Racist Killer?



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    If you could only get Claudette's face, you'd have a better case, which still would be a bad case since there's no racial intentions behind him wearing their faces.
    But since you can wear the faces of 3 others as well, all 4 are equally face-ripped.

    I truly wonder how upset you'd be if a black guy wore a white face...

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    The fact that everyone fed into this troll of a post is hysterical to me. I'm black, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS AT ALL.
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    @MandyTalk @Peanits @not_Queen Can one of you please close this thread, smh.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Attackfrog said:

    I have had many discussions in real life with educated people about these very ideas. In fact, in some ways, I used to think like you. But Then I started learning and reading....from real educators. I actually began to seek more knowledge, unlike you....who claim to know everything. How does the saying go...

     "Trust those that seek the truth and be wary of those that claim to have it"

    Telling me to get my teeth ripped out and insulting me tells me exactly how much growing up you have to do yet. I encourage you to do just that, and if you are so passionate, take just one sociology class when you're old enough to go to college.

    In the mean time, good luck.

    You can say all you want. Who are you? no one knows. for all I know you're bathing in your own feces when you can say you're bathing in rose water. Unlike you you choose to be small minded and narrow minded defending black face is wrong and disgusting. You're just quoting some googled quote acting like you know everything when you're definitely a troll. No one cares how you portrait yourself because in reality people do resort to violence and when they have had enough they will act and I am grown unlike you where you think everyone shits flowers and tosses bouquets at each other in a imaginary world or a "privileged" one like yours. if you are what you say you are then you are not educated and far off rude insulting my opinion and others saying that ours is not validated when we did have the "privilege" to have our colleges paid or worry about our family affairs rather than continue it. Do not degrade people due to their education or status in the world because that is down right rude. Not everyone has the same opportunities as others and as a "educated" person you so claim to be. Read your words wisely before entering what you type.

    Right. Well,you sound like you have it all figured out. I am sure you would say those things to my face if I was standing in front of you too; you have made assumptions about me regardless of not "knowing anything about me" . 

    It's sad, I deal with people like you every day...And quite frankly, people like you are the ones that create the problems. 

    It's not your fault though; you just don't know any better. I hope some day you do.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Attackfrog said:

    I have had many discussions in real life with educated people about these very ideas. In fact, in some ways, I used to think like you. But Then I started learning and reading....from real educators. I actually began to seek more knowledge, unlike you....who claim to know everything. How does the saying go...

     "Trust those that seek the truth and be wary of those that claim to have it"

    Telling me to get my teeth ripped out and insulting me tells me exactly how much growing up you have to do yet. I encourage you to do just that, and if you are so passionate, take just one sociology class when you're old enough to go to college.

    In the mean time, good luck.

    You can say all you want. Who are you? no one knows. for all I know you're bathing in your own feces when you can say you're bathing in rose water. Unlike you you choose to be small minded and narrow minded defending black face is wrong and disgusting. You're just quoting some googled quote acting like you know everything when you're definitely a troll. No one cares how you portrait yourself because in reality people do resort to violence and when they have had enough they will act and I am grown unlike you where you think everyone shits flowers and tosses bouquets at each other in Bleach world. I have taken sociology and other classes before. You are just small minded take a seat and drink bleach cause you are what you eat.

    You still haven't proven that Claudette face is the same as Blackface. 

    And let me doubt real hard that you have taken sociology classes, or you'd know by personally attacking him and associate him with his arguments as a person you are a taking the shortest path possible when it comes to not actually convincing people and just make a trench war worse.

    This person just clearly has a chip on his/her shoulder and is (for some reason ) choosing this forum to fight for social injustice. No amount of logic or reason can help him/her.

    I figured I would try...because why not....but clearly it's no use. I get that people have political differences and beliefs...but this getting beyond silly, right?

    Still a fun read for anyone just joining in!
  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    But wait, if leather daddy only wore white people faces, wouldn't that mean he's discriminating against black people faces, and thus be called racist all over again?
    Quick picking on bubba. He's an equal opportunity killer.
  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    I think this is a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" situation. You put the cosmetic in, people cry about racism because it is a blackface. You remove the cosmetic, people cry about they purposely ignore Claudette face because she is black.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited November 2018

    Here's an Haiku I wrote for the occasion
    clear throat
    I won't segregate
    White, black I will wear your face
    Go ######### yourself please

    More seriously, if anyone is so fragile that he is offended by cosmetic in a video game, their is a very simple solution to not get offended anymore, stop playing the game and leave internet immediately
    Like if you want a safe space where you won't ever feel inconfortable just plug off your computer and tv and stay at home.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited November 2018

    @Orion said:

    Using the mask by itself is not racist or offensive by itself, since there are multiple reasons someone may use or prefer that and you can't have any idea whats inside their heads, if its combined with harassment and/or blatant racism then its already a bannable offense, just report that and they'll be removed.

