Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

It's so sad how people d'c in ptb

Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

Wow I thot I'd seen it all but I was rong.

Was trying the new huntress stuff got into a game after half an hour of waiting and two offerings for maps were played coldwin and Haddonfeild and ended up on hadonfield where one of them was messing with the broken window vault then they started dcing I asked them why and the one with ttv in there name said because they dident get coldwin. Maybey survuviurs need to be more considerate before dcing as the q times are way shorter for them. Us killers want to try stuff to


  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Yup buddy I feel you here. I've had more DCs today than hot dinners this week. Most if then being downed then DC before they even get hooked.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2021

    This is kind of why the penalty exists, because people have proved time and time again before the penalty, that they'll DC for literally any reason, however, with the PTB the story is a little different. Not only are DC's completely unpunished in the PTB, but the players are also risking nothing: They don't lose items, points, or ranking, and they also don't earn any rewards for participating in what basically amounts to beta testing the new upcoming features, so if their match isn't chill, "fun", or even showcasing any new content they want to try out, they're completely free to drop out and queue up for another match. This wouldn't be so bad if it also weren't for the fact that the PTB has far fewer participants than the live version, which makes the queue times ridiculously long for both Survivor and Killer players.

    This is also why the PTB is a bad testing ground, since it, in no way, represents peoples experiences with the new content on live servers. The best way the devs could fix this would be to incentivize players with either bonus Blood points or Auric cells given to their live account for participating (say 200k BP, or 50 auric cells per hour or 5 full matches spent testing), which would encourage more people to participate and work for their rewards, but unfortunately the devs can't do this because it would alienate the console crowd who can't participate even more than it already does, and it still wouldn't change the players DC'ing or toxic behavior.

    Once players have free reign to play how they want, no matter how exploitive or toxic, and with no consequences... they tend to reveal how little they give a damn about everyone else's fun, and even less how much they actually care about the development of this game.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I agree.

    It's just funny how even on the ptb where things are to be tested and really does not effect your live game at all that people still dc I was actually using the ptb to try out the huntress rework as I am a huntress main and Tbh I like what I see but really only got to try the flight speed add on and down one person before everyone dcd. Half an hour wait time for a game that lasts 20 secs. Game was over well before corrupt ran out.

    All I want Is to test stuff which is what the ptb is for if people ain't happy because of map or killer just play it out as q times are hell for both sides but longer for killer for some reason.

    People just need to be less selfish and consider others rather than themselves.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    it's sad that people sweat like mad and slam the gens insanely fast on the PTB but hey, what can you do