Hatch campers!

Swear everytine it gets to the final 2 on most matches and I'm hooked the other survivor never bothers to save me but does infact find the hatch and waits for me to die.
Is that how the game works now? Or have I missed the whole idea of the game completely? Wouldn't be too bothered if the killer was teabagging but he literally run off the opposite way to where this particular survivor was, the survivor would of known that running kindred himself as well. So what's the deal? Is that the correct way to play or am I missing the purpose?
It used to be if someone has a key then it was a good thing...now I just dodge those players in the lobby because they usually sit at the edges waiting for the hatch to spawn and leave while I am on the hook or running a killer.
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Games where only two people are remaining can be pretty difficult, since if 1 person is getting chased, there's only 1 person working on gens. If the killer comes back after an unhook, it would be easy for them to down the unhooked person and then just chase the last remaining person. Because of this, a bunch of people probably view a match with only 2 people as an already lost game, so they may as well find the hatch so at least 1 person escapes instead of 0 people. So I'm not saying I commend people doing that, but I understand.
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If the gens aren't done and there's 2 survivors left. You pretty much lost at that point and the hatch is like a last chance thing. If 2 people are dead, I'm on the hook and the killer is chasing the 4th. At that point I just give up so they can try to find the hatch cause no one else is escaping at that point.
But yeah. It is annoying with randoms who give up and hide. Hoping you will be found first so they can grab the hatch.
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That's basically what has happened on numerous occasions where they've found it, seen I'm being carried to the hook, rather than attempting to unhook me on my first hook phase they've just left me hanging there... its annoying asf cos I've fixed most of the gens in that march and unhooked this person on 2 occasions so it's sort of a smack in the sweetbags and a way of thanks for being the mug there. I've only been hooked once. Bit of a crappy way to repay someone's who got you you to 1 gen left and unhooked you and your team time over.
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Haven't necessarily lost I got through half of the last gen when I got my first capture. It's just sheer selfish game play to deliberately stand on top of the hatch waiting for that person to die and jump down. Had that person came to save me, wed of been out. I just thought it was a smack in the teeth considering I unhooked that person twice.
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works now?
Always been
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I just assume that the other survivor will abandon me. This is one of the main reasons why I hate hatch existing, especially now it doesn't depend on number of gens done for final survivor. Hatch further encourages players to not work together.
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Yeah man for real. I remember it only being available if you're carrying a key to unlock it? I mean fair play if everyone is dead and it's available but to Deliberately ignore your mates and wait for them to die is awful. And it's it's a crappy move. The things is people like that will be the ones left behind and they'll give you the most salty message you could imagine wondering why you didn't save them? If it's available fair play but go back to certain circumstances only.
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Yeah right now it encourages both more scummy gameplay and more uninteresting gameplay. Id rather they just take it out frankly
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You'd think that would be fair wouldn't you? I've literally played this game and new update for 10 minutes and I don't like what they've done. Tricksters still throwing his unbearable amount of knives around like a hooker with her knickers... BT is almost pointless to run, some how I've fallen to the ground trying to save my mate . And the gens feel like it takes 10 minutes to fix one. π it's awful mate. You'd of thought they'd take the hatch away to make it fair both sides..
This game just feels like it's ONE SIDED which ever way you look at it today dunno if it's cos I'm sweating my ass out for victory or a decent match today or if it genuinely is what it is.
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Also I know that he's always thrown his knives about the map like a toddler that can't get his own way, but he's also got stupid speed to go with it!!! Like trickster can literally kiss my arse today.. I'm serious ππππ
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It drives me insane when people who are hooked and we have 3 or 2 gens left and they just hang there. Like you know and I know we're not getting out of here. If you die and allow the hatch to spawn at least one of us can escape. Am I on crazy pills or does this not make sense?
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If I have a survivor try to abandon me I will typically hold on as long as possible.