    As I said before various of times. It is blackface, mask itself has been use to be shown as blackface. I get the fact that you can report users for being racist and harassment however people are still just using Claudette face as a tool of racism

    First im not @Orion. Secondly banning it is the equivalent of banning black paint in real life.
    Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on
  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216
    Holy freaking Jesus people.

    it is not black face.

    claudette is black. Letherface wears people’s faces. It’s his only character trait


    i cannot begin to phatom how people can be offended by a character being black being on a characters face, but have no issue with the fact he is litterally cutting their faces off and wearing them.

    jesus. There is a time and a place for being overly sensitive. A game about serial killers ripping survivors apart is an awkward place to be thinking about the racial implications of his cosmetic.

    *rolls eyes* 

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Sorry but comparing it to actual, historical blackface is wrong. 

    Unlike the real, nowadays very looked down upon Blackface, LF doesn't do it for mockery, its simply based on his habit of creating faces out of human skin, his most iconic mask, is white and he has an asian too. There is no evidence that it has been put in for actual racist intentions. Its Claudette having met the wrong man at the wrong time, like all the others.

    Umm.... Are you serious? it is black face.. he is wearing a face that is black.. How do you not comprehend that? Leather face itself doesn't do it as a mockery for himself is a character and I get the fact that he is a killer and does not discriminate however this is a game and people online use it as a tool as a mockery and trolling which comes off offensive in in-game chat when you're being told the N-word. This is a tool that players use to just be down right racist and offensive using Claudette face as a mockery. Same with jake because that is "yellow" face

    What? Dude people have been using racist insults in video games for decades. People have been racist in this game ever since it released in 2016. Removing the Claudette face will not stop people from being racist in this game. They’ll just use other ways. Are you just trolling now? 
  • Ayeknill_lava
    Ayeknill_lava Member Posts: 42

    @Jed said:
    So cutting a face off a person and wearing it as a mask is ok. But cutting the face off a person with different skin color then you and wearing it as a mask is bad?

    Try to understand what I've just repeated over time again. Follow up with this thread and all its comments.

  • Ayeknill_lava
    Ayeknill_lava Member Posts: 42

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    What? Dude people have been using racist insults in video games for decades. People have been racist in this game ever since it released in 2016. Removing the Claudette face will not stop people from being racist in this game. They’ll just use other ways. Are you just trolling now? 

    Attitudes like yours appropriate racism.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    What? Dude people have been using racist insults in video games for decades. People have been racist in this game ever since it released in 2016. Removing the Claudette face will not stop people from being racist in this game. They’ll just use other ways. Are you just trolling now? 

    Attitudes like yours appropriate racism.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    @Ayeknill_lava said:

    @SoylentPixie said:

    No, we won't 'sit down'. You opened your opinion to a forum and surprise surprise people have differing views to you. I haven't defended anyone, merely pointed out that your reactions have been rude and in some cases, racist yourself. You assume that anybody who does not agree with you, has no idea about persecution, and that in itself is ridiculous.

    I'm glad you don't see things as racist as much because these things are not targeted at you on a daily basis. I'm so glad that you live that life and that privilege.

    How the hell do you know any of this? Since when does not seeing something as racist, a personal view i might add, equate to someone leading a 'privileged' life. That statement right there, is possibly one of the more racist comments i have seen in this thread so far.

    However things like this I've seen and been attacked about the pigment of my skin is not okay to do. I do not like seeing this made as a mockery.

    I am genuinely sorry that ANYONE has to go through that, but guess what, It does NOT give you veto power to decide who is and is not a racist based ONLY upon not agreeing with your definition of a cosmetic being racist. You want people to understand and sympathise with your point of view without giving ANY consideration to someone else's. If anyone has turned this thread into a mockery, it is you. You refuse to listen, you throw pretty serious and frankly hurtful accusations of racism at people who are clearly trying to tell you that they simply don't see the connection you do, and you call people ignorant and privileged because they don't have the 'experiences' you do.

    So no, we won't sit down. You opened this can of worms in a PUBLIC forum. This means, that while you do not have to AGREE with them, you DO have to live with the fact that other people are allowed to post their own points of view. You want to control whats being said in the forums......go apply to be a mod.

    Sis again sit down. you are blatantly racist because you're trying to appropriate blackface, honestly offensive and please whoever wasn't in your life I'm sorry they didn't teach you manners or learn how to love yourself and others.

    Yeaaaah, I'm still not going to sit down, and no amount of saying i am racist when i clearly am not is going to change that. I mean you can go right ahead and bullheadedly insist that i am, but that still does not make it true. And once again you are resorting to insults, this time about the people who raised me, people you do not know and haven't met.....and you want to place yourself as the figurehead of tolerance in this thread?

    Once again, i have not once advocated blackface. What i HAVE done is, for the third time, informed you that the cosmetic does not trigger the same thing in me as it seems to do in you. That's not racism, its not even in the same ballpark.

    But please do go ahead and throw more insults about me, my parents, my outlook on life. It doesn't matter that you are utterly wrong,....but so far its hilarious watching you continuously make yourself look foolish by making snap judgements about people in a thread preaching tolerance and understanding.

    Great job!

