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What the hell is going on.

I didnt play alot last few patches, buth so i have the time now and wanted get back into it.
Buth what the hell is going on.
I started this game as a killer main, Wraith was my bea 2yr ago. And averaged between 2 and 3 kills most of the time (mostly 2).
And fully agreed with the fact killers had a hard time, specially against swf.
When my wife joined i started to play surv alot more.
And i noticed that when you play solo the game can be brutal, as the biggest enemy was your teammates most of the time.
Buth now the game seems broken.
Killers somethimes dont have a heartbeat, and im talking about the likes of billy.
Just got a micheal appearing out of nowhere.
Not even talking about the broken hitboxes. Im perfect fine with removing the vacum at pallets.
Buth now you drop a pallet and still get hit. Same with windows , good chunk true the window still get hit.
How far do you have to be true the window.
The same with the hatches around the corner still get hit.
Also if you run around a something it has this magic edge where you get stuck to.
Run upon a pallet or window to jump or slide, nope just crawl true.
And did the killers get a speed buff? It does feel like that when you play against and with a killer.

I have played both now for about the same time and killer has become alot easier (if not against swf) than a solo surv.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Fenix said:
    I didnt play alot last few patches, buth so i have the time now and wanted get back into it.
    Buth what the hell is going on.
    I started this game as a killer main, Wraith was my bea 2yr ago. And averaged between 2 and 3 kills most of the time (mostly 2).
    And fully agreed with the fact killers had a hard time, specially against swf.
    When my wife joined i started to play surv alot more.
    And i noticed that when you play solo the game can be brutal, as the biggest enemy was your teammates most of the time.
    Buth now the game seems broken.
    Killers somethimes dont have a heartbeat, and im talking about the likes of billy.
    Just got a micheal appearing out of nowhere.
    Not even talking about the broken hitboxes. Im perfect fine with removing the vacum at pallets.
    Buth now you drop a pallet and still get hit. Same with windows , good chunk true the window still get hit.
    How far do you have to be true the window.
    The same with the hatches around the corner still get hit.
    Also if you run around a something it has this magic edge where you get stuck to.
    Run upon a pallet or window to jump or slide, nope just crawl true.
    And did the killers get a speed buff? It does feel like that when you play against and with a killer.

    I have played both now for about the same time and killer has become alot easier (if not against swf) than a solo surv.

    Tinkerer makes killers not have a heartbeat. M&A slitghly decreases it
    Micheal with M&A at tier 1 has 0 terror radius. So keep your eyes peeled
    Hitboxes are weird yes
    Pallet hitting is now a mechanic (there's an achievement for that even), and windows is just latency issues
    Fast Vault? 2m
    Hatchets will always be bonkers
    Hold Shift my dude for pallets
    Some killers are faster than others. Aka Trapper has 115% but Huntress has 110%

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Current balance SWF >> killer > solo

    All killers have heartbeats, but there are perks that remove it temoporarily. Also myers has an addon where he keeps in T1 the whole game and has minimal terror radius.

    Yes the hitboxes at pallets are broken. The pallet stuns me even if I stare at it, dropping in front of me down. Pallets have larger hitboxes than the actual geometry, but it is what it is.

    Yes you can hit through windows, there is no magical shield (that has always been the case btw)

    You need to approach the window in the proper angle to get a fast vault.

    Nope killers are at the same speed as always

  • Fenix
    Fenix Member Posts: 13

    Didnt know that about tinkerer. did know about few addons lowering it.
    The Micheal was really weird im sitting in a cornfield looking around as i know it was a micheal.
    And by magic he appeard and grabt me.
    The window thing happens alot im true, the movement of the jump is done even did a few passes and still get hit. The pallet is a bit the same like you get first the stun and than the hit.
    The fast vault is always been a problem for me like i can go running towards it and still only crawl over it.
    I have 660 hours im not the best nor the worst player, buth its the first time i feel the game is broken for solo players.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    They pretty much made survivor hitboxes larger, they also messed with a bunch of animations so it's clunky and inconsistent and they removed any latency help with these. The showed data on the last dev streams that killers are consistently winning 60% of their matches at all ranks.

  • ItsLit
    ItsLit Member Posts: 6
    The survivor escape percentage is below 50% on all 3 platforms and the majority who escapes are mainly swf group whos optimal, solo is unplayable at high ranks so either find a group on discord or suffer having potato team mates that throw down every pallet they see without looping.
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    Maybe you should familiarise yourself with the Patch Notes.
  • Fenix
    Fenix Member Posts: 13

    @DocOctober said:
    Maybe you should familiarise yourself with the Patch Notes.

    Yeah problay should do that, buth i noticed it doesnt Always come acrosse the same

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    the thread name is EVERYTHING about this forum lmao