It happens a lot where it's me and one other survivor and I unhook them then I get hooked a little later but they make no effort to save me. I get super saltyyy
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Nah that makes sense. But do you deliberately not fix gens just to find the hatch, and camp there until your team die? Or do you attempt to save so the both can try and at least fix the last remaining gens? π€ cos I know I've got left behind on, so if I try for the save and they're some how hooked to the point their obviously going to die then il go and find the hatch, at least I've not kept my team hanging there just because I personally couldn't be bothered and wanted to just be more interested to escape?
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Rightly so babe x
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Thank you! I hate when I've worked my ass off during the match and my other team mates clearly made poor life choices and died. Now it's just me and one other person. More folks need to be selfless and die to at least give the person not on the hook a chance. If I or they find the hatch, I see it as a partial victory for the both of us. Sacrifice is always appreciated and i usually message them. Unless they're on PC as I'm on console. I wish we have a thank you option.
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Welcome to DBD
But what exactly do you want the dev to do? Delete the hatch? Yeah and watch how fast the survivor pbase drops(again).
In my experience, if there's 2 people left and youre on the hook, you're getting camped and the killer isn't too far away. It actually makes zero logical sense for anyone with half a brain to come save you unless they're heavily prepared for a camping killer and/or just a camping/tunnel situation in general. People call this "overly immersed", but I actually consider it to be common sense.
Lotta people screaming bad player, when in fact its self preservation(no pun intended).
There's so many people in here turning a blind eye to actual survival game logic. Because very VERY rarely does getting that unhook actually matter, because youre going to get slugged and then the killer is going to hunt me down because i'm obviously somewhere near.
Yeah. I personally take a key in a lot of games. Why? Because solo players are terrible. But I typically take mine for aura reading so I can AVOID the killer, and AVOID running the killer into survivors doing gens. However, If i do take a key or I find one.. I will locate the hatch first and then come get you. If you see someone teabag the hatch, point, drop and pick up and Item... PAY FREAKING ATTENTION. the amount of stupid survivors i get teamed against who don't take the hint that I have a key GET OVER HERE is higher than Snoop.
However, The situation everyone keeps describing is the same. "dude left me behind" um, yeah...That's gonna happen, a lot. So stop complaining, since the behavior that is the cause of these types of actions is based on what the killer is -actually- going to do. Not what your hopes and dreams aspire to. Then its the same suggestion: delete hatch. man gtfo people
If i unhook you and we are the only two survivors left, the odds of us both dying are 95% or higher. I love how people are mad at logic in this game. Yall want someone to Leroy Jenkins you off the hook, i get it. Stop expecting it. If there's 2 of you left and you get hooked, you're dead. Put the salt back in the Morton's container and save it for someone who actually deserves it. Yall are a mess.
Unless the gates are open, I'm not saving you unless i have BT or Bottled Time.. which most of you won't even take the Protection hit if I do run one or both. You have 3 options. Play SWF, deal with it like the rest of us, or play something else.
I want you to do me a favor. I want you to record your next 25 games, and i want you to be one of the last 2 people standing, and I want you to specifically not have BT, and I want you to save the other person. Please provide all uploads so we can see your survival ratio. It will be next to zero unless youre playing in a SWF. This has been a FACT of Dead By Daylight.
The Hatch has to be there, or when 3 players die, EGC will never activate until a generator is done. Thus leaving a stalemate, like it used to be before EGC became a thing. I'm sick of seeing people complaining without any coherent suggestions to fix these.. "problems" when the problem is actually unfixable because of how either the killer is going to act or other survivors are going to act.
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This is really a symptom of a bigger issue, hook awareness. Like some survivors get hooked at the start and DC right away. Like if I ever hey hooked and we have a full team I'll take my lumps and hang there. I scream at my TV, do God damn gens! Like if the killer is around I'm basically buying us time. But if we're losing and I'm ok the hook I have enough sense to read the room and kill myself so at least one of us can escape. People just need to read the situation. If we have two gens and there is two of us and we're both of death hook, like let's be honest with ourselves, we're not finishing two gens and doing the door. More likely I'm going in for the save, going to get hit and we both die.
