Buying Demo

Hello people from the fog,
I have some spare cash and i was thinking on buying stranger things chapter for demo (from humble bundle so no auric cells involved) but with the ptb changes i'm not so sure it's a good deal. Do any of you think it's a good investment, is he viable for green-purple rank matches?
Any killer is viable at any rank.
Honestly these new changes aren't gonna "kill" Demo. He'll still be good, but he won't get the strong zoning at long loops and corridors anymore with the nerfed rat liver. Currently it lets you not lose any distance on the survivor while charging shred but the nerf will not give you enough movement speed to keep up with them, so you're not gonna be holding his power at long loops for long periods at a time anymore (which was where rat liver was useful). It'll take some getting used to, and his zoning is now a lot worse and not as 'free', but he will still be a good killer. If he looks fun to you then buy him.
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Demo is still a decent mid-range killer, and tbf any killer's viable in green ranks. Well, the half of the matches that you're not put against red ranks anyway.
Even if not, Surge is a decent teachable perk, and Nancy has Inner Strength too.
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The new Demo changes might make him a little bit more viable. His Iri add-ons are not trash anymore, Lifeguard whistle might be good, Barbs Glasses and Black Heart look like a decent everygame load out, since they're uncommon and common respectively.
Besides we might see more changes to the goodest boy of DBD following the feedback from the PTB.
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Thanks for the info, are his new add-ons good this time or are useless or gimmicky as nurses?
I'm not a big fan of his perks and i already have inner strength from the shrine, i'm more worried about his power that is average at everything, chase/map pressure. It's true that ever since i hit green rank since my 4 months break i felt like a red rank killer (obviously not at getting kills 😂😭)
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Honestly. Demo is definitely better. His basekit got stronger, some of his Add-ons got nerfed for some reason but we got some really cool ones back at least.
I really like the new Black Heart. It's such a decent Add-on and combined with StBfL it's godly. The new Lichee Leprochen (or how it's called idk xD) in theory sounds really nice and has the potential of giving you info of every Survivors position every single time you teleport. That combined with the reduced TP cooldown is decent.
I disagree with people saying that Demo needs Rat Liver base. Sure it'll feel nice but good
boi'sDemos will do very well without it.Like I said, he feels very nice. His Shred stays the same but his Shred was already nice and now his teleport is a bit better. Quite good change in my opinion.
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Do you know where can i check the new add-ons besides downloading the PTB? i checked the wiki page but they still display the old add-ons.
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The Demogorgon will be buffed with his changes ! Dont listen to people that said he is nerfed because they dont know how to play without one addon.
He will go faster portals to portals, he will have now a very good map pressure.
The new changes mades me want to play him more, I cant wait for his changes to go live.
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Can you please give a few tips on how to play him? When and how to use portals? I think i'll manage to learn how to use his shred but i want to know how to use the portals as efficient as possible. Also do you use some specific perk build on him?
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Go for it I play demo from time to time. Plus if your buying the whole stranger things DLC Nancy perk are awesome.
It's worth it.
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Demo got buffed with PTB changes imo. Lifeguard Whistle is such a solid add on alone. I say go for it!
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Put portals in strategic spot, like near the gens you want to protect, but dont make it obvious, hide them a bit.
The use of the portals depend on your perks. If you play with hexes, use them to protect your totems (devour hope is really good on demo, or to protect ruin/undying for example)
I would suggest corrupt intervention to give you time at the beginning to place your portals. I like Pop Goes The Weasel on him because after hooking a person you can travel to a gen nearly done and pop it.
Save the best for last is a must have for Demo.
About the gameplay on loops, Im not the best looper but I would recommend using his power to force survivors to drop pallets and break it fast. I like using it to gain distance when your above the ground, on some floors. For example on the hill.
But i recommend you to watch streamers videos they will explain better than me ^^
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Thanks to all of you for your feedback, i bought the chapter so i'll finally play as demo boi.
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you made a mistake tbh
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Befor you buy demo and do not play him because you lose every round,you should wait because the devs wrote that they will rebalance him in time. And you should watch the this video of otz if your in genaral not sure if demo is fun for you.
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The reworked add-ons are in the PTB Patch Notes section (4.7.0 PTB).