Just let me get my ######### glyph

I've been tunnelled off first hook every match today. Doesn't shock me a bit. But for the love of God, just let me get my damn glyph before you kill me.
I'm to the point where I'll just stand still if I hear a heartbeat within 10 seconds of being unhooked.
I just want this ######### challenge done.
And ######### your censors.
The Glyph-Challenges are the worst so far IMO. They are boring and take time. Like, finding 5 Glyphs is basically "play at least 5 games". It cannot be more boring than that.
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If I run into you I'll let u get the glyph
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I done these challenges for killer because this is easier.
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Thank you. My name currently is "Getting Tunnelled"
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They never show up for me as killer. I wouldn't play survivor if it weren't for challenges.
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This is very strange... :(
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sure, every single game you have been tunneled off hook
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youd be shocked at how fequently that happens when you dont play peak-time
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Usually you can blame your teammates for straight off hook tunneling.
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cant blame my teammates for being chased on the other side of swamp only for the killer to immidiately drop chase with them to come back to where i was hooked bestie
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Over 6000 languages and you spoke Facts
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I usually let survivors get their glyphs if I see them there.
Just wish someone would let me GRAB THEM. I only need ONE
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Personal experiences aren't facts.
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If the killer comes back then you have time to hide, and if the killer wants to tunnel then by all means use every pallet you can. I still think people are overestimating how frequently tunneling happens.
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I've managed to use the new actual anti-tunnel DS in almost every survivor game since the nerf, I'm not entirely sure I'm overestimating it when I say it's near enough every game now, enough to make a friend of mine legitimately quit the game for the moment.
If they come straight back to tunnel you, it doesn't matter if you hide. It doesn't matter if you use every pallet. In solo-q you will die because your teammates just do not do generators. And if they do don't worry, Noed strikes, at which point you couldn't have had a chance to do totems due to being chased all game but remember just do bones.
I wouldn't say I'm overstating how often it happens when it is quite literally almost every game
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Well that is just weird, in my survivor games lately the amount of tunneling has stayed roughly the same. Sure, it sort of increased because of the DS nerf, but it is still something that does not happen every game. Maybe it is just our different experiences I guess? Who knows honestly, personally my games have been just fine.
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With that logic, then you can't eat food. If you say that you can, it's not a fact. Just a personal experience.
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I rarely see "tunneling" in solo queue. Would you agree that this is a fact or just my personal experience?
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You can nitpick about the terms people are using, but the truth is a lot of people are facing this problem lately. It's not out of nowhere and just "personal experience" when a lot of people are complaining about it.
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I agree that it is a fact that you have better luck than most people and likely play far less survivor.
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I know that there are cases where it is really frustrating, but people like to call a lot of stuff "tunneling" which can be explained by getting hookfarmed by your team or you just selfcared under the hook. An OoO user complained about tunneling too, which is pretty strange, if you don't want to get tunneled, why do you put a big X over yourself?
Not a fact, just my observation. Or maybe I just have a different understanding of what "tunneling" really is. And i play more killer, thats right. But I throw myself often enough into solo queue.
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usually when a survivor starts getting a glyph in front of me, I wait for it to finish, then I smack them.
just common decency
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You're one of the good ones. Thank you.