Now that I have your attention, any good perks on him?
I know you can get easy bloodpoints with him and he is actually pretty fun to play as. I am currently using Pop + Overcharge on him, works fairly well.
Hex: Devour Hope, just cause it’s a fun perk to use. I don’t plan on continuing using it after I get BBQ. and STBFL, just because I don’t have anything good on him, yet.
Any perks you guys recommend??
Honestly, if you're trying to win then just stack 4 slowdown perks. He has everything else going for him, it's just that he takes ages to do anything. Sloppy, Pop, Corrupt, Surge. Solid meta build for him.
If you're trying to have fun, I like Whispers (I think it's quite underrated on him if you aren't using calm add-ons), Haunted Grounds, a perk to make them cleanse haunted grounds (ruin is nice), and BBQ because bloodpoints are life.
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Damn, got me with the title.
I think Whispers is a really good perk on him. The moment it procs, you can Static Blast and find where the survivor is hiding.
I also run Save on him, since it helps with his already pretty good chase game.
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Discordance, BBQ, surge, and STBFL
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I forgot about Corrupt lol. might give it a try. Haunted grounds could be fun, could be paired well with Undying to get 2 uses. Do you think Brutal is good on him? I found that survivors tend to drop pallets early.
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STBFL, distressing, BBQ, and sloppy
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Yeah, STBFL is quite insane on him. 6-8 stacks of it and the survivor is pretty much dead. Might give Whispers a try, once I find it :\
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Lately I play with Corrupt, Pop, BBQ + Chili + STBFL. I love STBFL on Doc, because his cooldown is SO SLOW.
If I see 4 items in the lobby I'll bring Franklin's. Survivors are SUPER greedy for their items.
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Whispers for 100% static blast usage with distressing...if you are higher in ranks corrupt ruin undying and haunted grounds is fun you need the slowdown while you pressure gens
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Covered most of the actual builds already so I'm gonna throw a couple of memes in.
All the BP:
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
- BBQ & Chili
- Distressing
- Hex: Ruin
Skillcheck Hell:
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby
- Distressing
- Unnerving Presence
- Overcharge OR Oppression OR Hex: Undying
- (Also Iri King/Calm or Double Calm addons for that phat terror radius when blast is ready)
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No, Doctor is so strong he can play most pallets after they've been dropped, even Shack. You just have to be very, very good with him.
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Discordance, pop, brutal strength & NOED just incase ;) but u dont need it with doc tbh. my favorite killer.
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I run with Distressing, Corrupt, Thrilling, Hex: Haunted Ground
That's one of my favorite builds on him.