Dear god, how toxic!
This really doesn't show anything. If you're calling her perks and the mori toxic, not really. They're just things in game. If a green mori is toxic, a key is toxic.
The rancor + Mori is pretty damn funny though.
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Didn't think about that though. She did get a down with NOED but instead of hooking and trying to get more hits she went after someone else and I cleansed it and someone got the downed person
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i fail to see anything toxic from the killers side here though?
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Yes the perks and mori + spirit. But assuming the person is new given how well they expected that to work I guess.
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That doesn't look like a toxic build to me. That looks like a "I recently got Spirit and am running the best stuff I've got" build. Sure it features a lot of exposed effects, but that's kinda how Spirit's teachables work. Add in NOED which is close to the only good perk from the Killer base set and one singular teachable from a free killer...
Yeah that 100% reads as a player who's brand new to Spirit.
Edit: I was thinking that the only thing that was a bit toxic was the Green Mori... but now that I think about it a bit more... this game is probably the result of someone who has Spirit but never plays her getting the "Kill someone by your hand as Spirit" daily.
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And where exactly is the toxicity?
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Y'all brought a key and flashlight and tend to call her toxic because of green useless mori? Lmfao
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Bringing strong things doesn't make a person toxic. If it did, the survivor team is just as toxic. Keys and a good portion of the perks the survivors brought are strong. It would be toxic if she called you names or something in the end game chat. Mori's aren't even that strong anymore.
Seeing as all the perks are green, it's likely this person just got Spirit.
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Like others have asked before, where exactly is the toxic stuff?
the only toxic thing an after-game screen could show is some spicy end game chat.
perks and items are never toxic, only player behaviour can be toxic and we would need a video to judge this.
all we can see here is an underperked killer with bad perks and bad add ons.
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*spawns on map*
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What are you talking about? Builds are not toxic. They can be boring, unfun, tryhard etc, but not toxic. It's more toxic behavior to mock the player for failing to hook survivors.
A lot of players keep the chat closed, so maybe she didn't even see the gg.
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Why do you expect a "gg" from a killer getting nearly 10k points and 0 kills?
I only see one gg in the chat, so I assume the person that wrote it, seems to think that onesided games are "gg".
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Okay key sure but a flashlight?? Also its solo queue at least i'm alone so.
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I mean its just polite. Even if I die i say gg. Only way I don't is if they've tunneled me to oblivion or camped me to death from the very first hook at the start
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We might disagree on this one, but onesided games are not really a "gg". Otherwise just say nothing and move on. It's the best thing to do if the other side played scummy.
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So having these perks and Mori is now toxic? But I’m guessing you guys using Adrenline, DS, and all the meta perks against her isn’t toxic? Cause “it’s part of the game”? Not to mention a freaking key and flashlight. Holy crap what an entitled survivor. The double standards here is amazing. Killers are held to such high standards that all of them should be added a fedora to tip their hats to survivors. While survivors can act any way cause survivors.
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Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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Well in my head initially it came off as her intent is to be toxic and slug with insta down to 4k. I don't think the two survivor perks are toxic because one needs you to finish all the gens and in my case it usually is wasted anyway but DS is near doodoo to me. Though I'm using it anyway since more killers started tunneling after the nerf. At least the ones I play. But as the others said it was prob a new spirit that used the best perks they had.
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The fact you still think her perks and intent is toxic but you are making excuses for your perks is the problem here.
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Did the killer hit someone on the hook repeatedly after hooking them?
Did the killer relentlessly chase one survivor the entire match, ignoring other targets entirely to focus on tunneling one survivor?
Outside of EGC/all gens being done, did the killer facecamp a survivor on hook?
Did the killer post anything rude or offensive in the post-game?
If the answer to all of those is no, I don't see a "toxic" killer there. I see a Spirit player who's probably new, considering that they don't have a single perk in play that's Tier 3. It's an Endgame build that clearly didn't work. The Mori, as people have pointed out, is essentially useless now, and they're running common add-ons. Only one "meta" perk (Tinkerer), and that's debatable depending on the rest of the build.
No build is "toxic". No killer people play is "toxic" by their existence in the game. There a few playstyles that are "toxic", but not nearly as many as people assign the word to them.
Considering how low their point totals are in comparison, this looks like a killer who barely landed any hits, never mind achieved any hooks, and probably was run around the entire match by the survivors.
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I’ll explain to you what a truly toxic Spirit is. Last night I had a match against one. I was the first one to be found. She downed me and instantly started face camping me, shaking her head at me and everything. No gens or anything had been done because the match just started. Anytime I managed to get saved she would just go right to me and tunnel me back on the hook, then proceed to facecamp me again. I didn’t even get to touch a gen or do anything. It was just hook struggle the game. I don’t blame her for her perks or anything. I blame her for how she played, which is like a dickweasel.
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I hope you went straight to a forum and made a thread about it :D
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Lol nope. I thought about it but I’m trying to hold off on negative posts for awhile. People say all I do is complain( though I’ve made plenty of other posts but no one ever commented on them) so for now, no negative posts from me complaining
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Guess I made the wrong salt post. Though she got hits but couldn't tell if she gave up on them or they just got away.
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One time I ran a spirit for 3 gens and when she finally hooked me she camped me and kept hitting me on the hook. She tunneled me through the bt hit and I unfortunately didn't had ds on.
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Had a freddy shake his head at me after he caught me for the first time the whole game after I had looped him from one side of the map to the other and i'm like.. Why nod? You're not good you're just bound to win in this situation. Two dead survs because they kept farming each other and one on the ground with me running. Really wondering when they'll show his nerfs. I'm mostly hoping for waking up at any clock because going across map for that as the "fastest" option is wack
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It probably was a combination of both, if I had to guess. If they're new at playing that killer, it takes time to learn to track people based on sound while you're phasing. I don't have a lot of games with her, and I find myself coming out of phase and being out of position as often as I do coming out right on top of the survivor I was chasing. When I was first learning her, I almost never was in the right position to finish off someone I'd injured.
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At least you got to do something. I didn’t even do anything in that match but make friends with the hook.
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I fail to see the problem, this is a common thing in multiplayer games, sometimes the losing side (even the winning side at times) will rather leave asap than say GG. As long nobody is being toxic theres nothing wrong with it. This is not a "killer player thing".
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I mean that happened to me with a huntress before. She spotted me right away and I just kept running around outside the main building outside the oni map. She wouldn't leave me alone while gens are getting done. She face camped me and I when I got saved with bt she just threw a hatchet at me. I unfortunately missed my ds and then got hooked in the basement. Two others got hooked in the basement trying to save me again. Then she had noed. I got to do nothing but get chased tunneled and camped.