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Sounds like your condoning the lazy survivors actions if I'm honest. Without sounding rude.
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Recent match I had died and was spectating while my swf teammate was still in the match with other two randoms. They had 1 gen left, didn't have a 3 gen but the random two (with no key) were already looking for the hatch instead of helping on gens. They left him to die on second hook (wasn't being camped) because they wanted to just wait for the hatch. They could've definitely finished last gen and all escaped but instead they got killed avoiding gens.
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I agree 100% if not maybe a touch antagonistic. But you're very right. People need to read the room.
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Ahh yes make an absurd request no one would ever do.
Anyways, i generally don't run BT. And survival rate doesn't mean anything. You can still survive and depip. You can double pip and die as well.
You are grossly exaggerating odds of dying unhooking. You sound like a new survivor player
Just have egc activate after last hook. Done.
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Sounds like youve barely played this game except for a few hours.
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I've put plenty of hours into this game, and I've ALWAYS tried to save, done gens and never camp. π€·ββοΈ
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Ahh yes, completely ignore logic.
lol EGC on the last hook would do absolutely nothing. They will still leave you on the hook, you will still die, and you will still cry about it.
Let me guess, you think because i have a low post count i'm a new player? lol No wonder youre crying on the forums about dying on the hook because nobody would save you. With your ######### attitude, i'd leave you on the hook too. Have fun sitting there.
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And nothing drives me more insane than when either the person pulling me off the hook doesn't have barrowed time or won't heal me at the spot. If I'm pulling people off the hook on either packing barrowed time or for the people to get them outta there alive.
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You've just made an assumption I'm a new player though bro and a ridiculous assumption to make as well because some may not have the same attitude as you do. I can only guess that you're one of those that don't save, and don't fix the gens in hoping your last 2 team members die so you can gladly claim the exit? π have a sit down babe and accept someone doesn't have the same views as you do hun π it's not crying its a discussion, you could always just read and scroll through. We're saying it's morally wrong for the ones who sit and do nothing and hope others who have done the work die so they have the easy escape. And I agree 100% the hatch should be available for those with keys or to just get rid of it.
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It would very much change the game. You wouldn't have instant escapes available for your team losing. You should not be given an instant out since your team was bad. I dont care all that much as survivor honestly but killers should not lose their earned advantage for a team that plays poorly. I've had plenty of games where I stop survivor doing any gens and the last survivor gets out on hatch because they hid the entire time.
Make sure you don't fall off your pedestal oh mighty one.
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Bro, notice i wasnt even talking to you in that Quote, that was to someone else entirely. Wow
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Whether or not you were talking to me to begin with is irrelevant, you've just stated someone being new to the game, and now they've said the same to you you're not being all defensive about it saying you're not new ect....
Honestly this was a discussion about the hatch, not the next DBD Jezza Show... noones crying that's the bottom line, we're all stating different opinions and meant to be adults to agree to disagree. That's about as maturely I can break this all up.
You do you, if you accept to allow you're team to die despite them doing alot of work and unhooking you before your death to get out together to get a fast belt down the hatch bare in mind they've camped it the entire match then great one. π that's down down to you. But the way you've just pursued yourself in a manner of saying crying about it and someone has ######### attitude then that's not okay
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Basically how I feel. We can disagree and all but talking down to others/dismissing others is not cool
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@SammiieK1991 at this point we may as well just ignore them.
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I'm overall (although not entirely) in the camp that survivors are favored in the game and think hatch right now encourages killers to slug and survivors to ditch their team. It just doesn't encourage good gameplay.
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Its not fair both sides pal. I've played the killer and come across several times a survivor literally hiding in a locker directly infront of the hatch, god knows how long they've been in there for. But I've always gone "Hey! Nice try buster!" I mean its not even inconspicuous half the time with 3 crows above the locker ππ
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You all technically lost and the survivor just wants to win at that point. The chance of winning still is very slim and the chances of getting caught for a 4k is very high. I would do the same thing. THEY want to WIN. It's it only you left, you either die for the survivor or you wait for the survivor to die because the killer isn't going to let you both go. He's probably searching for one of you for the 4k or just waiting for the slugged to get the other guy. This is a team-based game but that goes out the window when only 1 of you has a clear chance of survival.
