The reason why this game isn't balanced around the 1% top players...

Is kinda the same reason why other games aren't balanced around speedrunners.
There you go, stop complaining.
Honestly i don't get why people ask to balance this game around top players when most of them (including myself) are just ok/meh at best.
Speedrunners are not even remotely the same as 1% skill level players.
That's not an accurate comparison.
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Right, ok.
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You sound like your bad at the game.
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I might be bad but i don't blame devs for my mistakes :)
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Balance for the top means victory is from your actions not handed to you by design.
Balancing for anything lower only obscures problems devs could otherwise see and address more quickly.
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I agree, but they could at least balance it around decent players.
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Its a bad comparison. And wait to get better you will see this game is very unbalanced.
If the game is balanced just for new players, whats the point to keep playing if it is not balanced at red ranks.
Dead by daylight should be balanced for new AND old players
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Oh i'm not saying this game has always been perfect since the beginning, but most of the complaints i've seen lately are... not really legit.
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I've been to r1 a few times. I just played 4 matches as killer. I haven't played killer in over a year so I was deranked back to 17. My god those newbs were the worst batch I have ever seen. I couldn't tell if they were even playing they were that bad. They couldn't have been brand spanking new because some of them have teachables from various survivors. No game developer should balance a game around people that casual.
Are you suggesting those are the people we should balance the game around?
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I've been playing this game since 2016, not 24/7 but long enough to be decent at it at least.
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nerf swf then why cater to 1%?
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"Are you suggesting those are the people we should balance the game around?"
No, i never said that.
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Yeah, target them, i don't mind. I always play solo :)
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That doesn't make sense. Dead By Daylight is not a single player game.
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That's why i said "kinda"
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But it's not even kinda. A more apt comparison would be to compare it to other games that balance around top players.
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The survivors that hold W and predrop pallets while their teammates do gens, and the killers that counter that by playing very strong killers with lots of slowdown.
That's just my opinion.
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This ^
Balancing around the top players means everyone wins or loses based on their skill. IE you have control over the outcome of the match.
When you balance around low ranks you have high rank matches where you don't lose because of your skill, you lose because of balance problems. IE you don't have control over the outcome in some matches.
Balancing around every match being in your control of whether you win or lose is good design.
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Dbd has been around for 5 years. Most of the hardcore playerbase plays at a very high level now. if it wasn't balanced around the main playerbase, it would lose that playerbase. & it's the hardcore playerbase that has kept the game alive for this long.