That was the saltiest match I've ever had

Playing the pig, and I have a ritual to complete 2 sacrifices with her. Got it after getting rid of a nurse ritual. Don't really play the pig much because she's underlevelled for me. 17 or so, no decent perks (I'm running insidious on her. That should give you a hint)

Pretty sure two of them were SWF, potentially two 2-mans. Not too concerned about it, took 3-5 minutes to get them, so whatever. Get haddonfield, down a survivor early. Not playing with any addons, either, side note. Camp them, and another survivor (armed with a flashlight) tries to come up, and get me into a chase.

Long story short, after I downed her and the original survivor remained on the hook, one person disconnected. The other one got both the other person up, and off the hook. After I managed to down (and pick up) the original survivor, and the flashlight one failed to blind me (and I downed them again), both of those players disconnected. I wandered around for a bit before the last person got the hatch.

Such salt.

Ah, and this last match were I was able to get two sacrifices, I was told I was trash and that I should kill myself. I did report them, of course, but indeed, I'm glad there are such quality people in this community. (that was partly sarcasm, there are a lot of very unpleasant people in this community, but there are quite a few that are not unpleasant.)


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I got called a lagswitcher, a tunneler, and a camping cuck last night. He spammed me like 7 or 8 voice messages telling me I'm a tunneling POS then invited me to his 4 man SWF group chat to try to bully me.

    I only camped the toxic t-bagging Nea when she was on her second hook. I didn't tunnel anyone either. In fact, I made it a point to ignore them if I saw the unhooker. I only ever chased the unhooked guy if they were the only one I seen.

    So after they all had their little tantrum with me, I roasted all of them and then I left.
  • SiftHeadsDude
    SiftHeadsDude Member Posts: 34

    I was called “pay to win trash” because I killed a guy, last, as Freddy lol

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I was called “pay to win trash” because I killed a guy, last, as Freddy lol

    Well, Freddy is the P2W OP character so that makes sense.

    You wanna win? Buy Freddy!!!