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    What? Dude people have been using racist insults in video games for decades. People have been racist in this game ever since it released in 2016. Removing the Claudette face will not stop people from being racist in this game. They’ll just use other ways. Are you just trolling now? 

    Attitudes like yours appropriate racism.

    There is only two logical conclusions about this person Chester : 

    1. It’s a troll. Which bravo, amazing bait. You got a LOT of biters.

    2. It’s a P.O.C who wants to oppress non-P.O.C for either :

    A. Some sick and twisted form of revenge against non-P.O.C. Either having been the victim of racism him/her self and is choosing a random outlet to get his/her “vengeance” on the racist who wronged him/her. That, or is attempting to get revenge for P.O.C, for the wrongs committed by the ancestors of non-P.O.C.

    To the OP: I am not my ancestors, I have done NOTHING to wrong P.O.C. The developers have done NOTHING to wrong P.O.C. If this is the case then shame on you, for you are the one being racist. You are treating non-P.O.C like we’re monsters and terrible people simply because we’re not of color.

    B. This a a P.O.C who simply wants to oppress non-P.O.C. Simply because they find it funny they can play the “that’s racist card” and get away with calling non-P.O.C all sorts of names, and doing whatever they please. If you DARE try to stop whatever they even try, you’re racist. 

    This person is using racism as a weapon to manipulate and oppress. Just the other way around than classic non-P.O.C racism toward P.O.C. I’ve seen this many times and it’s sickening to see. A P.O.C... appropriating and using racism as a weapon. It’s just sick and twisted.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited November 2018

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    What? Dude people have been using racist insults in video games for decades. People have been racist in this game ever since it released in 2016. Removing the Claudette face will not stop people from being racist in this game. They’ll just use other ways. Are you just trolling now? 

    Attitudes like yours appropriate racism.

    There is only two logical conclusions about this person Chester : 

    1. It’s a troll. Which bravo, amazing bait. You got a LOT of biters.

    2. It’s a P.O.C who wants to oppress non-P.O.C for either :

    Just like the Spirit release, there are a bunch of new accounts just for this discussion.
    I assume that they are just some college cumra... *COUGH* comrades having found something to be upset about.

    And its funny to see that how they treat some people like @SoylentPixie that the martyrs of P.C. social justice manages to be the worst one around again.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Holy ######### when did these people come up here? LF is a serial killer that wears the faces of his victims. And you know, Claudette happened to be black. Would you like Claudette to have never existed at all in the first place and all of the original survivors would be white instead? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find racist ######### that isn't there. Leave this garbage at Twitter please.
    Yes, this quote above sums it all up. However, I'll add on that this wouldn't be a thing if people won't assume the worst out of the smallest things. BHVR made Claudette, Trapper, Doctor, Tapp, and recently Adam who are... Drum Rolls... Black (and more too come)! Additionally, I heavily doubt BHVR is racist, like c'mon man are you serious?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Nickenzie said:
    Holy ######### when did these people come up here? LF is a serial killer that wears the faces of his victims. And you know, Claudette happened to be black. Would you like Claudette to have never existed at all in the first place and all of the original survivors would be white instead? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find racist ######### that isn't there. Leave this garbage at Twitter please.
    Yes, this quote above sums it all up. However, I'll add on that this wouldn't be a thing if people won't assume the worst out of the smallest things. BHVR made Claudette, Trapper, Doctor, Tapp, and recently Adam who are... Drum Rolls... Black (and more too come)! Additionally, I heavily doubt BHVR is racist, like c'mon man are you serious?

    Wait, Trapper is black?! Dude, I need to get my eyes checked.
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    I would also like to had that you must be very privileged> @Nickenzie said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Holy ######### when did these people come up here? LF is a serial killer that wears the faces of his victims. And you know, Claudette happened to be black. Would you like Claudette to have never existed at all in the first place and all of the original survivors would be white instead? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find racist ######### that isn't there. Leave this garbage at Twitter please.

    Yes, this quote above sums it all up. However, I'll add on that this wouldn't be a thing if people won't assume the worst out of the smallest things. BHVR made Claudette, Trapper, Doctor, Tapp, and recently Adam who are... Drum Rolls... Black (and more too come)! Additionally, I heavily doubt BHVR is racist, like c'mon man are you serious?

    You forgot the hag

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    I took a painful effort to read most of the comments, and...
    Let's just not pretend there's any real issue here. In some simpletons' minds something bad done to a white person in fiction is part of the plot, while the same done to a black person is "racist".
    Right. Dear OP, you missed the part that Leatherface is a killer who kills people and wears their faces. Black or white. Crying "racism" is absurd.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    I took a painful effort to read most of the comments, and...
    Let's just not pretend there's any real issue here. In some simpletons' minds something bad done to a white person in fiction is part of the plot, while the same done to a black person is "racist".
    Right. Dear OP, you missed the part that Leatherface is a killer who kills people and wears their faces. Black or white. Crying "racism" is absurd.
    The point is that the players using the mask and the devs are supposedly racist. Atleast thats implied. So the outrage about the thread is justified as its not an accusation to be taken lightly.
This discussion has been closed.