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We understand that mate. Really we do... everyone wants to win in this game, absolutely correct.
We're strictly talking about the ones who spend time ignoring gens, ignoring saves when needed and generally avoiding the purpose of being a team and camping the hatch until the last one dies. And this person bare in mind I'm discussing about had searched it the entire match and didn't do anything else to work as a team and just belted it last minute. He wasn't hooked once, and never did anything else. He walked past me 3 times ignoring the fact I was on the hook, the killer walked the opposite direction to him and he still continued to stay at the hatch. I was also running kindred so he would of seen the sight of the killer if he was around the hook radius.. he just continued to walk off and jump the hatch.
We're not chatting about game play or disputing that particular escape. We were talking about how this person didn't do anything and quite frankly didn't deserve to survive.
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I'm in the camp of them adding the requirement for a certain amount of gens to be completed first before hatch will spawn for one survivor
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Personally I think all 5 would be fair, the same it takes for the EG to be activated to open... I don't think it should spawn being the last survivor standing if the EG is not activated.. its far too easy for everyone to just give up team play and camp. It's not good game play like you said its not fair on the killer side of things either. And someone stating "you've pretty much lost anyway" ... well why though? If you both stealth around and stick together that last gen could of been worked on and you'd leave together... all about how much you want to be a team.
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I'd getcha off the hook, because I always run wglf and get more points for an unhook then an escape
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You get more points for being a team than being a one man alone. πββοΈ top man for addressing that bud! I've felt mental for thinking that being the correct game play π so I'm glad someone else here can back that up for us x .
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Yeah i somewhat feel this way but know there is no way this would happen because the game would likely lose a lot of survivor players. I feel like it's more likely to have a minimum gen completion requirement for last survivor.
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This is the problem with hatches. In the old days, killing two survivors didn't stop the remaining from playing. Now when two are killed, the game changes completely, no more gen-working, just a game of hatch. Now the survivors either hope the other gets killed, or one of them suicides/DC's for the other. Fundamentally messes up the match.
Used to be if a killer was way better, he'd win. Now survivors can escape regardless of ability. But tunneling is wrong.
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I kinda feel its already a little unbalanced player wise anyway. I sit here sometimes struggling to get into a match lobby after a certain time of the day? And when I do get there eventually its a red rank killer, or the killer quits the lobby seeing a claudette, key or tool box in hand. π
It will eventually get better just needs a bit of balance to equal reasoning both side players and come to an agreement. Unfortunately everyone wants things different ways and come come to agreements on anything.
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If there's only you and one other survivor left in the trial and the exit gates are not powered yet I would expect my teammate to let go for me to get hatch like I do already. From a mathematic standpoint at best you're only going to get around 800 struggle points where as hatch is 5k survival points and I think 2k objective points so yeah you should let go on the hook for the other survivor and to deny the killer a 4k if possible. By holding on in a hopeless situation you're sabotaging your own side. Just my humble opinion is all.
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Well said buddy π couldn't agree with this anymore x
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Once again not disputing the hatch to be an escape plan, of course that's why it's there. Were strictly talking about the ones who spend more time searching for it and ignoring team work and gens to get everyone out.
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I wish they gave more incentive for helping your team win. There should honestly be additional BP given based on how your team overall does for situations like this
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If there are 2 survivors left and 2 gens that have barely been worked, then suicide. 2 survivors rarely can get 2 gens completed (1 will be hooked and not working gens, and the other is not working gens trying to get the 1st one off the hook).
This is also the reason why survivors should grab the killer off of any survivor that has 2 hook states.
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This has happened before though, i have then speculated and not one of them were attempting a gen at all and both stood around looking for the hatch. It's awful how a team game gets to a point of not everyone getting out together and working together. But 1 person fixing and 3 others battling to hatch it out.